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Учебное пособие_Контрольные работы по английскому языку

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5. People will not forget it very soon.

Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную

форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.

1. Mankind has used coal and oil in gradually increasing quantities for centuries.

2.The consumption of energy is expected to grow so new resources should be found.

3.Electric heaters play a large part in the air conditioning plants of large buildings.

4.Heating is used to provide comfort for people.

5.Air conditioning systems vary in cost.

6.The modern twenty–five storey hotel has been con structed in the centre of London.

Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.


Before you (leave), don't forget to shut the windows.


If you (take) more exercise you (get) fit.

3.He promised he would return the book as soon as he (read) it.

4.Unless they improve their attitude towards the work, they (fail) the exam.

Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

Выпишите причастный (Absolute Participle Construction) или инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его тип.

1.All the questions having been settled, we went home.

2.It is believed that the new plan to be of great importance.

3.I want him to come.

Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.

Energy and Its Sources

The consumption of energy is expected to grow. The amount of energy consumed by a country is closely connected with its degree of technological development and industrialization, which are in turn related to the people's standard of living.

Energy can be classified according to its sources. Coal, oil, and natural gas are «fossil fuels» which are extremely useful raw materials. But when they are burned for fuel, harmful pollution may result and there is a great waste of natural resources.

Wood was the main source a hundred years ago. The growth of coal usage in the


early 1900s is associated with rapidly increasing industrial development. There followed a great expansion in the consumption of natural gas and fuel oil for heating, electrical generation and especially transportation.

Several conclusions can be made: research and development work to find new sources of energy and ways of increasing efficiency are needed; the new sources of fuels must be fully developed and utilized. Natural gas is a popular source of energy because of its convenience for use and cleanliness in burning. It is generally believed that gas will be the first fossil fuel to be in short supply, and the cost of oil extraction is high.

To these sources we can add the energy obtained from water motion and the sun. Solar power is often mentioned as the logical alternative. The amount of radiant energy that reaches the earth's surface is more than what is needed. For the generation of electricity, there are serious problems to be solved. To collect and concentrate the energy by reflectors and converters of present efficiency is the major difficulty. There remain many technological problems in this area.

Man is consuming the remaining resources at a rate that they may last only a few centuries. Efforts to eliminate the extravagant waste of energy are needed. Several conclusions can be made: research and development work to find new sources of energy and ways of increasing efficiency are needed; the new sources of fuels must be fully developed and utilized. And we must give a serious consideration nuclear energy, i.e. the energy from nuclear reactions, the burning of nuclear fuel.

consumption - потребление

fossil fuels – ископаемое топливо pollution - загрязнение convenientlyлегко, просто, удобно generation – поколение

Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания.

The amount of energy consumed by a country is closely connected with …

a)its degree of technological development and industrialization, which are in turn related to the people's standard of living

b)its sources

c)research and development work

Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.

1.What is the amount of energy consumed by a country connected with?

2.What kinds of fuels can you name?

3.What alternative sources of energy do you know?

4.To collect and concentrate the energy by reflectors and converters of present efficiency is the major difficulty, isn’t it?


5. What conclusions can be made to find new sources of energy?

Вариант № 10

Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Who are (that, these, those) next to me?

2.Mary and Jane speak to (them, themselves, each other) every day.

3.The building is very old but (his, its, their) rooms are beautiful.

4.We enjoyed (myself, our, ourselves) at the party.

Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог in, of, for, to, at. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The task is to study the constituents …of the wa ter.

2.I’m going … the shop to buy some bread.

3.John lives … a big city.

4. These trains are very fast. They can travel … ve ry high speeds. 5. Next week I am going to Moscow …three days.

Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.

1.Days are longer than nights in summer, …?

2.It has been in reconstruction for many years, …?

3.Engineers construct residential and industrial buildings, …?

4.She sent a letter to him yesterday, …?

5.Pipes are delivered to the construction site, …?

Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.

Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.You have to pass a test before you can get a driving license (last Saturday).

2.He can swim very well (when he was ten).

3.I must return to office now (in two hours).

Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму

глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.The radio (is switched off, switched off).

2.They (are built, build) a lot of new schools in this district every year.

