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I-R 136

1.09 Mб

niman1 [] sv/t4 3rd pres nimð past nóm/on, nam/námon ptp genumen 1. to take, receive, get; 2. to take keep, hold; 3. to take, catch; 4. to contain; 4a. to occupy; 5. to take (with one), bear, carry, bring; 6. to take (to one), give; 7. to take forcibly, hold, seize, catch, take away, grasp, pluck up, carry off, take away; 8. to adopt, appropriate; 9. to betake oneself, go; 10. to experience; to suffer, tolerate; 11. ge~ grasp, comprehend; ge~ take to wife; ge~ sv/r4 to collect oneself; hé hine genam he collected himself; 12. in a metaphorical sense; frið ge~ make peace; andan ~ to take umbrage, offence; bysne niman be/æt w.d. to take example by/from; casum ~ to take a case (of the government of verbs); eard ~ to take up one’s abode; fréondrǽdenne ~ to take friendship; frið ~ wið to make peace with; geléafan ~ to believe; geþéodrǽdenne ~ wið to associate with; graman ~ to take offence, feel angry; láre ~ to accept teaching; lufe ~ tó to take an affection for; mód ~ to take courage; on ~ to take effect on; on gemynd ~ to bear in remembrance, recollect; on hæft ~ to take captive; sibbe ~ to make terms with; sige ~ to gain victory; tó gemæccan ~ to take to wife; tó suna ~ to adopt as a son; wæpna ~ to take up arms; ware ~ to take care; weg ~ to take, go one’s way; wícstówa ~ to pitch a camp; se nimenda dǽl the participle

niman [continued from previous definition] 1. to seize, grasp, capture, catch; (1) to get into one’s hands by force or artifice; (a) by war, robbery, legal process, etc.; w.a. cognate: (b) to catch fish, an animal, a bird, etc.; (b α) of an animal, to seize prey; (2) to lay hold of with the hand, to seize and hold; (3) sv/i4 of a plant, to take to that on which it grows, take hold, get rooted; (4) with non-material agent; 2. without the idea of force or art.; (1) with a material object; (a) to take into one’s hand or hold; (α) with the instrumentality of the hand or hands explicitly or implicitly indicated; nim þá girde on þíne hand take the gird into thy hand; (β) with the instrumentality not expressed or considered; nim þín bedd and gá take thy bed and go; (b) to receive into one’s body by one’s own act, take food; (c) to bring, receive, or adopt a person into some relation to oneself; (cc) in reference to marriage or cohabitation; gif Iacob nimð wíf if Jacob takes a wife; (d) to transfer by one’s own direct act something into one’s possession or keeping, to appropriate; (2) with non-material object; (a) to adopt a custom, law, etc.; (b) to assume, charge oneself with a function, responsibility, etc.; (c) to undertake and perform, to take a part; (d) to assume as if one’s own, to assume as if granted; (e) in grammar, to have by right or usage, to take a particular case, ending, etc.; 3. with the idea of choice, purpose, use, treatment, or occupation; (1) with the idea of choice, to pick out from a number, at random or with intention; nim sume tigelan take any tile (out of a number); (2) with the idea of purpose, use, employment, to choose or adopt, in order to use; uton niman þá let us adopt them; (3) to adopt and enter upon a way; (4) with the idea of treatment; (5) with the idea of occupation; (5a) intrans and fig; (α) to have a place in; (β) to take place, occur; (6) to occupy, take up the time or attention of, hold in suspense; hú lang nimst þú úsra sáwla how long will you hold our souls in suspense; 4. to obtain from a source, model, etc., derive; (1) to obtain by one’s own act from some source, material or nonmaterial; nim þǽr góde éagesealfe get a good eyesalve from the materials used; (2) to infer, deduce; Dryhten nam of þisse wísan a lord deduced from this wise-man; (3) to get information, evidence, etc., by inquiry, questioning, etc.; 5. to take something given or offered; híe sóhton tó nimenne hwilchwegu they sought to take something; (1) to receive something given, bestowed, allotted, etc.; (1a) to receive a person delivered over to one’s keeping; (1b) to receive something inflicted, undergo, have done to one; (2) to receive or get in payment, as wages, fine, tribute, etc.; gif man nime æfesne on swínum if one takes special pasturage on swine; (3) to receive, accept, exact a promise, engagement, oath, etc.; hé nam his áð he accepted his oath; (4) to receive something offered, not to refuse, receive willingly, accept; (5) to accept as true or correct; ne ealle nimað þás word not all take this word as true; (6) to accept with the mind or will in some specified way; (7) to include, contain; 6. of intellectual action, (1) to receive and hold with the intellect; (a) to apprehend, understand; (b) to keep in mind; (2) to begin to have or be affected by a feeling or state of mind; (3) to conceive and exercise courage, pity, etc.; 7. with nearly the force of make or do; 8. with the idea of movement or removal, (1) to carry, convey, cause a person to go with one, conduct, lead; (1a) to move to a state or condition, to promote to a rank; (2) to carry a thing with one, bring to a person or place, draw to oneself; (3) to take away, remove; (a) without employing violence; (a α) where the point from which a thing is moved is marked by a preposition; (b) with the idea of violence, deprivation; (b α) with prepositions; (c) of removal by death or decay; (4) to deliver, hand over; (5) to bring to mind; (6) sv/i4 to move oneself, proceed; (6a) to get on, develop, flourish; 9. intransitive use in idiomatic combination with preposition; hé nimð æt mé, man ne nimð geféan fram éow; hé nimð of mínre handa; 10. in combination with adverbs, forming the equivalent of compound verbs;

