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Тема № 12 types of business organization and its structure Типы предприятий и их структура

  1. Sole trader (единоличный предприниматель) - a business owned by a single individual who is fully entitled to the income or revenue of the business and is fully responsible for any losses the business suffers.

  2. Sole proprietorship (единоличное владение) - an unincorporated firm owned and operated by a single person; it is a firm with a single owner who has the right to all profits and who bears unlimited liability for the firm’s debts.

  3. Partnership (товарищество) - a business arrangement in which two or more people jointly own a business sharing the profits and being jointly responsible for any losses.

  4. General partnership (товарищество с неограниченной ответственностью) - a business with two or more owners who share in the operation of the firm and in financial responsibility for the firm’s debts.

  5. Limited partner (вкладчик) - a member of a partnership who does not participate in the management of the firm or engage in business on behalf of the partners. A limited partner risks only his or her money directly invested in the business.

  6. Company (компания) - an organization legally allowed to produce and trade. It has a legal existence distinct from that of its owners. Ownership is divided among shareholders.

  7. Corporation (акционерное общество, корпорация) - a business considered by law to be a legal entity separate from its owners with many of the legal rights and privileges of a person; a form of business organization in which the liability of the owners is limited to their investment in the firm.

  8. Public corporation (открытое акционерное общество) - a business whose stock is widely held and available for sale to the general public.

  9. Private corporation (закрытое акционерное общество) - a business whose stock is held by a small group of individuals and is not usually available for sale to the general public.

  10. Limited partnership (товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью) - a business with active and limited partners; active partners run the company; limited partners have no active role in the company’s operations and are liable only to the extent of their investment.

  11. Master limited partnership (товарищество с главным вкладчиком) - a business organized much like a corporation but with all profits paid out to investors and run by a single «master» partner, who holds a majority of the stock.

  12. S-corporation (С-корпорация) - a corporation with no more than 35 shareholders that has the option of being taxed somewhat like a partnership.

  13. Cooperative (кооператив) - a group of individuals or smaller businesses that join forces to act as one larger company for marketing and/or purchasing purposes.

  14. Joint venture (совместное предприятие) - an enterprise in which two or more persons or companies temporarily join forces to undertake a particular project.

  15. Conglomerate (конгломерат) - a firm that produces a wide variety of goods and services for a number of largely unrelated markets.

  16. Conglomerate merger (конгломератное слияние) - merger of companies that operate in completely different markets and produce largely unrelated products.

  17. Firm (фирма) - a business organization that owns, rents, and operates equipment, hires labour and buys materials and energy inputs. The firm organizes and coordinates the use of all these factors of production for the purpose of producing and marketing goods and services.

  18. Small business (малое предприятие) - a business that is independently owned and operated and does not dominate its field.

  19. Venture capital firms (венчурные фирмы) - companies that invest in or lend money to small businesses that look as if they will grow rapidly.

  20. Franchising (франчайзинг) - a legal arrangement under which a buyer (franchisee) purchases the right to sell the good or service of the seller (franchisor) as well as certain management and financial aid supplied by the seller.

  21. Franchisor (франчайзер) - a firm that licenses other firms to use its business idea and procedures and to sell its goods or services in return for royalty and other types of payments.

  22. Franchisee (франчайзи) - a firm that is licensed to use a franchisor’s business idea and procedures and is often granted an exclusive right to sell the franchisor’s goods or services in specified territory.

  23. Franchising agreement (франчайзинговое соглашение) - a contract between a franchisor and a franchisee that spells out the rights and duties of each.

  24. Cartel (картель) - a formal written or oral agreement among firms to set the price of the products and the outputs of the individual firm or to divide the market for the product geographically.

  25. Trust (трест) - a merger or collusive agreement among competing firms.

  26. Cooperative association (or co-op) (кооперативная ассоциация) - an incorporated organization whose user-members (owners) get back any revenue left after expenses are paid.

  27. Mutual company (компания на взаимных началах) - a corporation that issues no stock and is owned by its policyholders or depositors and whose surplus revenue, if any, is distributed among the owners in the form of dividends.

  28. Stock (акция) - a share of ownership in a corporation.

  29. Shareholders/stockholders (акционеры) - investors or owners of shares (the owners of a corporation).

  30. Dividend (дивиденд) - a part of a corporation’s profits paid out on a per share basis to those who hold its stock.

  31. Preferred stock (привилегированная акция) - shares whose owners have first claim on the corporation’s assets and profits but who usually have no voting rights in the firm.

  32. Common stock (обыкновенная акция) - shares whose owners usually have last claim on the corporation’s assets (after creditors and owners of preferred stock) but who have voting rights in the firm.

  33. Proxy (доверенность) - a legal document temporarily transferring the voting rights of a shareholder to another person.

  34. Board of directors (совет директоров) - a group of individuals elected by a firm’s stockholders and charged with overseeing, and taking legal responsibility for the firm’s actions.

  35. Inside directors (внутренние управляющие) - members of a corporation’s board of directors who are also full-time employees of the corporation.

  36. Outside directors (внешние управляющие) - members of a corporation’s board of directors who are not also employees of the corporation on a day-to-day basis.

  37. Organizational structure (организационная структура) - the specification on the jobs to be done within a business and how those jobs relate to one another.

  38. Corporate charter (устав корпорации, акционерного общества) - a contract between the incorporators and the state that authorizes the formation of the corporation.

  39. Chain-of-command (цепь команд) - reporting relationships within a business; the flow of decision-making power in a firm.

  40. Limited liability (ограниченная ответственность) - characteristic of a corporation that makes it attractive to investors (the owners) in that financial liability extends only to the assets of the corporation, not to personal assets of the investors.

  41. Unlimited liability (неограниченная ответственность) - the concept that the business owner is responsible for claims against the firm that go beyond the value of the owner’s ownership in the firm.

  42. Partnership agreement (соглашение о товариществе) - an oral or written contract between the owners of a partnership that identifies the business and states the partners’ respective rights and duties.

  43. Leveraged buyout (LBO) (выкуп контрольного пакета акций) - the acquisition of a firm by a group of investors that is financed largely with borrowed funds secured by the firm’s own assets.

  44. Merger (слияние) - the act of joining of two or more firms to create a new firm.

  45. Acquisition (приобретение, поглощение) - the purchase of a firm or a controlling interest in that firm by another firm.

  46. Divestiture (разделение) - the sale by a firm of one or more of its divisions or units.

  47. Takeover (захват) – the acquisition by an outside group (the raiders) of a controlling proportion of a company’s stock.

  48. Vertical merger (вертикальное слияние) - the act of combining (or integrating) firms that exist at different levels in the process of producing and marketing a product.

  49. Horizontal merger (горизонтальное слияние) - the act of combining (or integrating) firms that exist on the same level in the process of producing and marketing a product.

  50. Horizontal combination (горизонтальная интеграция) - a group of plants in the same stage of production & owned by a single firm.

  51. Conglomerate combination (конгломератная интеграция) - a group of plants owned by a single firm & engaged at one or more stages in the production of different products or products which do not compete with each other.

  52. Vertical combination (вертикальная интеграция) - a group of plants engaged in different stages of the production of a final product & owned by a single firm.