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Final test 1 – 4.

1. Give the terms that are similar to the following definitions:

1) expenditure on goods and services for final personal use (consumption)

2) business obligations incurred but not discharged and entered as claims on the assets shown on the balance sheet (liabilities)

3) the amount of a commodity that producers are willing and able to offer for sale at a specified price (supply)

4) a level of management in an organization or business consisting of executives or senior supervisory staff in charge of the detailed running of an organization or business and reporting to top management (middle management)

5) a partner who takes no active part in the business and is unknown to the public (dormant partner)

6) a group of commercial enterprises combined to monopolize and control the market for any commodity (business trust)

7) a certificate of property carrying the right to receive interest or dividend, such as shares or bonds (securities)

8) funds invested or available for investment at considerable risk of loss in potentially highly profitable enterprises; risk capital (venture capital)

2. Give the definitions to the following terms:

1) economics - the social science concerned with the production and consumption of goods and services and the analysis of the commercial activities of a society.

2) capital goods - commodities for use in production, as raw materials, machinery, buildings, etc.; producer goods as distinguished from consumer goods.

3) income statement a financial statement that summarizes the various transactions of a business during a specified period, showing the net profit or loss; profit and loss statement.

4) real estate - immovable property, esp. land and buildings, including proprietary rights over land.

5) franchise - authorization granted by a manufacturing enterprise to a distributor to market the manufacturer's products.

6) marketing research - the study of influences upon customer and consumer behavior and the analysis of market characteristics and trends.

7) price break - a reduction in price, esp. for bulk purchase.

8) balance sheet - a statement that shows the financial position of a business enterprise at a specified date by listing the asset balances and the claims on such assets.

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following terms:

1) economies of scale - экономия на росте масштаба производства.

2) disposable income - располагаемый личный доход.

3) capital stock - все простые и привилегированные акции.

4) customs – таможня.

5) venture capital - рисковый капитал.

6) money changing - игра на валютной бирже.

7) conscience money - первоначально уклонившимся от уплаты.

8) fractional currency - разменные деньги.

Final test 5 – 8.

1. Give the terms that are similar to the following definitions:

1) a bill of exchange drawn by one bank on another (bank draft)

2) a document, containing an instruction to a third party to pay a stated sum of money at a designated future date or on demand (bill of exchange)

3) the act of obtaining and paying for an item or service (transaction)

4) the real or illusory distinction between competing products in a market (product differentiation)

5) activities for creation a favorable attitude toward the company offering the goods for sale (institutional advertising)

6) a device used to record and process information relating to sales (point-of-sale terminal)

7) a statement made in an advertisement, usually by sb famous or important, saying that they use and like a particular product (endorsement)

8) an argument or other persuasion used in selling (sales pitch)

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