nimung [] f (-e/-a) action of taking, a taking, plucking

nípan2 [] sv/i1 3rd pres nípð past náp/nipon ptp is genipen to grow dark, obscure

nierwett [] n (-es/-) narrowness; a narrow place, defile, pass; oppression of the chest, difficulty breathing, hardness of breathing

nirewett [] n (-es/-) narrowness; a narrow place, defile, pass; oppression of the chest, difficulty breathing, hardness of breathing

nirwð [] f (-e/-a) prison house

nis [] verb form is not [ne is]

nísoden [] adj newly boiled

nistan [] wv/t1b to build a nest, to build nests

nistian [] wv/t2 to build a nest, to build nests

nistlan [] wv/t1b to make a nest, build a nest, to build nests

nistlian [] wv/t2 to make a nest, build a nest, to build nests

nið [] n (-es/nioðu) abyss, a place low down

níð [] m (-es/-as) 1. envy, hatred, enmity, rancor, spite, ill-will, jealousy; 2. action which arises from hatred, strife, war, hostility; 3. the effect of hatred, persecution, trouble, vexation, annoyance, affliction, tribulation, grief; 4. evil, wickedness, malice, an instance of wickedness or malice; 5. [original definition] strife, enmity, attack, war; evil, hatred, spite; oppression, affliction, trouble, grief

níð [] adj vexatious?, rancorous?

níðan [] wvt/1b to envy, hate

níðcwalu [] f (-e/-a) violent death, grievous destruction, destruction

níðcwealm [] m (-es/-as) violent death, destruction

níðdraca [] m (-n/-n) a hostile, malicious dragon

níðemest [] adj lowest, undermost, lowest

niðer [] adv below, beneath, down, downwards; lower, in an inferior position [no positive found]

niðera [] adj lower, under, lowest; of degree, rank, etc. inferior; spl niðemest, nyðemest [no positive found]

niðeráscúfan [] sv/t4 3rd pres niðeráscýfð past niðeráscéaf/niðeráscufon ptp niðeráscofen to push down

niðerásettan [] wv/t1a to set down

niðerástígan [] sv/i1 3rd pres niðerástígð past niðerástág/niðerástigon ptp is niðerástigen to descend

niðerbogen [] adj bent down [past participle]

niðerdǽl [] m (-es/-as) lower part

niðere [] adv below, beneath, down, low down

niðerecg [] f (-e/-a) the lower edge or brink

niðerflór [] m (-es/-as) lower story, a lower floor, a room downstairs

niðergán [] irreg v/t to descend

niðergang [] m (-es/-as) descent

niðerheald [] adj bent downwards

niðerhréosende [] adj falling down

niðerhryre [] m (-es/-as) downfall

niðerian1 [] wv/t2 to depress, abase, bring low, humiliate, oppress; accuse, condemn; genyðred ignominious

