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I. Прочтите текст с точным пониманием его смысла. Постарайтесь запомнить события, изложенные в тексте. Легкость понимания текста будет означать полное усвоение уроков 8 и 9.

My Future Day off and my Hobbies

Hello! It’s me, Anton, again. Last time I told you about one of my working days and now there are a few words about my free time and my hobbies.

I had to work hard during the past weekdays as I was responsible for very important work. So, I’m tired a little now. That’s why I’m going to have a good rest on my day off tomorrow. Let’s imagine what it will look like.

I’m not sure that it will be easy for me to get up early in the morning. I like to sleep for a long time when I needn’t go anywhere. I may get up just at 9 o’clock or even later on my day off though my working days are to start at 7 o’clock.

I’m a lazy boy, however my mother isn’t angry with me when I do nothing about the house. I’m grateful to her for this. I love my mother and if she asks me for help tomorrow I’ll do everyting of course. I always feel sorry for my mother because she is so busy with her business and she has to go shopping and cooking every day. I’m going to do something pleasant for her tomorrow. We should take care of our mothers.

When my morning jobs are over I’ll ring up my friend. If he is free I’ll call on him and we’ll go for a walk around the town. We always spend our weekends together. I’m sorry to say we can’t see each other on the weekdays because my friend studies in another town. Thus, when we meet each other tomorrow I’ll be able to tell him about all the events that took place during the past days. How much I want to tell my friend! He always listens to me with great interest. We are fond of speaking to one another. I won’t be surprised if we talk for many hours.

If the weather is good tomorrow, we’ll go to the park. It’s a place for meeting all young people of our town. I hope that this meeting will be pleasant for everybody as young people don’t like to be alone.

I’d like to say that both my friend and I enjoy traveling very much. It’s our greatest hobby but it’ll be impossible to do it tomorrow as we’ll have so little time for this. We prefer to travel during our holidays. Most of all we like trips to the country for a few days. It’s really good fun for us to go to the forest that is situated not far from a beautiful lake which is famous for its fish. We like to go fishing and swimming there.

By the way we began to go fishing a few years ago and continue doing it every summer and winter. As a result we became quite good fishermen. It’s fine because we always have a good chance to cook a wonderful dinner. As for me I’m responsible for making a fire but my friend’s task is cooking, as he is really good at it. Thus, I’m never hungry when we are together. We greatly enjoy sitting near the fire and telling each other funny stories. My friend also takes the guitar on such trips because he plays it very well. However neither he nor I can sing any songs. We always have a fine rest there. That’s why when we leave the forest we feel wonderful.

I’d like to say that I’m proud of my friend as he is a very good sportsman. He goes in for boxing and often takes part in different competitions. He is to take part in regional boxing competition next week. It will take place in Moscow. Let him win it. My friend is strong enough and I’m not afraid of anybody when I’m with him. As for me I go in for sports too, but I’m not so strong as he is. That’s why I only play chess and I can do it quite well.

In the evening I enjoy being outdoors. But tomorrow I’ll have a chance to watch a wonderful film on TV. I have little time for watching TV, however either on Saturday or Sunday I always do it. By the way, I am greatly interested in historical and scientific programs. So I’m very glad if sometimes I have a little time to watch them on TV. I enjoy such programs very much. As for the films I’m fond of different kinds of them. Although I quite like films I don’t go to the cinema very often. I prefer watching TV or home video. I’d like to say that few friends of mine go to the cinema now. However as far as I know it was the most pleasant and popular way of rest for most people some years ago. Though I don’t like to go to the cinema I always visit our town’s theatre if I have a chance to do it.

After watching TV tomorrow I may read a wonderful book. I often do it before going to bed. As I don’t have my own library I have to take books for reading from some friends of mine. I prefer to read books about history both of Russia and foreign countries. I’m glad to say, I have a few books of such kind now and I’m going to start reading one of them tomorrow.

I hope that tomorrow’s day will look like this one. But if everything happens in a different way I’ll take it easy.

II. Выделите из текста и назовите те события, которые по представлению молодого человека, произойдут с ним в выходной день.