3.This system (was designed, designed) to operate.

4.Technical progress (have resulted, have been resulted) in the changing of the


composition of natural water resources.

Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и

переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.

1.I clean the room every day.

2.This firm is constantly producing irrigation systems.

3.A famous architect has designed this cathedral.

4.They sent a message yesterday.

5.I will remember this rule.

Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную

форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.

1.The sanitary engineer is concerned with hydrology.

2.Different systems of water filters are used in present day.

3.Water finds its way to the rivers.

4.Ocean water contains salt and other mineral materials.

5.The earliest written records of water purification date to 2 000 B. C.

6.The modern recreation center has been erected in the center of Moscow.

Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.I wish I (be) tall and strong.

2.If I miss the bus this afternoon I (get) a taxi instead.

3.If the weather (be) fine yesterday he (go) to the country.

4.I wish I (have) a car.

Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

Выпишите причастный (Absolute Participle Construction) или инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его тип.

1.His shoes being too small for him, he could hardly work.

2.The experiment proved to be a failure.

3.Scientists consider this problem to be very important.

Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.


Water can appear in three phases. It takes many different forms on Earth: water


vapour and clouds in the sky; seawater and rarely icebergs in the ocean; glaciers and rivers in the mountains; and aquifers in the ground.

Water can dissolve many different substances, giving it different tastes and odors. Water fit for human consumption is called drinking water or potable water. Water that is not potable can be made potable by distillation (heating it until it becomes water vapour, and then capturing the vapour without any of the impurities it leaves behind), or by other methods (chemical or heat treatment that kills bacteria).

This natural resource is becoming scarcer in certain places, and its availability is a major social and economic concern. Currently, about one billion people around the world routinely drink unhealthy water. Most countries accepted the goal of halving by 2015 the number of people worldwide who do not have access to safe water. Water, however, is not a finite resource (like petroleum is), but rather recirculated as potable water in precipitation in quantities many degrees of magnitude higher than human consumption. Therefore, it is the relatively small quantity of water in reserve in the earth. Water-poor countries use importation of goods as the primary method of importing water (to leave enough for local human consumption), since the manufacturing process uses around 10 to 100 times products' masses in water.

The problem of protecting natural water resources has grown very pressing for many countries since the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The development of human society, the growth of civilization and social and technical progress have resulted in the changing of the composition of natural water resources. The rivers, lakes and ground-waters contain today the products of mechanical, chemical and biological pollution.

dissolve - растворять consumption - потребление potable – годный для питья quantity - количество

Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания.

The problem of protecting natural water resources has grown very pressing for many countries since…


b)the beginning of the second half of the 20th century

c)the beginning of the second half of the 19th century

Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.

1.What forms does water take on Earth?

2.What is called drinking water or potable water?

3.Water as natural resource is becoming scarcer in certain places, isn’t it?


4.What do water-poor countries use as the primary method?

5.Why has changed the composition of natural water resources?

Тексты для аудиторного чтения

I.Industrial and Civil Engineering

Промышленное и гражданское Строительство

Текст 1


Houses are built of wood, brick, stone and concrete. Many new types of individual houses are made from reed slabs, rolled gypsum concrete panels or wooden sheets. A lot of houses are built of prefabricated blocks (prefabs). All the parts of such houses are produced on an industrial scale in factories and assembled on the spot. The building process takes place under the supervision of foremen and engineers. The structure is put up by bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers, plumbers, painters, locksmiths, glass-cutters, etc. In the construction of a house the first step is to make a careful survey of the site and to examine the soil in order to find its bearing power. Next, the building lines are staked out. After this, the foundations are built. The excavation is dug for the basement and then followed by the actual building of the foundation walls below ground level. Then the foundation work is finished by providing anchoring sills. That is the case of a wooden building.

In the case of a brick structure, the building of the walls may be directly proceeded with. Foundations are to keep the floors and walls from contact with the soil, to act against the action of the frost and to prevent from settlement. The part upon which the stability of the structure depends is the framework. It carries the loads which are imposed on it. To do this work properly and safely the floors, walls, roofs and other parts of the construction must be correctly designed and proportioned. The designer determines the size of the walls, the floor joists, the beams, the girders and the parts which make up the framework. He also decides how they are to be spaced and arranged.

