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8.УМК Основы перевода ф-в (очн.) 2010.doc
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Учебно-методическое обеспечение Основная литература1

Дмитриева Л. Ф., Кузнецевич С. Е., Мартинкевич Е. А., Смирнова Н. Ф. Английский язык. Курс перевода. – М.: ИКЦ «МарТ», 2005.*

Дополнительная литература

Алексеева И. С. Профессиональный тренинг переводчика. – СПб.: Союз, 2001.

Бреус Е. В. Основы теории и практики с русского языка на английский. – M.: Урао, 2001.

Бреус Е. В. Основы теории и практики с английского языка на русский – M.: Урао, 2001.

Казакова Т. А. Практические основы перевода. – СПб.: Союз, 2001.


Адрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С., Никифоров А.С. Англо-русский юридический словарь – М.: Рус.яз., 2009.

Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. – М. : Рус. яз., 2009.

Практическое занятие 2

Тема 2. Перевод как процесс и результат когнитивно-эмотивной деятельности.

Вопросы и задания.

  1. Как вы понимаете смысл понятий: «когнитивно-эмотивная вариативность» и «эстетическая вариативность».

  2. Дайте определение понятиям «культурема», «культурологический фрейм».

  3. Расскажите о классификации культурем?

  4. Что такое «лакунарность», «лакуна»? Какова существует классификация лакун?

  5. Выполните перевод следующих фрагментов.

- “Ow eez ye-ooa son, is e? Wal, fewd dan y'de-ooty bawmz a matter should, eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel's flahrzn than awy athaht pyin” (B. Shaw).

- «He always thought of the sea as lamar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her” (E. Hemingway).

- If general Jackson hand't run the Creeks up the creek, Simon Finch would never have paddled up the Alabama…” (H. Lee).

- “He plied her with scones and jam” (J. Galsworthy).

- "See you later, Магу". "Ве seeing you, John" (P. L. Travers).

- Alas! we shall never hear the horn sing at midnight, or see the pike-gates fly open any more (Thackeray).

- A call to stop the Saturn contract from becoming the pattern is among the 25 resolutions adopted by Local 599 of GM»s Buick City auto complex in Flint, the largest of the UAW contingents in GM.

- I was born into a cliche-loving middle class Virginia family. То be consistent with my background I should have married an upstanding member of the community and had two or three strong-bodied children who ate Wonder Bread eight ways.

6. Переведите текст.

UK Election 2010: Sitting on the Fence for a Fortnight

The UK Election officially kicked off last week. And according to Renard Sexton's post in the Guardian, "A surprisingly large number of voters are still undecided." And it may be a fortnight before the fence-sitters, who have their mug on one side of the fence and their wump on the other, start shifting one way or another.

According to Sexton, "In a race this close, the outcome of the election will be determined not by which party secures the most voters over the coming month, but which can sway a crucial set of voters in the next two weeks."

Since undecided voters are "largely ambivalent" about Labour's Gordon Brown, the Conservative's David Cameron, and the Liberal Democrats' Nick Clegg, "it will be a matter of momentum that pushes these voters one way or another," he adds.

"As a result, it will likely be the first movers among this cluster of voters that, barring dramatic scandal or event, will determine the election," he concludes.

If this is the case, then social media may offer an early indication of who has the momentum.

On April 6, I provided a benchmark on how many Facebook friends, Twitter followers, and YouTube views each of the three parties had on the day it was announced that the UK General Election would be held May 6, 2010. I took a look yesterday afternoon to get an update on what had transpired during the first five days of the campaign.

The Labour Party's Facebook fans jumped from 10,998 to 16,702. UK Labour's Twitter followers increased from 12,144 to 13,462. And total upload views on theuklabourparty's channel on YouTube increased from 1,117,786 to 1,126,804.

The Conservatives' Facebook fans jumped from 30,824 to 37,181. The Conservatives' Twitter followers increased from 22,813 to 25,029. And total upload views on webcameronuk's channel on YouTube jumped from 1,117,786 to 1,126,804.

The Liberal Democrats' Facebook fans jumped from 11,167 to 15,231. The LibDems' Twitter followers increased from 10,345 to 11,657. And the channel views on LibDem's channel on YouTube increased from 94,834 to 97,467.

In other words, all three parties are all doing well on Facebook and Twitter. But Conservatives are doing significantly better than the other two parties on YouTube. In fact, webcameronuk's channel was the #33 most viewed last week in the United Kingdom.

If you look at the most viewed YouTube videos in the News & Politics category for the past week, the #1 video with 72,628 views is "David Cameron rallies staff and supporters as Election 2010 is announced."