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A. There are many ways in which the government protects its citizens.

B. The biggest changes in the USA economy were caused by the Depression of 1930th.

C. Earlier governments refused to do anything to control business.

D. The law aimed at breaking up monopolies was the first step in protecting people.

Today, the American economic system is far different from that of the 19th century. Earlier government leaders refused to do anything to control business. Except for granting financial support to companies building the railroad system in the late 19th century, the government took little role in business affairs. American citizens, however, demanded action. Workers banded together to organize unions to protect themselves. Working together, they could possibly force a company to change unfair policies. Many other Americans wrote and spoke out about unjust practices. Gradually, the government began to take action. In 1890, Congress passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, a law aimed at breaking up monopolies. In 1906, laws were passed to make sure that food and drugs were correctly labeled and that meat was inspected before being sold. In 1913, the government established a new federal banking1 system, called the Federal Reserve System, to regulate the nation's money supply and to place some controls on banking activities.

The biggest changes came in the 1930s with the "New Deal" programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. During that decade the nation endured the worst business crisis and the highest rate of unemployment in its history. To ease the hardship caused by the Depression, President Roosevelt and the Congress passed many new laws regulating sales of stock. These laws and regulations have changed American capitalism from a "freely running horse to one that is bridled and saddled", as one writer described it. There is nothing a person can buy in the United States today which is not affected by government regulations of some kind. Food manufacturers must tell what exactly is in a can, box or jar. Non-packaged food is almost all inspected by government officials at some point. No drug can be sold until it is thoroughly tested and then approved by a federal agency. Many types of businesses must pass health and safety inspections by government workers, and automobiles must be built according to certain safety standards. Prices for goods must be сlear1у marked, and advertising must be honest. These are just a few of the many ways in which the government now protects the health, safety and money of the consumers. Laws also prohibit discrimination in hiring, forbid the hiring of young children, set standards for working conditions, and protect the rights of independent labor unions to organize, bargain and strike peacefully, on the other hand.

2. Пользуясь словарем уточните значение и произношение слов:

Financial, unfair law, supply, unemployment, to approve, official, safety, consumer, to bargain, to prohibit, to charge.

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