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non-finite forms of the verb.doc
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Exercise 18. Complete the sentences, using the gerund of the suitable verb from those on the list below.

smoke; do; get married; meet; accept; speak; eat; stay; leave the party; go.

1. Do you think your father would object to our…2. He said he wasn’t used to… in public. 3. My wife doesn’t feel up to… so far. 4. The Prime Minister said he was looking forward to… the US President. 5. He tried to limit himself to… ten cigarettes a day. 6. He should be accustomed by now to… English food. 7. Having almost run out of money, we were reduced to… in a cheap hotel. 8. We were looking forward to… on holiday to Hungary. 9. The chairman saw no alternative to… the plan in its original form. 10. My husband told me two days after our wedding day that he wasn’t used to… the house work.

Exercise 19. Work in pairs. Practice the following sentences as in the model.

Model A: (An old man is talking to his doctor) I traveled overnight and felt awful


Then try to avoid traveling overnight.

Model B: I had a lovely time yesterday; I wrote letters all day.

Do you actually enjoy writing letters?


. Got very angry. 2. Overate. 3. Drank too much. 4. Went to bed too late. 5. Cooked. 6. Played with the children. 7. Washed windows. 8. Took sleeping pills. 9. Rearranged the furniture. 10. Sewed on buttons. 11. Stood for a long time. 12. Made a long speech. 13. Mended socks. 14. Ironed sheets. 15. Slept in a haunted room. 16. Travelled by jet. 17. Read in a bad light. 18. Watched football. 19. Looked after children. 20. Practiced the piano. 21. Carried a heavy suitcase. 22. Worked all weekend. 23. Worked in the garden. 24. Quarrelled with my neighbours. 25. Played cards all night.

Exercise 20. You are going for your holiday abroad. Work in pairs. Practice the following sentences as in the model.

Model: Someone will have to put the milk bottles out.

Would you mind putting them out?

1. Someone will have to make sandwiches. 2. Someone will have to keep an eye on the children. 3. Someone will have to buy bread. 4. Someone will have to get some fruit at the market. 5. Someone will have to work out our route. 6. Someone will have to book the rooms. 7. Someone will have to tell the neighbours we are going away. 8. Someone will have to look after the passports. 9. Someone will have to buy maps. 10. Someone will have to defrost the fridge. 11. Someone will have to pack for the children. 12. Someone will have to lock the cases. 13. Someone will have to bring the luggage down to the hall. 14. Someone will have to ask Mrs.Jones to forward our letters. 15. Someone will have to amuse the children during the journey.

Exercise 21. Work in pairs. Practice the following sentences as in the model.

Model A: Why didn’t you go to his flat?

Well, Ann suggested going to his flat but I didn’t think it was


Model B: Why didn’t you hitch-hike home?

Well, I suggested hitch-hiking home but Tom wouldn’t hear of it.

1. Why didn’t you record his conversation? 2. Why didn’t you leave at once? 3. Why didn’t you see the manager? 4. Why didn’t you consult a solicitor? 5. Why didn’t you sell your cameras? 6. Why didn’t you discuss it with me? 7. Why didn’t you borrow a tent? 8. Why didn’t you complain to the agency? 9. Why didn’t you report the matter to the police? 10. Why didn’t you tell your parents? 11. Why didn’t you look for a cheaper hotel? 12. Why didn’t you get a job in a restaurant? 13. Why didn’t you have the document translated? 14. Why didn’t you ring me? 15. Why didn’t you try your luck at the casino? 16. Why didn’t you take his photograph? 17. Why didn’t you make some enquiries about him? 18. Why didn’t you show the letter to a hand-writing expert? 19. Why didn’t you wait a few weeks? 20. Why didn’t you look at his passport?

Exercise 22. Find the gerunds in the following sentences and state their functions. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


. It was no good objecting. 2. The main thing is getting there in time. 3. Reading love stories made her cry. 4. I don’t feel like working. 5. I couldn’t avoid speaking to her. 6. She doesn’t mind waiting for us for a few minutes. 7. He apologized for coming late. 8. She had no intention of staying. 9. There is little point in refusing his proposal. 10. She kept looking at me. 11. You can call up the elevator by pushing this button. 12. There is no harm in asking her again. 13. I don’t like his habit of making people wait. 14. We are looking forward to seeing you again. 15. That coat needs pressing.

Exercise 23. Complete the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs in brackets. Decide whether to is functioning as a preposition or as part of an infinitive.


. Having suggested the scheme myself, I now feel committed to (try) to (make) it work. 2. The speaker said he would confine himself to (try) to (answer) four questions. 3. I think that is what he said, but I can’t swear to (have) heard him correctly. 4. Most educators agree that no teacher’s duties should be limited solely to (teach). 5. It might be better to (try) to (discuss) it in his own language, as he isn’t used to (speak) English. 6. By selling old houses, we are able to devote more money to (build) fresh properties. 7. Hard work is the key to (pass) examinations. 8. He used to (dislike) London, but he now seems resigned to (live) there. 9. Jones came very close to (win) a gold medal for Ukraine in the Olympic Games. 10. The idea of creation a permanent laboratory in space is moving rapidly nearer to (become) a reality.

Exercise 24. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive).

1. I begin (understand) what you mean. 2. He was fined for (exceed) the speed limit. 3. I arranged (meet) them here. 4. It’s no use (wait) for her. She won’t come. 5. I am looking forward to (see) you. 6. I am prepared (wait) here all night if necessary. 7. The boys like (play) games but hate (do) lessons. 8. I couldn’t help (overhear) what you said. 9. He surprised us all by (go) away without (say) “Good-bye”. 10. Don’t forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed. 11. He tried (explain) but she refused (listen). 12. I regret (inform) you that your application has been refused. 13. Please go on (write); I don’t mind (wait). 14. Would you mind (shut) the window? I hate (sit) in a draught. 15. I can’t help (sneeze); I caught a cold yesterday from (sit) in a draught. 16. People used (make) a fire by (rub) two sticks together. 17. His doctor advised him (give up) (smoke). 18. Without (realize) it, he hindered us instead of (help) us. 19. After (walk) for three hours we stopped to let the others (catch up) with us. 20. He warned her (not touch) the wire.

Exercise 25. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive).

1. Would you mind (lend) me $20? I forgot (cash) my cheque. 2. (Lie) on this bench is much more pleasant than (sit) in the office. 3. I tried (explain) to him but he refused (listen) and went on (grumble). 4. By (offer) enormous wages he is persuading men (leave) their present jobs and (work) for him. 5. At first I enjoyed (listen) to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) the same story again and again. 6. There is no point in (remain) in a dangerous place if you can’t do anything (help) the people who have (stay) there. 7. Try (forget) it; it isn’t worth (worry) about. 8. The horse won’t be well enough (run) in tomorrow’s race. It doesn’t seem (have recovered) from its long journey. 9. It is usually easier (learn) a subject by (read) books than by (listen) to lectures. 10. After (discuss) the matter for an hour or so the committee postponed it without (have reached) any decision.

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