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  • political science is the study of the processes, principles, and structure of government and of political institutions; politics.

  • Political Science, academic discipline, focusing on the systematic study of government. It covers the origins of political regimes; their structures, functions, and institutions; the ways in which governments discover and deal with socioeconomic problems; and the interactions of groups and individuals that establish, maintain, and change governments.

  • Political science is the systematic study of political life. Political scientists seek answers to such questions as "What reasons justify the actions of government?" and "Whose interests are served by governments?" They study various forms of government as well as political parties, pressure groups, elections, international relations, and public administration. All these are activities of individuals and groups and involve basic human relationships. Political science deals with such fundamental values as equality, freedom, justice, and power.

  • Political science is closely related to economics, history, law, philosophy, and sociology. Economics deals with the control of all material resources, including goods and services, which affects the political power structure within a nation and among groups of nations. History provides much of the raw material with which the political scientist works. Law, especially public law, supplies a framework of formal ideas for the political scientist.

  • Philosophy relates political science to the other sciences. Sociology provides understanding of the social developments that affect political life. The study of political science has increased greatly with the growth and spread of democracy during modern times. In every democratic country, political science is essential in the processes of government. The political scientist studies these processes and the operations of government agencies and departments. The work of political scientists provides a factual basis for criticism and reform--probably the most important elements of democratic government. Many political scientists participate in government programs as advisers. They also act as consultants to legislators and other public officials. In addition, political scientists develop useful materials for the education of young people. Without that kind of training for future citizens, a democratic society could not prosper.

  • 2.Interpret the following in English:

  • a) government ['gAv(q)nmqnt] (уряд) = The agency or apparatus through which an individual or a body that governs exercises authority and performs its functions.

  • b) various ['ve(q)rIqs] (різний) = 1.a. Of diverse kinds: for various reasons. b. Unlike; different. 2.Being more than one; several. 3. Many-sided; versatile: a person of various skills.Having a variegated nature or appearance. Being an individual or separate member of a class or group: The various reports all agreed. 6. Archaic. Changeable; variable. Several different individuals.

  • Usage Note: Various is sometimes used as a pronoun, as in He spoke to various of the members. It is not clear why this usage should be regarded as an error, since it is supported by analogy to the uses of quantifiers such as few, many, and several.

  1. science ['saIqns] (наука) = 1.a. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation f phenomena. b. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena. c. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study. Methodological activity, discipline, or study.

  2. raw material [rO: mq'tI(q)rIql] (необроблений, сирий матеріал = Unprocessed material of any kind: These data are the raw material for the analysis.

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