The building of a wall consists in laying down courses of bricks and bonding them together with mortar. Walls are constructed to enclose areas and to support the weight of floors and roofs. The walls may be solid and hollow.

Besides brick, stone, concrete and other natural and artificial materials are used for the construction of walls. When doors or windows are to be made, a lintel is usually inserted in the wall above the opening. The entrance leading into the house from the street is called the front door, from the yard – the back door. The window panes are fastened in with the help of glazier's putty.

1.What materials are houses built of?

2.Where are the parts of houses built of prefabricated blocks produced on?


3.What are the steps in the construction of a wooden building?

4.Who supervises the building process?

5.Who puts up the building structure?

6.What are the steps in the construction of a brick structure?

7.What natural and artificial materials are used for the construction of walls?

Текст 2

The Development of the House

The first houses in different countries of the world were made of wood. At that time the greater part of our planet was covered with thick forests. Even in those days men found ways of using wood as a building material. In some places they tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with the hides (skins) of animals. In other places they covered them with leaves or grass.

The primitive people's first houses were tents or huts. Primitive building required no tools. The invention of tools permitted the cutting of stones and timber. Stone was the most convenient building material in countries where there was not much wood but plenty of stone.

People began to use stone widely to build their houses many centuries ago. The column has played an important part in the history of building. Most of the building of old times was based upon the column and beam method of construction.

About 4,000 years before our era the Egyptians possessed great constructional know-how (ability). They built simple houses by present standards. They used bricks which in their most primitive form were not burned, but were hardened by being dried in the sun. Since the middle ages, brickwork has been in constant use everywhere, in every sort of construction and in every architectural style. They made flat roofs because there was very little rain in Egypt. Their buildings were simple in construction but very beautiful. We still admire their monuments, sphinxes and palaces.

Greek builders learned much from Egyptian builders. They built their houses with slanting roofs because the climate of these two countries differs greatly. Soon Greek builders became second in column making. But they added the arch, thus adding much strength and beauty to their buildings.

The use of precast concrete, a very advanced construction technique, has many advantages over other building materials. Precast building units can be assembled at the site all the year round in any weather. The precast concrete technique which is constantly being improved in our country plays a great role in our extensive building programme.

1.Why were the first houses in different countries of the world made of wood?

2.What were the primitive people's first houses?

3.What was the most convenient building material in countries where there was not much wood?


4.What method of construction was most of the building of old times based upon?

5.Why did Egyptians make flat roofs and Greek builders slanting roofs?

6.How did Greek builders add much strength and beauty to their buildings?

7.What are the advantages of the use of precast concrete?

Текст 3

Home, Sweet Home

It is common knowledge t h at there is no place like home. To the British their homes are important. They are dedicated to them; they give them a lot of time and effort, looking after their homes with much love, care and enthusiasm.

More than half of British families own their homes (houses or flats). Others live in council accommodation and some people rent from private owners.

There are three main types of houses that people live in: detached, semi-detached and terraced.

A detached house is the most expensive type of home. It stands on its own land and is not attached to another building. Such houses have privacy from neighbours, and they are ideal for keen gardeners who can devote plenty of time to work in their garden.

A semi-detached house is joined the house next door by a shared wall. A house of this kind is less expensive than a detached house, but still offers a good standard of privacy and comfort. It usually has a small garden at the front and a larger garden at the back.

A terraced house is usually twoor three-storey high. It is one of a continuous row of similar houses, joined together by their side walls. Many rows of terraced houses were originally built for workers in nearby factories or coalmines. A terraced house usually costs less than a semi-detached or detached house of similar size. There are miles of terraced houses in most towns. Over a quarter of British families live in them.

There are also other types of buildings in which people live: apartment blocks, bungalows and country cottages. Bungalows are one-storey houses which are particularly popular with older people. Apartment blocks are high-rise blocks of flats which provide accommodation for a lot of city dwellers. But these buildings are not very popular. About 20% of the populations live in flats. There are more flats in cities than in rural areas. Most people in Britain traditionally like to live in houses.