III. Выполните тестовые задания на точность понимания прочитанного текста.

Вариант 1

I. Отметьте знаками + и – номера утверждений, которые соответствуют или не соответствуют содержанию текста.

  1. Anton doesn’t usually like to do anything about the house.

  2. Anton takes little care of his mother.

  3. When Anton has nothing to do about the house tomorrow he’ll have a chance to go for a walk together with his friend.

  4. Anton spends his weekdays together with his friend.

  5. The best way of spending free time for Anton is being at home.

  6. Anton’s friend can cook very well.

  7. Both Anton and his friend are bad at fishing.

  8. Anton usually finds the time for watching TV at the weekend.

II. Выберите из трех данных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста.

1. After difficult weekdays Anton …

a) was not tired.

b) was tired very much.

c) was tired but not greatly.

2. Both Anton and his friend enjoy…

a) talking.

b) singing songs.

c) playing the guitar.

3. If Anton has enough time he goes to…

a) the cinema.

b) the theatre.

c) either the cinema or the theatre.

4. Anton likes to read…

a) historical books.

b) scientific books.

c) both historical and scientific books.

Вариант 2

I. Отметьте знаками + и – номера утверждений, которые соответствуют или не соответствуют содержанию текста.

  1. Anton had to work hard at his weekend.

  2. Anton loves his mother and wants to help her on his day off.

  3. Anton’s mother is very busy with the jobs about the house.

  4. Anton’s friend will call on him on the day off.

  5. Neither Anton nor his friend enjoys talking to one another.

  6. Both Anton and his friend are fond of sports.

  7. On the day off Anton will spend his evening time together with his friend.

  8. Anton doesn’t watch TV very often.

II. Выберите из трех данных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста.

1. Anton will get up … on his day off.

a) early in the morning

b) late in the morning

c) at 9 o’clock and not later

2. Anton can’t meet his friend on the weekdays because…

a) Anton’s friend leaves the town for this time.

b) Anton leaves the town for this time.

c) both of them are busy and have no time for meeting.

3. Anton and his friend are fond of spending … in the forest.

a) their day off

b) their holidays

c) their weekdays

4. Both Anton and his friend enjoy…

a) only summer fishing.

b) only winter fishing.

c) both summer and winter fishing.

Вариант 3

I. Отметьте знаками + и – номера утверждений, которые соответствуют или не соответствуют содержанию текста.

  1. Anton didn’t have any kind of rest during his past weekdays.

  2. Anton may get up at 9 o’clock but he usually gets up at 7 o’clock on his day off.

  3. Anton and his friend like to spend their holidays in the forest.

  4. Both Anton and his friend are able to fish well enough.

  5. Either Anton or his friend sometimes takes part in boxing competitions.

  6. Anton is not afraid of anybody because he is strong.

  7. Anton prefers watching TV every evening.

  8. In the past years most people went to the cinema very often.

II. Выберите из трех данных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста.

1. Both Anton and his friend…

a) like to speak much.

b) like to speak but just a little.

c) don’t like to speak.

2. The place where the friends like to have their rest is situated…

a) near the river.

b) near the lake.

c) far from the lake.

3. … cannot sing songs well.

a) Anton

b) Both Anton and his friend

c) Anton’s friend

4. Anton is proud of his friend because…

a) he plays the guitar very well.

b) he is a reliable friend.

c) he is good at boxing.

Вариант 4

I. Отметьте знаками + и – номера утверждений, которые соответствуют или не соответствуют содержанию текста.

  1. Anton had a lot of work to do before his day off.

  2. Anton doesn’t like to get up early in the morning.

  3. When Anton is free in the morning on his day off he will phone his friend.

  4. Anton enjoys talking but his friend doesn’t like doing it.

  5. Anton is very good at cooking.

  6. Both Anton and his friend enjoy playing chess.

  7. Anton is fond of going for a walk in the evening.

  8. Anton likes films and often goes to the cinema.

II. Выберите из трех данных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста.

1. Anton …

a) always helps his mother.

b) never helps his mother.

c) helps his mother when she wants it.

2. On his day off Anton prefers to be…

a) alone.

b) with his friend.

c) with the family.

3. Both Anton and his friend…

a) can play the guitar well.

b) can sing songs well.

c) can’t sing songs well.

4. Anton likes to watch… on TV.

a) both scientific and political programs

b) scientific programs

c) political programs