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  1. The American business has received a mixed welcome in the world.

  2. American diplomacy often helped to open doors to American business abroad.

  3. American business faced the mounting competition of other countries.

  4. Injecting capital into other countries’ economies the USA are improving the local economy.

Ever since the 1790th when American entrepreneurs began shipping furs to China, American firms have sought markets in ether countries. The American business presence abroad has beer a source both of strength end of controversy for many decades. American diplomacy has often helped to open doors for American business abroad. That is what happened In China after 1899, when the American government adopted what became known as the "Open Door" policy. But the relation between business interests and diplomacy has worked both ways. American political leaders have often encouraged American businesses to invest abroad as a way of strengthening the American diplomatic hand.

Not surprisingly, the American business presence has received a mixed welcome in the rest of the world. Many people see American business activities as an extension of its diplomacy. Critics change American firms with using their economic power to influence foreign governments into adopting policies that serve United States political and economic interests rather than local interests.

On the other hand, many people in other countries have welcomed investments by American firms as a means of raising their own standards of living. Foreign investments help to spread new technology and promote economic growth on a worldwide scale. By investing abroad, American businesses have provided many new jobs and new products for people who lacked access to the benefits of modern industrial society. By injecting new capital into other countries American investors are doing what British, French and other European investors did for the United States in the last century. They are improving the local economy and setting in motion powerful forces - economic forces that transcend the immediate goals of investors and policy-makers, once in motion, such forces take on a life of their own. Their ultimate effect is completely unpredictable. Indeed, some Americans are concerned by the thought that in investing abroad. American businesses are merely building up the competition that industries in the United State must face. They note that American government policies after World War II fostered the economic resurgence of Japan.

American business firms helped out by sharing technology and by sending experts to Japan to teach such practices as quality control - practices that the Japanese have since carried to new, and profitable, heights.

Certainly, American industries have had to face mounting competition from producers in the rest of the world in recent years. This competition is certain to be rigorous.