1.How many British families own their homes?

2.What are there three main types of houses that people live in?

3.What is the most expensive type of home?

4.What house is called a semi-detached?

5.What were terraced houses originally built for?

6.What other types of buildings are there in which people live?

7.What houses do most people in Britain traditionally like to live in?


II.Fire Safety in Building

Пожарная безопасность в строительстве

Текст 1

Basic Principles of Fire Protection and Design against Fire

Fire hazard in buildings may be divided into internal, in the building itself, and external, arising from a fire in adjoining property. The internal hazard may be subdivided into danger to occupants of the building and damage to structure and contents.

The basic principles of fire protection may be set out under three broad headings:

-every building should be designed and constructed to reduce the risk of ignition of any part of the building and the spread of fire inside the building, or into or out of it;

-the parts of the building are required to withstand the effects of fire long

enough to avoid any structural collapse that would increase the risk of fire spread; - the safety of the occupants within the building.

The fire safety problem concerns with some fire precautions. These precautions must be considered at an early stage of the building design process. There are some essential principles of fire design:

the building should be constructed from building materials that will not contribute to the spread of fire;

there should be adequate provision to prevent an arson attack;

the building should be fitted with an appropriate automatic fire-alarm system;

all fire-protection systems should be installed by adequately trained specialists. Fire safety engineer has two duties: to protect the lives and to safeguard

property within the building.

1.How is fire hazard in buildings divided?

2.What are the basic principles of fire protection?

3.When must fire precautions be considered?

4.Building materials shouldn’t contribute to the spread of fire, should they?

5.What should the building be fitted with?

6.What are the duties of fire safety engineer?

Текст 2

The History of Fire Prevention and Protection Abroad

We don't know for sure how the use of fire was discovered. But ever since man has known fire, he has feared it too.

Historians record that in Rome in about 300 BC a band of slaves was given the task of watching for fires from a top of a hill and of warning the citizens of fire. Under Caesar Augustus the first municipal-type fire department appeared. The command structure was almost identical to that is used by fire department today.


There were 7 squads that contained from 100 to 1000 men per squad. Each man within each squad was given a particular task. Each squad had a supervising officer.

William 1 of England decreed one of the first recorded fire prevention regulations. The use of the open hearth for heating and cooking within houses created a fire danger to such an extent that he ordered all fires be extinguished at night and hearth covered.

King Richard 1 decreed that walls 16 feet high and 3 feet thick should be built between the neighbouring buildings to prevent fire spread from one building to another.

After September, 2, 1666 further changes in fire prevention regulations took place. On that day the Great Fire of London began and burned for 5 days, leaving 373 acres of ashes. Following that fire the London City Council acted to prevent similar fires. Legislation was passed that required all homes were to be rebuilt of brick or stone.

Almost before the settlement of America began, there were serious setbacks because of fire. The first permanent colony in Virginia was destroyed by fire and then in 1623 the colony in Plymouth suffered by destructive fire. Several reasons explain why fire was such a hazard in the early American colonies: building their homes the English settlers used traditional building methods and materials of rural England.

Benjamin Franklin in 1736 recommended the formation of a volunteer fire company and served as the first fire chief in America.

On October, 9, 1871 a sweeping fire destroyed most of the city of Chicago. The power of fire is a never-ending story: but the fight against fire is also a story worth telling.

1.What task was given to a band of slaves in Rome?

2.When did the first municipal-type fire department appear?

3.What was the command structure of fire department?

4.Who decreed one of the first fire prevention regulations?

5.How did King Richard 1 try to prevent fire spread?

6.What happened to London in 1666?

7.Why was fire such a hazard in the early American colonies?

Текст 3

Fire Research Work and Training of Fire Safety Engineers

The first fire testing station was built in 1935 at Boreham Wood to test elements of structure. This has grown into the present Fire Research Station as the result of cooperation between the government and the insurance industry. Now the station is one of the largest and best equipped in the world.

Aim of the Station is to improve methods of preventing and fighting fire. Work is divided into five sections. In the operational research and intelligence section, details of fires are coded and analyzed. The “ignit ion and growth of fire” section