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Main literature:

1.New English file (pre-intermediate) Student’s book, ClieveOxenden Christina Latham – Koening. Oxford University Press, 2010

2. New Inside Out (pre-intermediate) Student’s book Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones Macmillan 2012

Additional literature:

3.New English file (pre-intermediate) Work book , ClieveOxenden Christina Latham – Koening. Oxford University Press, 2010

4. New Inside Out (pre-intermediate) Work book . Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones Macmillan 2012

5.“Essential grammar” R.Murphy. Second edition. (pre-intermediate)l. Cambridge University Press. 2009.



Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits: 2

Pre-Intermediate level Practical lesson

Lexical theme: Healthy diet, eating habits

Grammatical theme: Quantifiers

Teacher: Sariyeva Aida Kamzaevna.K.


Read and translate the proverb and give the similar one in Kazakh or Russian "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

CONSOLIDATION. Discuss given proverbs with your partner.

Good health is above wealth”“I think that good health is above wealth.”

QUANTIFIERS: too, too much, too many, a little, a few, enough.

Use too, too much, too many to say “more than is good”

My diet is unhealthy. I eat too many cakes and sweets.

I don’t want to go out. I’m too tired.

Use enough before a noun to mean “all that is necessary”

Use enough after an adjective.

Do you eat enough vegetables

I don’t drink enough water.

This dress isn’t big enough.

Use a little/very little and a few/very few to talk about small quantities.

Use a little/very little with uncountable nouns and a few/very few with countable nouns.

A: Do you take sugar B: Yes, just a little.

A: Do you want some chips B: Yes, just a few.

I eat a little meat. I drink very little coffee. Can you buy a few bananas

He has very few friends.

Consolidation of grammar. Cross out the wrong form.

How much / many meat do you eat

  1. I drink too many / too much coffee.

  2. I eat too much/ too many biscuits.

  3. I don’t drink enough water / water enough.

  4. You work too much / too many

  5. He has a few/ a little good friends.

Exercise 1 Rearrange the words bellow to make statements.

  1. Family/ a very/ Breakfast/ rich meal /in our/ is /big/ and

  2. not /very/ in our/ popular /Lunch/ is /country

  3. than/ coffee/ We/ prefer/ often/ at breakfast/ tea /more

  4. cornflakes/ with /milk/ My /or/ sandwiches /father/ likes

  5. sister/ My/ prefers/ juice/ little

Exercise 2 Match the phrases a-e with the meanings

  1. I’m too fat.

  2. I drink too much coffee.

  3. I work too many hours.

  4. I don’t do enough exercise

  5. I drink a little alcohol.

  • I don’t drink much.

  • I need to do more.

  • I drink more than I should.

  • I work more than I want.

  • I should be a bit thinner.

Exercise 3 Listen to Josh talking about the fittest/ healthiest person he knows. [2.3.17]

Say if you think these statements true (T) or false (F)




Darren was twenty- seven


Darren’s tall and well – built


He had to do really difficult exercises


he has to run up mountains carrying about forty kilos of equipment on his back


He has to eat really high – uncalorie diet

Exercise 4 Answer the following questions according to the text.

      1. Who is the fittest/ healthiest person you know?

      2. How old is he?

      3. What does he do to stay healthy and fit?

      4. What kind of food does he eat?

Exercise 5 Read the textand translate the first paragraph.

It's very important to choose a balanced, healthy diet. Food is fuel, and our minds and bodies depend on it for the energy to be healthy and strong. Many scientists believe they may have found key to a longer life — eat less and live longer!

1) Food gives us energy, makes us grow and helps to stay healthy. We need to eat something from all the food groups every day. Fruit and vegetables, cereals and

grains, fats and sugar, meat and protein and dairy.

2) Fruit and vegetables give us lots of vitamins and minerals and help us grow and stay healthy. We should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. A portion is one piece of fruit, a serving of vegetables or a glass of juice.

3) Cereals and grains are things like bread, rice, potatoes and noodles. These foods give us the energy we need. Half of what we eat every day should come from this group.

 4) Fats and sugars are things like oils, biscuits, sweets, chocolate and ice cream. These foods give us energy and are important for our nervous system. But too much of this food can make you fat and can be bad for your teeth. You should not eat more than two sweet or fatty things a day.

5) Meats and proteins are foods like chicken, fish, duck, eggs, nuts, beans and tofu. These foods give us important minerals and help us to build and repair our bodies. We need to eat a little of this food every day (about 10% of our food).

Exercise 6 Read the text and write suitable heading to each paragraph

Exercise 7 Speak about items of food

  • you have eaten in the last three days.

  • are always on your shopping list.

  • healthy food

Exercise 8 In pairs discuss with your partner : What do you prefer to eat or drink when you go to restaurant?



Drinks : wine -water

Aperitif / cocktail

kazy,zhal, sur-et, karta

The menu

Starter /appetizer / first course

The dish of the day

Today's special




Main course

The garnish

The dessert  / sweets

Do you know?

Idioms. “big cheese”- an important person, a leader. Eg. He is a big cheese in his company so you should be very nice to him.

cool as a cucumber”- calm, not nervous or anxious. Eg. He is always as cool as a cucumber and never worries about anything.

1.Your father ‘s not very fit. He doesn’t do _____exercise

a) too long

b) too

c) too much

d) enough

2. I’m stressed. I have _______ work

a) too much

b) too many

c) too

d) not enough

3. You eat _____ red meat. It isn’t good for you

a) too

b) enough

c) too many.

d) too much

4. There were _____ people at the party, so it was impossible to dance

a) too many

b) enough

c) too

d) too much