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Англійська мова для професійного спілкування (д....doc
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I.Match the words in the text with their definitions:

1. Tutorials A. A person who is hired.

2. To convey B. An unexpected and dangerous

happening which must

be dealt with at once.

3. Emergency C. To make known. 4. Staple D. Educational materials.

5. Employee E. Used all the time, usual.

II. Identify whether the following sentences are true or false. Use the model:

1) Student a: Multimedia systems are widely used in business for training employees, making sales presentations, and other business presentations. – Student b: Yes, this is true.

2) S. A: Interactive training software is a built-in computer’s feature. – s. B: No, that is false. It is distributed on cd-rom or may be shared over a network.

1. Owners of low-cost multimedia PCs marketed for home uses need authoring software.

2. Film clips and animations are turning up in tutorials and training materials.

3. Network servers are usually powerful microcomputers that coordinate telecommunications and resource sharing in small local area networks, and Internet and intranet Web sites.

4. Most microcomputers are handheld computers.

5. High-performance multimedia authoring system includes only a high-resolution color graphics monitor and a high-performance microprocessor.

III. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions given below:

1. Multimedia applications are used by instructors for classrooms ….

2. Training stations can be set up in corporate training … or right at employee’s workstations.

3. A popular type of electronic book is … electronic texts.

4. Audio is sound that has been digitized and stored in some form for ... .

5. Sound … and video capture …are circuit boards that contain … signal processors.

boards presentations labs replay digital reference cards

IV. Answer the questions.

1. To what software does multimedia refer to?

2. What do multimedia PCs are designed for?

3. What is the fundamental component in many multimedia programs?

4. What are still graphic images?

6. What does animation refer to?

7. What is audio?

8. Do multimedia applications integrate video?

9. What are the basic hardware and software requirements of a multimedia computer system?

10. What is called multimedia-authoring system?

11. What can multimedia authoring system include?