niðerigendlic [] adj deserving condemnation

niðerlang [] adj stretching downward, with the length stretching downwards

niðerlǽtan [] sv/t7 3rd pres niðerlǽteð past niðerlét/on, niðerleort/on ptp niðerlǽten to lose heart

niðerlecgung [] f (-e/-a) deposition, a laying down, entombment

niðerlic [] adj low (of position), low-lying, inferior, lowly; low, humble, inferior

niðernes [] f (-se/-sa) deepness, the bottom, lowness, a low position

niðeronwend [] 1. adj down-turned; 2. adv downwards

niðerscéotende [] adj rushing downwards

niðerscyfe [] m (-es/-as) rushing downwards, descent; a pushing down, falling down, hasty downward movement

niðersettan [] wv/t1a to set down

niðersige [] m (-es/-as) a going down, setting

niðerstige [] m (-es/-as) descent

niðerstígende [] adj descending

niðertorfian [] wv/t2 to throw down

niðerung1 [] f (-e/-a) a bringing low, humiliation, abasement, overthrow, downthrow; damnation, condemnation

niðerweard [] adj downward, directed downwards, turned downwards; adv ~es downwards, in a downward direction

niðeweard [] adj low, situated beneath, bottom of (the noun with which the adjective agrees; niðeweard fót bottom of a foot)

níðful [] adj jealous, envious, malicious, quarrelsome, ill-disposed, evil

níðfullíce [] adv maliciously, enviously

níðgæst2 [] m (-es/-as) hostile alien, fell demon, a malicious, malignant guest

níðgetéon [] n (-es/-) attack, injurious malice

níðgeweorc [] n (-es/-) evil deed, malicious, evil work

níðgrama [] m (-n/-n) anger, malice, malicious anger, anger and malice

níðgrim2 [] adj fierce, hostile, savage, cruel

níðgripe [] m (-es/-as) fierce grasp, a hostile grasp

níðheard2 [] adj bold, bold in battle, brave in battle, audacious

níðhell [] f (-e/-a) hateful hell, hell where malice and wickedness reign?

níðhete2 [] m (-es/-as) 1. hostility, evil intent; rancorous hate, enmity; affliction, torment, grievous trouble; malice, wickedness; 2. a malignant foe, foe

níðhycgende2 [] adj evil-scheming, having hatred or malice in the heart

níðhygdig [] adj valorous, having the mind disposed to strife, bold

níðig [] adj envious, malicious

níðing [] m (-es/-as) wretch, villain, coward, outlaw, one who commits a vile action; see mete~, un~

níðlíce [] adv abjectly, cowardly, meanly

níðloca [] m (-n/-n) place of torment, a place where one is shut up in misery

níðplega [] m (-n/-n) battle, fight

níðsceaða [] m (-n/-n) foe, persecutor, a malignant foe

níðscipe [] m (-es/-as) wickedness

níðsele [] m (-es/-as) hall of conflict, a hall where one is exposed to the hatred of a foe

níðsynn [] f (-e/-a) grievous sin

niððas2 [] m pl men; [a poetical word used only in the plural]

níðweorc [] n (-es/-) battle, conflict

níðwracu2 [] f (-e/-a) severe punishment; [gen ~wræce]

níðwundor [] n (-wundres/-) dire wonder, a wonder that portends evil, portent

níwan [] adv recently, newly, lately

níwanácenned [] adj newborn

níwbacen [] adj newly baked

níwcealct [] adj newly whitewashed

níwcenned [] adj newborn

níwcend [] adj newborn

níwcilct [] adj newly whitewashed

níwcumen [] 1. m (-es/-as) new-comer, neophyte, recently come (to a particular belief), newly come (to a particular belief), one newly come to a religious house, a novice; 2. adj newly come, just arrived

