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1 How can we save the environment of our city? Finish the sentences.

No littering

We can’t ___________

We mustn’t ____________

People must ____________

We should ____________

We shouldn’t ____________


The second conditional is used to express and unreal or improbable condition and its probable result in the present or future. The second condition is unreal because it is different from the facts that we know. We can always say



1. The use of the past tense (If I had) and would does not refer to past time. Both the first and second conditional refer to the present or the future. The past forms are used to show ‘ This is different from reality’.

Second Conditionals If+ Past, would+ Infinitive

When we imagine a situation like this, we use+past (if I knew/ if you were/ if you didn’t etc.)

If I knew his number, I would phone him.

If I didn’t want to go to the party, I wouldn’t go.

Exercise 1 Put the verbs into correct form.

a. If…….(I/know) his number, I would phone him.

b. I…….(I/not/buy) that coat if I were you.

c………..(I help) you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t.

d. If I had the choice,……………(we/live) in the country.

e. This soup isn’t very good. ………..(it/taste) better if it wasn’t so salty.

Exercise 2 Write an essay to the given situation (40 words).

Wild animal – is an animal who lives in a free condition, providing for its own food, shelter, and other needs

Exercise 1 Listen and mark the sentences True(T) or False(F) [1. T.6.4. p.66.]




The crocodile attacks slowly that people don’t have time to swim to safety.


The crocodile will try to get you on its back.


The best thing to escape from bears would be to pretend to be dead.


Bulls react to movement.


Only red colours attract the bull

Exercise 4 Retell the text using the following questions.

a. What would you do if the crocodile attacked?

b. Can bears run faster than we can?

c. When does a bear stop attacking?

d. What do bulls react to?

e. What would you do if bulls attacked?

Exercise 4 Read the first paragraph of the text and translate.


All over the world, there are animals may be in peril for different reasons. We hunt some of them for food, or for their fur or ivory. We destroy other animals’ habitat. And still others suffer of drought and civil war. Elephants are in both Africa and India. Their tusks are very valuable in many countries, even though it is illegal to buy and sell them. They also suffer when their water supply disappears. In Siberia, hunters kill tigers for their furs and their paws. People think that the paws will bring them good luck. In Rwanda, gorillas are in danger because of civil war.

There are some good news. Twenty years ago, blue whales were in danger of extinction. Now the number are increasing again because of the international ban on whaling. However, some countries, including Japan and Norway, want to start whaling again.

There are a lot of special organizations, which try to save our animals. Nation campaigns tries to protect animals from bad use, aimed at lost pets, circus animals. These organization also helped to create more than 250 National parks. We must save wild animals. And we must find the right way to save land, people and animals.

Exercise 6 Read the text and write suitable heading to each paragraph 

Exercise7 Work in pairs.

Make a list of all the wild animals you know.Ask and answer the questions about them.

  • Have you ever seen an exotic animal?

  • Where?

  • What are they like?

  • What have you liked in them?

Exercise 8 Speak on the given topics.

Tick the option that best describes your attitude to animals.