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5. Use the Present Simple, the Present Continuous or the Past Simple. Translate into Russian.

A) 1. “How long your class (to last)?” “It usually (to last) two hours." 2. “How long your class (to last) on Wednesday morning?” “It only (to last) an hour." 3. He usually (to have) dinner at home. Yesterday he (to have) dinner in a restaurant with his friends. 4. He often (to bring) me flowers. 5. (you / meet) Paul yesterday? 6. My father (to work) in the garden now. 7. Mr Jones (to paint) his house last month. 7. The baby (not /to sleep) now. 8. He never (to drive) fast. 9. Lessy (to live) in Paris in 1978.

B) 1. Renaissance (to mean) “a new birth”, “a revival”. Thus we (to call) the time of the great revival of art and learning which (to cover) the 15th and 16th centuries and (to mark) the transition from the medieval to the modern world. 2.The metric system (to be) a system of measures and weights which (to be) first adopted in France. 3. Startford-on-Avon (to be) a small town in central England where Shakespeare (to be born). 4. Many thousand of years ago Cyprus (to be) famous for its copper. 5. The American astronaut Neil Armstrong (to become) the first person to set foot on the Moon on July 21, 1969. 6. Latin (to be) a dead language now, but it (to be) an international language some four centuries ago. 7. In Ancient Rome people (to use) sticks of bone or metal with a pointed end for writing on waxed tablets. They (to call) those sticks “styles”. Now this word (to mean) a mode of writing or painting. 8. Some two centuries ago, when there (not to be) trains, cars and trams, people (to travel) in carriages. In some carriages the driver (to stand) or (to sit) behind the carriage. Even when the train (to appear) some English writers still (to prefer) to make their heroes travel by cabs. 9. Your rhythm on the earth (to begin) first with the beat of your heart. When doctors (to measure) the force of the blood they (to hear) its rhythm. The rhythms of electronics (to be) a mystery to men a hundred years ago. But now we (to know) that light and sound and the atom in its orbit, each (to move) in its own rhythm. The earth (to move) in its own rhythm around the sun, as all the planets do.

6. Translate into English.

1. Я был вчера в музее. Мне очень понравилась выставка картин. 2. У тебя вчера были уроки? 3. Утром в лаборатории находился преподаватель и несколько студентов. 4. “Какой город ты посетил на прошлой недели?” “Я посетил Минск и видел там много интересных достопримечательностей”. 5. Анна была довольна результатами экзаменов, потому что она получила только «пятерки». 6.“Ты обычно обедаешь дома или в университете?” “В университете. Но вчера у нас было только четыре урока, поэтому я обедал дома”. 7. “Когда твой брат закончил институт?” “Два года назад. Сейчас он работает в банке”. 8. “Где ты жил в прошлом году?” “В прошлом году я жил в общежитии, а сейчас снимаю (арендую) комнату в многоквартирном доме”. 9. Галилео Галилей построил телескоп в 1609 году и сделал несколько важных открытий. 10. Мой брат не ходил вчера в библиотеку, эта книга есть у него дома. 11. Я не отправил моему другу телеграмму, хотя очень хотел сделать это. 12. Та гостиница стоила намного дешевле, чем эта.

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