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2 A Match a sentence from a with a sentence from b.


1 How's your mum today?

2 What do you feel like doing tonight?

3 What time did you go to bed last night?

4 How do you feel about our new boss?

5 Ooh, your hands feel cold!

6 Do you feel like a rest after your journey?

7 How was work?

8 I feel terrible about what I said to Tina.


a Oh, before nine. I felt really tired.

b Don't worry - I'm sure she wasn't upset.

с No, it's OK, I slept a lot on the plane.

d Oh, she's feeling much better, thanks.

e Oh, terrible. Sometimes I feel like walking out.

f I think he's OK. He's got some good ideas.

g I don't know ... what's on at the cinema?

h I know - I left my gloves at home.

b T2.8 Listen and check your answers.

3 Work in pairs. Student В closes his/her book and Student A reads out a sentence from list A above. Student В tries to remember the answer from list В above. Then change over.

Task: Tell a first time story

Preparation: listening

1 a Do you have a good memory? How many things can you remember? Tick the appropriate boxes.

• your first day at school, college or work

• the first time you travelled alone or went abroad

• the first time you met someone important in your life

• the first time you drove a car

• your first English lesson

• your first pet/car

• the first time you went shopping or bought something alone

• another important first

2 T2.9 a You will hear two people, Helen and Josh, talking about the first time they did something.

b Can you remember which phrases below come from each story? What did Helen and Josh say about these things?



secondary school

a get together

a video camera

a big smile

3 T2.9 Listen to the stories again and answer these questions.

a Where and when did it happen?

b Who else was in the story?

с How did they feel?

d What happened in the end?

Task: speaking

1 Talk about your own important firsts. (See below.)

Spend a few minutes thinking about your answers to these questions.

• Which 'important first' are you describing?

• Where/When did this happen?

• How old were you at the time?

• Who was with you?

• How did you feel before/after?

2 Work in small groups. Listen/Tell your stories to each other. Which was:

• the funniest story?

• the saddest story?

• the strangest story?

Useful language

a Telling your own story

I'll never forget the first time I ...

I remember my first / the first time I ...

I was ... years old at the time.

I was in ...

I was with my ...

I felt very ... because ...

At first...

Then ...

In the end ...

Linking ideas in narrative

1 A Read what Marcos wrote about his first trip abroad and

complete the text below with the phrases 1-9.

1 and I went with three friends

2 because for all four of us it was our first time away from home

3 and I bought a silver ring for my sister

4 because I couldn't find it when I

5 got on the coach that evening!

6 but I got up early and went to

7 so we decided to travel by coach,

8 but we didn't mind

9 so we went to Hyde Park for a

10 game of football

11 then we went shopping in Oxford Street

b Underline the linking words in exercise 1a.

1 and

The first time-I went abroad was when-I went to London. It was in the summer holidays about five- or six years ago (a)____. The plane- and train were quite expensive, (b)______ . We left at five- o'clock in the morning and the journey to London took about sixteen hours (c)_____we were all very excited (d)_______.

We stayed in London for three days, in a youth hostel not far from the centre. While we were there we walked a lot. First we went to see all the famous sites - Big Ben, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, (e)_____. On the last morning my friends stayed in bed late, ( f )_____ Camden Market. You can buy all kinds of jewellery and, clothes there, (g)_____ It was really hot and sunny in the afternoon, (h)______. Unfortunately, I think the ring fell out of my pocket during the game, (i) _____.

I've been back to London several times since then, hut I don't think I'll ever feel as excited as I did that first time.

Module 3

At rest, at work

Grammar: should, shouldn't; can, can't, have to, don't have to

Vocabulary: Daily routines, Jobs

Reading: Early to bed, early to rise

Listening: Training to be a circus performer

Task: Choose the right job

Real life: Making requests and asking for permission


Daily Routines

1 What time of day do you like best?

Why? Compare your ideas with a partner.

2 Check the meaning of the phrases in bold. Do these things normally happen in the morning, the afternoon or the evening? Put them in order for a normal day.

• you dream about something

• you fall asleep

• you feel tired

• you get dressed

• you get into bed

• you get out of bed

• you have a bath/shower

• you have something to eat

• you set your alarm

• you switch off the alarm

• you turn off the light

• you wake up

• your alarm goes off

• you go to school/work

• you come home

3 What time do you usually do these things? Find out about your partner. How similar are your daily routines?

Reading and speaking

1 Discuss the following questions with a partner.

• Do you ever have problems falling asleep or getting up in the morning? How about other people you live with?

• What helps you to fall asleep?

• Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night?

• What helps you to wake up in the morning?

• Do you often remember your dreams?

• Do you know anyone who:

- snores?

- talks in their sleep?

- sleepwalks?

2 The text below gives advice about falling asleep and waking up. Write F next to the items

about falling asleep and W next to the items about waking up.

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

- Get an alarm clock, and put it as far away from the bed as you can. If you don't have to get out of bed to turn it off, then it's no good having one. And remember that two is better than one ... but set the second clock ten minutes later than the first one, and put it in the same place as the first one! W

- Don't spend longer than thirty minutes trying to fall asleep. If you can't get to sleep after half an hour, get up and do something quiet, like reading. Only go back to bed when you feel tired.

- Drink a glass of warm milk fifteen minutes before you go to bed – it helps you to relax - or have a light snack. But avoid coffee, tea or alcohol: they contain chemicals which will make it difficult for you to sleep.

- Make sure all the clocks in the house are ten minutes fast before you go to bed (and try to forget you did this when you wake up the next morning).

- Get a friend to phone you early in the morning. And hope that your friend is better at waking up than you are ... and is able to have an interesting conversation at 7 a.m. to help you wake up.

- Go to bed earlier. It may be difficult at first, but they say that an hour of sleep before midnight is as good as two hours after midnight.

- Have a warm bath - it's a great way to relax. But you shouldn't stay in there too long. More than twenty minutes and you will lose all your energy. And the bath isn't the best place to fall asleep!

- Listen to some music - or even specially recorded CDs of relaxing sounds like waves. However, if you have to get up and turn the cassette player off when the music finishes, it's not going to work!

- Pretend your alarm has gone off. Imagine you have to get up, have a (cold!) shower, make breakfast, etc. The more you imagine it, the more you want to go to sleep!

- Nice, calming music will make you want to stay in bed even longer ...but the horrible sound of static (the electronic noise you get between stations) is enough to get anyone out of bed ... to turn it off!