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  1. 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

  2. to gain important insight into smth;

  3. accounting;

  4. to put political decisions and programs into effect;

  5. to respond to certain political conditions;

  6. to take note of smth;

  7. a recent trend;

  8. to favor smb;

  9. to study certain key behavior patterns;

  10. to establish generalizations;

  11. the mass media.

  12. 4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:

  1. широка освіта ;

  2. проблеми емпірічної політики ;

  3. проводити (встановлювати) узагальнення;

  4. міжнародне право ;

  5. життєви (насущні) сили ;

  6. економічний тиск ;

  7. робити значні успіхи ;

  8. приділяти особливу увагу ;

  9. облік системних ресурсів (звітність; бухгалтерська справа; самофінансування);

  10. перешкоджати, заважати ;

  11. здійснювати (проводити в життя ; виконувати) ;

  12. внутрішня політика ;

  13. громадське управління ;

  14. звернути увагу на щось ; прийняти до відома.

  1. 5. Read the following statements and decide which of them are true (t) or false (f):

  2. a) In the United States, political science is generally divided into nine main fields.

  3. b) Most political scientists believe that relational algebra forms the basis of all political studies.

  4. c) Since 1945, much emphasis has been placed on the study of the United Nations.

  5. d) The effects of economic pressures on international relations are never studied by political science.

  6. e) Government and politics is a field of political science only in the United States.

  7. f) Behavioral [bI'heIvIqrql] studies are a recent trend in political science.

  8. g) The U.S. government has a presidential system.

  9. 6. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. To make (2); to consider; to influence; task; to study (2); to have.

  10. a) Most political scientists ………………..the reading of great books on political theory and philosophy to be essential for a broad education in politics.

  11. b) Some scholars in comparative government specialize …………….. the countries of a particular area of the world.

  12. c) The effects of economic pressures on international relations ………….as well.

  13. d) The U.S. government …………. a federal system.

  14. e) American political scientists …………. notable progress in arriving at realistic understandings of the Supreme Court.

  15. f) Behavioral studies ……………………………… by developments in anthropology, psychology, and sociology.

  16. g) Investigations ………………………. in communications, propaganda, voting behavior, and other activities.

  17. h) Public administration deals with such …………… of public officials as accounting, budgets, and personnel management.

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