níwe [] adj 1. new, not yet used, untried; not existing before, now made, or brought into existence, for the first time; 1a. of a kind now first invented or introduced; 2. new, fresh, recent, not of long standing, not long made, not previously known; (1) of things spoken or heard; (2) of feelings, experience, events, etc.; (3) of things or persons; 3. new (to anything), untried, inexperienced; coming as a resumption or repetition of some previous act or thing; 3a. restored after demolition, decay, disappearance, etc.; applied to the moon; 4. new, fresh, novel, different from what has gone before, unheard of; other than the former or old, different from that previously existing, known, or used; 4a. of persons occupying a certain position or relationship; 5. with demonstrative se to distinguish the thing spoken of from something old, or already existing, of the same kind; (1) of institutions, practices, etc.; séo níwe gewitnes the new testament; (2) with things, places, and persons; 6. of recent origin or growth, that has not yet existed long; 6a. of articles of food or drink, freshly made, produced, or grown, belonging to the fresh crop or growth; 6b. recently made, not yet used or worn, still unimpaired by use; 7. having but recently come into a certain state, position, or relationship; 7a. new to a thing, inexperienced in; níwe on geléafan new in belief; 7b. inexperienced, unskilled, rude; 8. adv newly, recently; ~an stefne again, anew; see níwan

níwerne [] adj? young, tender

níwfara [] m (-n/-n) a newcomer, a stranger

níwfyllan [] wvt/1a to fill anew

níwgecierred [] adj newly converted

níwgefara [] m (-n/-n) a newcomer, a stranger

níwgehálgod [] adj newly consecrated

níwhwierfed [] adj newly converted

níwhworfen [] adj newly converted

níwian [] wv/t2 to renew, renovate, restore; to repeat

níwlic [] adj fresh, new; adv ~líce lately, newly, recently

níwlinga [] adv anew

níwnes [] f (-se/-sa) newness, novelty

níwslýcod [] adj newly glossed, with the gloss fresh on it (a garment)

níwtyrwed [] adj newly tarred

níwung [] f (-e/-a) rudiment

níwunga [] adv newly, anew

noctern [] m? (-es/-as), n? (-es/-) a nocturn (religious service), one of the divisions of the office of matins [L]

non [] m (-es/-as) title of senior monks, the title given to the older by the younger monks

nón [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) the ninth hour (3 PM); nones (service held at the ninth hour); ~es till three o’clock; [L nona (hora)]; [prím prima; undern tertia; middæg sexta; nón nona; ǽfen vesperum]

nónbelle [] f (-an/-an) noon-bell, the bell rung at the hour for the service of nones

nóngereord [] n (-es/-) meal after nones, a repast after the service of nones, dinner

nónhring [] m (-es/-as) ringing of the noon-bell, the ringing of a bell to announce the hour for the service of nones

nónmete [] m (-es/-mettas) afternoon meal

nónsang [] m (-es/-as) service at 3 PM, nones

nóntíd [] f (-e/-e) ninth hour

nóntíma [] m (-n/-n) ninth hour

Normandig [] f (-e/-a) Normandy; [Normandíg?]

Noren [] adj Norse, Norwegian

Norren [] adj Norse, Norwegian

norð [] 1. adj northern; in a northerly position; cmp norðra, norðerra, spl norðmest; 2. adv northwards, in a northerly direction or position; in the north, north, in a northerly direction or position; cmp norðor, spl norðmest

norðan [] adv from the north; benorðan prep w.d. north of

norðanéastan [] adv from the north-east, north-easterly; be ~ to the northeast

norðanéastanwind [] m (-es/-as) north-east wind, a wind from the northeast

Norðanhymbre [] m pl Northumbrians; Northumbria; the people or province north of the Humber

norðanweard [] adj northward; adv

norðanwestan [] adv from the north-west, north-westerly

norðanwestanwind [] m (-es/-as) north-west wind, a wind from the northwest

norðanwind [] m (-es/-as) north wind, a wind from the north

norðdǽl [] m (-es/-as) north quarter, a northern part, north; the north

Norð-Dene [] m pl the north-Danes

norðduru [] f (-a/-a) north door, a door on the north side of a building

norðéast [] 1. m (-es/-as) northeast; 2. adv in the northeast, to the northeast

norðéastende [] m (-es/-as) north-east end

norðéasthyrne [] f (-an/-an) north-east corner

norðéastlang [] adj extending north-eastwards, long in a northeasterly direction

norðéastrodor [] m (-rodres/-rodras) north-east quarter, the northeast corner, the northeast sky

norðefes [] f (-e/-a) northern border, a northern margin

norðende [] m (-es/-as) northern quarter, the north end or part

Norð-Engle [] m pl the inhabitants of the north of England

norðerne [] adj northern; applied to the Scandinavians, northern, Northumbrian, Scandinavian

