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1 A Look at the conversations below. Where are the people? What does each person want? Can you guess the missing phrases in each gap?

1 A: Yeah?

B: Hello,_____ turn the music down, please? It's one o'clock and I'm trying to sleep.

A: Oh, sorry. Is that better?

B: Yes,______ . Perhaps I can get some sleep now. Good night.

2 A: I'm sorry, _____leave early today? I'm going to take my cat to see the vet.

B: You're going to take your cat to the vet? What's the matter with her then?

A: Him. I don't know. That's why I'm going to take him to the vet's.

B: Oh, I see. Sure,_______ . Thanks for _______.

3 A: David, do you have your mobile phone with you?

B: Um ... yes. Why?

A: ______it, please? I need to make a quick call to my mother.

B: OK,_______ .

4 A: ______change seats?

B: Yes, all right._______ ?

A: I can't see because of the sun.

B: OK, then. Why don't you sit there, next to Andrea.

b T3.7 Listen to the conversations and check your answers. Which speakers are:

making requests?

asking for permission?

2 With a partner write four-line conversations for four of the situations below. Act out your best conversation for the class.

• It's very hot in the room and you would like to open the window.

• You need to borrow some money from a friend because you have lost your bus fare.

• Someone's mobile phone is always ringing during a film.

• You didn't understand the address someone gave you and you would like them to spell it for you.

• The person behind you is talking all the time during the lesson.

• You are watching the TV but you can't hear because the volume is very low. Your friend has the remote control.

• You would like someone to take a photo of you and your friend in front of a famous monument.

• You can't see the timetable at a train station because a stranger is standing in front of it.


Special occasions

Grammar: Present continuous and Present simple; Present continuous for future arrangements

Vocabulary: Dates and special occasions

Reading: Birthday traditions around the world

Listening: New Year in two different cultures

Wordspot: day

Task: Talk about a personal calendar

Real life: Phrases for special occasions

Writing: Write an invitation

Vocabulary and speaking

Dates and special occasions

1 Which are your favourite months of the year? Why?

2 A Which of these days do people celebrate in your country? Which month are they in?

Chinese New Year

Father's Day

St Valentine's Day

American Independence Day

Mother's Day



Christmas Day

May Day

New Year's Eve

b T4.1 Listen and make notes about when they happen in the UK/USA.

3 А Match the word(s) in a with the word(s) in в to make phrases connected with special occasions.


1 cook a a cake

2 dress cards to people

3 eat flowers

4 exchange late

5 have a out

6 invite people presents

7 make relatives

8 send special meal

9 stay up to your home

10 visit up

11 buy off work

b Which of these things do you / your family / your friends do on the special days in exercise 2a? Think of one other reason why people do these things.


You send a card when people get engaged.

The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. People thought that there was a special danger from evil spirits, so friends and family came together to bring good thoughts and wishes and even presents. At one time, only kings had birthday parties but as time went by, children and then adults began to have their own birthday celebrations. There are some traditions - such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the 'Happy Birthday' song, that you can find almost anywhere, any time.

Others are more specific to certain ages ... and certain countries.

Birthday Traditions around the World

1 In China, everyone celebrates their birthday on New Year's Day: they become one year older on that day. On a child's second birthday, family members put a variety of objects on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first object that the child picks up tells you what profession the child will choose later in life.

3,5,7 For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are particularly important. At this age, there is a special celebration called Shichi - Go - San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing a brand-new kimono. The 15 priest gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organise a party for their friends in their home.

15 In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. After a religious ceremony, the girls

dance a waltz with their father and other boys.

18 Eighteen is the traditional 'coming of age' - the age where you have the right to vote, join the armed forces and (in many countries), drink alcohol and (in the UK) buy a house or become a member of parliament!

21 In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young

person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!

30 In the past in parts of Europe, men who reached the age of thirty and were still single,

had to clean the stairs of the City Hall. This way every girl could see that the man didn't

have a girlfriend. - and how good he was at cleaning the house!

40,50 After the age of thirty, many people prefer to forget their birthdays rather than celebrate them ... children often bring Mum (or Dad) breakfast in bed, and it's traditional to give a bunch of flowers and enjoy a special meal or party. It's also a day when your friends and family have to pay if you go out for drinks or a meal!


1 a When is your birthday? Is this a good month to have a birthday? Why?

What do you usually do on your birthday? What about other members of your family?

Which birthday do you remember best? Check the meaning of the words below.

a party dress a bunch of flowers a key

birthday card candles

2 Read the text above about birthday traditions around the world. Tick the traditions which exist in your country, and put a cross next to the traditions which are different.

3 Find a word or phrase in the text that means:

a as someone or something says according to

b especially

c completely new

d a number of

e a formal, public event

f The Army, Navy or Air Force

j the form of something

h local government building

Language focus 1

Present Continuous and Present Simple

1 The people in the picture work for a fashion magazine called Glitz. How do you think they spend a normal working day?


a chooses articles for the magazine?

b makes the coffee?

c earns the most money?

d takes a lot of photographs?

e does the photocopying?

f has a lot of business lunches?

g answers the phone?

h has the most interesting job?

2 Today is a national holiday, so everybody at Glitz has the day off. Read about how Imogen is spending her day.

Imogen is spending her day off with her husband, Alex. Imogen and Alex usually go away at the weekend, either to the countryside or to the beach, or they meet friends. But today they aren’t doing anything special – they’re just sitting at home, relaxing. Imogen likes her job at Glitz, but she doesn’t want to be a PA all her life: that’s why she’s also doing a course in fashion design at night school. One day, she wants to have her own design company. She’s finding the course really useful.


1 Underline the examples of the Present continuous in exercise 2.

2 Choose the correct tense for each rule and add an example from exercise 2.

a We use the Present simple/Present continuous for things that are generally or always true.


b We use the Present simple/Present continuous for things happening at this moment.


c We use the Present simple/Present continuous for things happening in the present period, but not at this moment.


3 Look at the verbs underlined below. Tick the ones that are correct and put a cross by the ones that are incorrect.

a I’m not knowing the answer to this question.

b Do you like dancing?

c Are you understanding what it says?

d I don’t want any more cake.
