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I. Match words in the text with their definitions.

1. Shaft A. The flow of electricity past a fixed point.

2. Disk drive B. A unit of computer information equal to eight


3. Winchester C. A device by which a computer operates.

4. Byte D. A nick-name of a disk-drive.

5. Head crash E. A severe damage to computer system.

6. Current F. A state of having two opposite poles.

7. Polarity G. A bar which turns or around which a disk turns

to pass on power or movement.

II. Identify whether the following sentences are true or false. Use the model:

1) Student a: 1. In most hard disk drives the platters cannot be removed. – Student b: Yes, That is true. For that reason they are called fixed disk drives.

2) S. A: a hard disk drive contains rigid, disk-shaped platters made of copper. – s. B: No, that is false. They are made of aluminium or glass.

1. Winchester drives is considered synonymous with hard disk.

2. A sector is a concentric ring of information, which is divided into individual tracks.

3. A hard disk drive normally has two head per platter side.

4. The nearer to the circumference of the magnetic disk, the lower the track recording density can be made.

5. The result of a head crash may lead to a totally trashed drive.

6. The basic principle of physics states that as electric current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is generated inside the conductor.

7. The two-way operation of electromagnetism makes it possible only to record data on a disk.

III. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions given below.

1. A hard drive uses … heads that move over the disks and store data in tracks and sectors.

2. Disk drives have become a standard data storage component of modern computer systems due to … physical size.

3. Hard disks usually have … platters, each with two sides on which data can be stored.

4. When the direction of the flow of electric current is reversed, the magnetic field's … also is reversed.

5. The term Winchester drive has no technical or scientific … .

6. A car alternator operates by rotating electromagnets past coils of wire conductors in which large amounts of electrical current can be ….

multiple decreasing induced polarity meaning spinning disks

IV. Read the text.

Today's personal computer systems provide users with a high degree of flexibility in terms of the number of peripheral devices that may be connected to a given system. Users are generally able to connect additional internal and external peripheral devices to meet the storage or data access demands required to complete the user's job. Portable external hard drives have been developed to work with the hard drive built in the computer, which dramatically increases the convenience to the user. A portable hard disk drive provides convenient access to data stored therein through a signal cable assembly. A removable external hard drive allows a plurality of users to each have a separate hard drive with the respective user's applications and data. In this manner, multiple users each having their own drives can effectively share a single computer system. A removable hard drive also allows a single user to store a greater number of applications and data for use in the computer system than would otherwise be available with a single non-removable hard drive. External hard drive solves the problem of connecting a drive to a computer without opening up the computers. The external hard drives attach to a computer via one of the common I/O ports on a computer: USB, FireWire or PCMCIA.

Find the English equivalents in the text.


зовнішні периферійні пристрої

відповідною прикладною програмою

переносний накопичувач на дисках

були створені

таким чином

з точки зору кількості

Answer the question.

What opportunities are opened to users by the device described in the text?