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2. Match the terms with their definitions:

1 marketing mix F

a) a statement made in an advertisement, usually by sb famous or important, saying that they use and like a particular product

2 jingle H

b) advertising or information that is sent to a large number of people at the same time by mail

3 endorsement A

c) promotional activities sponsored by nonprofit organizations and run free of charge by the media

4 mail shot B

d) the practice of a company paying for its product to be placed in a prominent position in a film or television programme as a form of advertising

5 public service advertising C

e) a face-to-face contact between buyer and seller

6 local advertising G

f) the variables, such as price, promotion, and service, managed by an organization to influence demand for a product or service

7 product placement D

g) promotional activities sponsored by a local merchant

8 personal selling E

h) a catchy and rhythmic verse, song, etc., esp one used in advertising

3. Use an appropriate word from the box to complete the text.







There is no dispute over the power of advertising to inform consumers of what products are available. In a free-market economy effective advertising is essential to a company's ____, for unless consumers know about a company's product they are unlikely to buy it. In criticism of advertising it has been argued that the consumer must pay for the ___ of advertising in the form of higher ___ for goods; against this point it is argued that advertising enables goods to be mass marketed, thereby bringing prices down. It has been argued that the cost of major advertising _____ is such that few firms can afford them, thus helping these firms to ____ the market; on the other hand, whereas smaller firms may not be able to _____ with larger ones at a national level, at the local level advertising enables them to hold their own.

Test 7. Trade

1. Give English terms to the following Russian definitions:

1) вексель, используемый в отношениях между компаниями для финансирования товарных операций (trade bill)

2) соглашение между двумя или более странами, касающееся применения мер тарифного и нетарифного ограничения взаимной торговли (trade agreement)

3) совокупность стадий в функционировании производства товаров. (trade cycle)

4) скидка с цены за уплату наличными либо за погашение задолженности ранее обычно срока (cash discount)

5) промышленная зона (trading estate)

6) продажа товара на внешнем рынке по ценам ниже себестоимости (dumping)

7) самая высокая цена, которую товар может получить на рынке (market value)

8) участник рынка, в результате сделок которого постоянно осуществляются котировки курсов покупки и продажи различных валют или ценных бумаг (market maker)

2. Match the terms with their definitions:

1 trade agreement E

a) an event or occasion, usually held at regular intervals, at which people meet for the purpose of buying and selling merchandise

2 natural resources H

b) the prevailing price, as determined by supply and demand, at which goods, services, etc., may be bought or sold

3 market A

c) a prescribed number or quantity, as of items to be manufactured, imported, or exported

4 market price B

d) the doctrine of unrestricted freedom in commerce, esp for private interests

5 market order G

e) a commercial treaty between two or more nations

6 quota C

f) the part of the money market consisting of banks, discount houses, and brokers on which bills are discounted

7 laissez-fair D

g) an instruction to a broker to sell or buy at the best price currently obtainable on the market

8 discount market F

h) naturally occurring materials such as coal, fertile land, etc., that can be used by man

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