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Раздел 4 Знаменательные даты. Праздники

Цель: овладеть грамматическими структурами (времена Past Simple и Past Continuous), новой лексикой по теме.

Студент должен знать:

  • времена Past Simple (простое прошедшее) и Past Continuous (прошедшее длительное), пассивный залог, модальные глаголы;

  • новую лексику по теме;

  • разговорные клише социально бытовой сферы общения.

Студент должен уметь:

  • составить план рассказа и рассказать о праздниках в России, Великобритании и США;

  • конструировать диалог на основе прочитанного текста;

  • написать сочинение на тему "Мой любимый праздник";

  • читать текст с полным пониманием прочитанного (со словарём и без словаря).

Количество часов 22 (16 часов - практических, 6 часов - самостоятельная работа).

Вид контроля: лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа (промежуточный контроль знаний), сочинение «Мой любимый праздник».

Задание 1

Студент должен:

  • Овладеть грамматическими структурами (времена Past Simple и Past Continuous), пассивным залогом, модальными глаголами;

  • Выполнить упражнения по рабочей тетради и сборника грамматических упражнений

Задание 2

Студент должен:

  • Ознакомиться и овладеть новой лексикой

  • Прочитать и перевести текст «Праздники в России» («Holiday in Russia»)

  • Составить план к тексту

  • Пересказать текст

Words to know

Citizen – гражданин, гражданка Troops – войска

Victory Day – День Конституции Christmas – Рождество

Sovereignty – Суверенитет Exchange – обмениваться

Easter – Пасха Celebrate – отмечать

Commemorate – отмечать, праздновать Religious – религиозный

Official – официальный Observe – соблюдать

Secular – светский, нецерковный Reunion – воссоединение

Holidays in Russia


There are dates and events in the life of our country that are memorable to every Russian citizen. The dates of this kind are: Victory Day, May Day, Constitution Day, the Women's Day, the Day of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. These are national holidays, people do not work on these days. The most memorable date is the Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9 to commemorate the Victory of the Russian troops over the Nazi invaders. Love for freedom has been a national character of the Russian people. No enemy has been able to conquer our country. When Russia was attacked by the enemy, the Russian people rose up in defence of their Motherland.

May Day is regarded as the day of solidarity of the workers of the world. It commemorates the tragic events of the years 1884-88 in Chicago when the workers were fighting for their rights.

Recently new national holidays have been introduced. They are Christmas and Easter. Christmas and Easter are both religious holidays. Now they are officially marked throughout our country. In Russia Christmas is celebrated on January 7. Easter is the most important holiday for the Orthodox. Besides the religious significance these holidays have become the days of family reunion and happiness.

In Russia Christmas is celebrated on January 7. In Europe and in the USA it is marked on December 25. On Christmas people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Easter symbolises the Revival of Jesus Christ. For the greater part of people of our country these holidays have lost their religious significance and are the days of family reunion, relax and happiness.

There is one more holiday which is loved both by adults and children. This is New Year, with a New Year Tree, bells, presents and Grandpa Frost, European Santa Claus. People believe that a miracle is a must on this day. New Year's celebrations receive widespread coverage by mass media. On the New Year night people go to a dance, visit their friends or stay at home and watch TV. Party-goers enjoy a hearty meal. January 1 is now a national holiday, fortunately for those who like to celebrate most of the night.


Feasts and festivals serve to meet specific social and psychological needs of the people of the country. Holidays can be religious and secular, national and local, official and unofficial. The dates that are memorable to every Russian citizen are Victory Day, May Day, Constitution Day, Women's Day, and the Day of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. These are national holidays; people do not work on these days. The most important date in Russia is Victory Day. Observed on May 9 it commemorates the Victory of the Russian troops over the Nazi invaders. On that day the veterans meet in the parks and squares of the cities to recollect the days of war and exchange greetings. Wartime music is played everywhere. At night fireworks are let off. May Day is also very popular in our country. This is the day of friendship and support.

One of the biggest festivals of the year is New Year. Peter I the Great decreed that New Year should be marked in Russia on January 1. The coming of New Year is celebrated with a New Year Tree, presents, Grandpa Frost, European Santa Claus, and a hearty meal. In our country New Year is toasted in champagne at family gatherings. New Year's feasts are widely covered by the mass media.

Recently new national holidays have been introduced in our country. These are Christmas and Easter.


  1. What are national holidays in our country?

  2. What do they commemorate and celebrate?

  3. What is the favourite holiday of the Russians?

Задание 3

Студент должен:

  • Прочитать текст «Она из наших традиций» («One of our Tradition») и составить план к тексту.

Words to know

Banner — знамя, стяг immortal — бессмертный

co-trooper — однополчанин officer —офицер

parade — парад to do one's best — делать все возможное soldier — солдат feat — подвиг

great-grandfather — прадед to change — сменять(ся)

to take smb. to — брать (отводить) кого-л. куда-либо

to be on duty — стоять на посту; дежурить

it is a tradition with cosmonauts — у космонавтов есть традиция

to honour memory of — чтить память

Kremlin Clock — Кремлевские куранты

Mausoleum — мавзолей Eternal Flame — Вечный огонь

the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier — могила Неизвестного солдата