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Местоимение other и его производные (other and its derivatives – another, the others, others)

Местоимение other другой, другие имеет категорию числа и падежа.

Общий падеж Притяжательный падеж

ед. ч. other other’s

мн.ч. others others’

Если местоимение other является определением к существительному, то оно употребляется с определенным артиклем либо без артикля:

The house is on the other side of the street. Дом находится на другой стороне улицы.

He has other intentions. У него другие намерения.

Местоимение another образуется от неопределенного артикля an + other, употребляется в единственном числе:

Give me another apple, please.Дайте мне, пожалуйста, другое яблоко.

Местоимение the other употребляется в том случае, если речь идет об одном из двух предметов (или лиц). Если же речь идет об одном из трех или более предметов (лиц), то употребляется another. Местоимение another часто имеет значение "еще один".

Местоимение other (в форме others, the others) может употребляться в предложении в функции подлежащего или дополнения:

Two of the five children studied music, the others went in for sport. Двое из пятерых детей занимались музыкой, остальные (из этого количества) – спортом.

Some people like apples, others prefer bananas. Некоторые люди любят яблоки, другие предпочитают бананы.

Grammar exercises

7. Read, translate and explain the usage of the word other and its derivatives.

1. Kelly lost her pen and her mother promised to buy her another one. 2. In summer some people prefer to stay in town while others go to the country. 3. “What is our head-cook doing?” – “He is thinking up another name for the cutlets left over from lunch”. 4. “You promised not to give away the secret I told you.” “I didn’t give it away. I just exchanged it for another one.” 5. Will you have another cup of tea? 6. “Which of the two books will you recommend me to read?” “Neither. One of them is dull and the other is very dull.” 7. There is only one mitten on the shelf. Where is the other, I wonder? 8. “Do you know these boys?” – Yes. One of them is my brother and the others are his friends. 9. My house is on the other side of the street. 10. I didn’t want to join them for a picnic; I had another fish to fry. 11. Mandy is here. Where are the others? 12. I found only one photo in the album. Where are the others?

8. Choose the right variant.

1. Some people like to rest in their free time. … like to travel.

other the others others

2. Adam is not a bad fellow, but he never thinks of ….

others other the others

3. This cake is delicious! Can I have …. slice, please?

other another others

4. Where are …. boys?

the other other another

5. The supermarket is on …. side of the street.

other another the other

6. Where are ….. cassettes that I gave you?

the other another others

7. She has …. interests.

other the other others

8. Some people like rock music, …. don’t.

others another the other

9. There are only three books in the bag. Where are …. ?

the others the other other

10. Why is your car painted blue on one side and red on .....?”

another others the other

11. This is not a very good camera. Will you show me ..... one?

another others the other

12. You never think of ..... members of the family.

another others the other

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