norðerra [] adj more northerly

norðeweard [] adj northward, north

norðfolc [] n (-es/-) northern folk, the northern division of a people; (a) the people of the north of England; (b) the people of Norfolk, Norfolk

norðgársecg [] m (-es/-as) northern ocean

norðgemǽre [] n (-es/-u) northern limit, a boundary to the north

Norð-Gyrwas [] m pl the northern division of the Gyrwas

Norðhámtún [] m (-es/-as) Northampton

norðheald [] adj inclined northwards, sloping to the north, bent northwards

norðhealf [] f (-e/-a) the north-side, the north

norðhere [] m (-es/-as) army from the north, an army belonging to the north

norðhilde [] f (-an/-an) north slope

Norðhymbre [] 1. m pl Northumbrians; Northumbria; the people or province north of the Humber; 2. see Norðhymbrisc

Norðhymbrisc [] adj Northumbrian

norðhyrne [] f (-an/-an) north corner

norðland [] n (-es/-) northern land or shore, land lying to the north

norðlang [] adj north-along, having its length extending northwards, running north and south; cmp norðlengra; spl norðlengest

norðlanu [] f (-e/-a) north lane

norðléode [] m pl northern folk, the northern folk of England, Angles

norþlic [] adj northern

Norþmandisc [] adj Norman

Norþmann [] m (-es/-menn) dweller in the north, a man belonging to a northern country, Scandinavian; a Norseman, Norwegian, or Dane; referring to other countries

norðmest [] adj, adv northmost; spl of norð

Norð-Mirce [] m pl the north-Mercians

norðportic [] m (-es/-as) north porch

Norðriga [] m (-n/-n) a Norwegian

norðrihte [] adv direct northwards, due north (1)

norðrihtes [] adv direct northwards, due north (2)

norðrodor [] m (-rodres/-rodras) northern sky

norðsǽ [] f (-/-) northern sea, Bristol Channel; Baltic, North Sea

norðscéata [] m (-n/-n) northern point, promontory

norðsciphere [] m (-es/-as) a northern fleet, Danish fleet

Norð-Scottas [] m pl the Northern Scots

norðþéod [] f (-e/-a) northern people

norðþunor [] m (-þunres/-þunras) thunder from the north

Norðwálas [] m pl North Welsh (i.e. not Cornish); Wales (2)

Norðwéalas [] m pl North Welsh (i.e. not Cornish); Wales (1)

Norðwéalcynn [] n (-es/-) inhabitants of (North) Wales

Norðwealhcynn [] n (-es/-) inhabitants of (North) Wales

norðweall [] m (-es/-as) north wall

norðweard [] adj north; adv north, northward

norðweardes [] adv northwards

norðweg [] m (-es/-as) a way leading northwards

norðwest [] adv northwest

norðwestende [] m (-es/-as) north-west end

norðwestgemǽre [] m (-es/-as) north-west boundary

norðwind [] m (-es/-as) north wind

Norweg [] m (-es/-as) Norway

nóse2 [] f (-an/-an) ness, promontory, a piece of land projecting into water

nosterl [] n (-es/-) nostril (4)

nosþirl [] n (-es/-) nostril (1)

nosþyrel [] n (-es/-) nostril (3)

nosþyrl [] n (-es/-) nostril (2)

nostle [] f (-an/-an) fillet, band

nosu [] f (-a/-a) nose; pl the nostrils, nose

nosugrisle [] f (-an/-an) nose-gristle (cartilage)

nót [] m (-es/-as) mark, note, sign [L nota]

nótere [] m (-es/-as) scribe, writer, one who makes notes [L]

notgeorn [] adj industrious, busy in useful employment, profitably employed, diligent in business; [néotan]

notian1 [] wv/t2 1. to make use of, use, employ, enjoy, (a) w.g., þu his notast you make use of it; (b) w.d., hwilc notað cræfte which uses a skill; (c) w.a., þu híe notast you use them; (d) case undetermined; 2. to discharge an office; 3. ge~ note

notu [] f (-e/-a) 1. enjoyment, use, profit, advantage, utility; 2. an office, employment, occupation, or work, as properly pertaining or assigned to a person; 3. the discharge of an office, discharge of a duty, conduct of business; [néotan]

notwierðe [] adj useful

notwrítere [] m (-es/-as) one who makes notes, scribe

nóð2 [] f (-e/-a) temerity, presumption, daring, boldness; booty, plunder; an adventurous band?

nówend [] m (-es/-) shipmaster, sailor, skipper, mariner

nú [] 1. adv now, at present, at this time, immediately; very recently; (1) at the present time; (2) in the time immediately following on the present moment, immediately; (3) in the time directly preceding the present moment; (4) with weakened temporal sense in sentences expressing commands, requests, and/or arguments; gehíeren wé nú for hwon se blinda onféng listen we now why the blind one caught; (5) used to introduce an important point in an argument, or series of statements; nú gif þu hæfst ǽnig þing now, if you have any thing; (5b) inserted parenthetically with similar force; þéah hé nú máran wilnie though he now may desire more; (6) with preposition; oð nú until now; ~ gén still; ~ gíet as yet, still; ~ þá now, already; 2. conj now that, inasmuch as, because, since, when; 3. interj lo!, behold!, come!; ~ now

núhwænne [] ? straightway

núhwílum [] adv now-a-days, at present

Numantie [] m pl the Numantians

numen [] 1. adj taken; past participle of niman; 2. ? (-?/-?) a plucking [vulsio]

Numentie [] m pl the Numantians

Numentínas [] m pl the Numantians

Numentíne [] m pl the Numantians

Numentisc [] adj of Numantia

numestán [] m (-es/-as) a pebble, calculus

Numeðe [] m pl the Numidians

numol [] adj that can contain or hold much, able to take or contain much, wide, large, spacious, roomy, capacious; capacious, susceptible, capable of, good, able, apt, fit for; of the mind, able to grasp, capable; [capax], holding much, quick at learning; biting, given to biting, snappish; stinging, sharp, biting, pungent [mordax], biting

núna [] adv now; probably a scribal error for ðá

nunfǽmne [] f (-an/-an) nun

nunhíred [] m (-es/-as) nunnery

nunlíf [] n (-es/-) life of a nun

nunmynster [] n (-mynstres/-) convent, nunnery

nunnanmynster [] n (-mynstres/-) convent, nunnery

nunne [] f (-an/-an) nun, of a Christian woman; of a non-Christian, pagan priestess, vestal

nunscrúd [] n (-es/-) the habit of a nun, nun’s dress [dat scrýd]

nyhtnes [] f (-se/-sa) abundance

nyhtsum1 [] adj abundant, abounding; ge~ satisfied, contented; adv ~líce

nyhtsumian [] wv/i2 to be sufficient

nyhtsumnes [] f (-se/-sa) abundance

nyllan [] modal v/i + infinitive 3rd pres nylle past nolde ptp genollen? to be unwilling; refuse, prevent; not to want to

nymðe [] conj unless, except; nor; 1. connecting clauses; 2. connecting words in the same case (contracted clauses, the verb of the second clause being the same as the first, and not expressed

nypel [] m (nyples/nyplas) trunk (of an elephant)

nytan [] irreg v/t 3rd pres nát past nyste, nysse ptp genyten not to know, to be ignorant [ne, witan]; w.g.; w.dat.infin

nyten [] adj ignorant [ne, witan]

nytende [] adv ignorantly

nytenlic [] adj ignorant

nytennes [] f (-se/-sa) 1. ignorance; 1a. want of knowledge on a particular point; 1b. a condition of not being known by others, a state of incognito; 2. laziness, disgrace, ignominy; unknown state

nytlic [] adj useful, profitable, beneficial [Ger nützlich]; adv ~líce usefully

nytlicnes [] f (-se/-sa) usefulness, utility, useful property; profit, advantage

nytnes [] f (-se/-sa) use, utility, advantage, benefit, profit, convenience;

nytt [] 1. f (-e/-a) use, utility, advantage, profit; what is useful, advantageous, profitable; duty, office, employment; supervision, care; useful work, charge, service; 2. adj useful, beneficial, helpful, profitable; [néotan]

nyttian1 [] wv/t2 w.g. to make use of, enjoy, use; eat

nyttol [] adj useful

nyttung [] f (-e/-a) profit, advantage

nytþearflic [] adj useful

nytwierðe [] adj useful, advantageous, profitable (1)

nytwierðlic [] adj useful, profitable; adv ~líce

nytwierðnes [] f (-se/-sa) utility, usefulness

nytwirðe [] adj useful, advantageous, profitable (2)

nytwyrðe [] adj useful, advantageous, profitable (3)

nyðeráworpen [] ? (-?/-?) one who has been cast down


ócusta [] m (-n/-n) armpit

óden [] f (-e/-a) threshing-floor

ódencole [] ? (-?/-?) hollow serving as a threshing-floor

oemseten [] f (-ne/-na) shoot, slip?, row (of vines)?

of [of] 1. prep w.d. of, from, out of; among, concerning, about; derived from, made of, belonging to; 2. adv off, away, absent; settan ~ to displace, depose

ofácéapian [] wv/t2 to buy off

ofáceorfan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofácierfð past ofácearf/ofácurfon ptp ofácorfen to cut or prune off

ofádón [] irreg v/t to pull out, tear out; leave out, except

ofádrincan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofádrincð past ofádranc/ofádruncon ptp ofádruncen to drain; quench

ofádrýgan [] wv/t1b to dry off, wipe off

ofáhéawan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ofáhíewð past ofáhéow/on ptp ofáhéawen to cut off

ofániman [] sv/t4 3rd pres ofánimð past ofánóm/on, ofánam/ofánámon ptp ofánumen to take away

ofáscacan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ofáscæcð past ofáscóc/on ptp ofáscacen to shake off; excuse

ofáscian [] wv/t2 to find out by asking, be informed, hear of, learn

ofáscieran [] sv/t4 3rd pres ofáscierð past ofáscear/ofáscéaron ptp ofáscoren to cut off

ofáséoðan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ofásíeðeð past ofáséað/ofásudon ptp ofásoden to purge, purify

ofásléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ofáslíehð past ofáslóg/on ptp ofáslagen to smite off

ofásnídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ofásnídeð past ofásnád/ofásnidon ptp ofásniden to cut off

ofátéon [] sv/t2 3rd pres ofátíehð past ofátéah/ofátugon ptp ofátogen to pull out, withdraw

ofáweorpan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofáwierpð past ofáwearp/ofáwurpon ptp ofáworpen to cast aside, throw off

ofǽte? [] f (-an/-an) food

ofbéatan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ofbíeteð past ofbéot/on, ofbeoft/on ptp ofbéaten to beat to death, kill

ofblindian [] wv/t2 to blind

ofcalan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ofcælð past ofcól/on ptp ofcalen to chill, make or grow cold

ofclipian [] wv/t2 to obtain by calling, call for

ofcuman [] sv/t4 3rd pres ofcymð past ofcóm/on ptp ofcumen to spring from, be derived from

ofcyrf [] m (-es/-as) a section, cutting; amputation

ofdæl [] adj inclined (downwards)

ofdæle [] n (-es/-u) decline, declivity, descent, abyss

ofdón [] irreg v/t to put out, put off, take off (clothes)

ofdrǽdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ofdrǽdeð past ofdréd/on, ofdreord/on ptp ofdrǽden to fear, be afraid, terrified [occasional wk past ofdrǽdde]

ofdrincan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofdrincð past ofdranc/ofdruncon ptp ofdruncen to intoxicate

ofdruncnian [] wv/t2 to get drunk (on)

ofdúne [] adv down

ofdúneheald [] adv directed downwards

ofdúneonwend [] adv downwards

ofdúnesettan [] wv/t1a to set down

ofdúnestígan [] sv/i1 3rd pres ofdúnestígð past ofdúnestág/ofdúnestigon ptp is ofdúnestigen to descend

ofdúneweard [] adv downwards

ofdúneweardes [] adv downwards

ofdúnrihte [] adv downwards

ofearmian [] wv/t2 to be pitiful

ofearmung [] f (-e/-a) compassion

oféhtan [] wv/t1b to persecute

ofen [] m (ofnes/ofnas) furnace; oven

ofenbacen [] adj baked in an oven

ofenraca [] m (-n/-n) oven-rake

ofenracu [] f (-e/-a) oven-rake

ofer [] 1. prep w.d.a. over, beyond, above, upon, in, across, past; ~ bæc backwards, back; throughout; against, in contravention of, contrary to, beyond; (time) after, through, during, at the end of; more than; in addition to, besides, beyond; (dative for rest, accusative for motion); 2. adv above, on high; to or on the other side; from side to side, across; beyond, above (quantity)

ófer [] m (ófres/ófras) border, margin, edge; brink, river-bank, sea-shore

oferǽt [] m (-es/-as) gluttony, feasting, excess; feast

oferǽte [] adj gluttonous

oferbæcgetéung [] f (-e/-a) tetanus

oferbebéodan [] sv/t2 3rd pres oferbebíedeð past oferbebéad/oferbebudon ptp oferbeboden to rule

oferbecuman [] sv/t4 3rd pres oferbecymð past oferbecóm/on ptp oferbecumen to supervene

oferbéon [] irreg v/t 3rd pres oferbið/ofersind past oferwæs/oferwǽron ptp oferbéon to be over, command

oferbídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferbídeð past oferbád/oferbidon ptp oferbiden to outlast, outlive

oferbiternes [] f (-se/-sa) excessive bitterness

oferblica [] m (-n/-n) surface

oferblíðe [] adj too light-hearted

oferbráw [] m (-es/-as) eyebrow

oferbrǽdan [] wv/t1b to spread over, suffuse, be spread over, overshadow, cover over

oferbrǽdels [] m (-es/-as) outside, surface, covering; coverlet, veil, garment; cerecloth

oferbrecan [] sv/t4 3rd pres oferbricð past oferbræc/oferbrǽcon ptp oferbrocen to transgress, violate

oferbregdan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oferbrigdeð past oferbrægd/oferbrugdon ptp oferbrogden to draw over, cover, overspread; be covered over, show a film over

oferbrú [] f (-we/-wa) eyebrow

oferbrycgian [] wv/t2 to span as by a bridge

ofercæfed [] adj overlaid with ornament

oferceald [] adj excessively cold

ofercídan [] wv/t1b to chide sharply

ofercídung [] f (-e/-a) chiding, reproof

ofercierr [] m (-es/-as) passing over

ofercierran [] wv/t1a to cross over

oferclif [] n (-es/-u, cleofu) steep place, overhanging cliff

oferclimban [] sv/t3 3rd pres oferclimbeð past oferclamb/oferclumbon ptp oferclumben to climb over

oferclipian [] wv/t2 to cry out

ofercostung [] f (-e/-a) great tribulation

ofercræft [] m (-es/-as) fraud

ofercuman [] sv/t4 3rd pres ofercymð past ofercóm/on ptp ofercumen to overcome, subdue, compel, conquer; obtain, attain, reach, overtake

ofercwealm [] m (-es/-as) great mortality

ofercyme [] m (-es/-as) arrival

ofercymend [] m (-es/-) assailant

ofercýðan [] wv/t1b to outdo by preponderance of oaths

oferdón [] irreg v/t to overdo, do to excess; oferdóne þing excesses

oferdrencan [] wv/t1b to make drunk; give copiously to drink

oferdrífan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferdrífð past oferdráf/oferdrifon ptp oferdrifen to overcome, defeat, dispense; confute; cover (by drifting sand); outvote

oferdrincan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oferdrincð past oferdranc/oferdruncon ptp oferdruncen to drink too much, get drink

oferdrincere [] m (-es/-as) drunkard

oferdruncen [] 1. n (-es/-) drunkenness; 2. adj drunk; past participle of oferdrincan

oferdruncennes [] f (-se/-sa) drunkenness

oferdrync [] m (-es/-as) over-drinking, drunkenness; revelry, feasting

oferdyre [] n (-es/-u) lintel

ofere [] adv over, across; from above

oferéaca [] m (-n/-n) surplus, overplus, remainder, addition, increase

ofereald [] adj too old; cmp oferieldra; spl oferieldest

oferealdormann [] m (-es/-menn) chief officer

ofereall [] adv anywhere

ofereotol [] adj gluttonous

oferetol [] adj gluttonous

oferetolnes [] f (-se/-sa) gluttony

oferettol [] adj gluttonous

oferfaran [] sv/i6 3rd pres oferfærð past oferfór/on ptp is oferfaren to pass, cross, go over; sv/t6 to traverse, go through, penetrate; come across, meet with, overtake; pass through, withstand, overcome

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