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II. Speaking Exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe grid, blackout, high-voltage transmission line, high-voltage transmission wires using the suggested words and expressions as in example:


Were built, utility company, power plant, were connected, in case of emergencies.


They were built by the utility company that had built the power plant, and as the grid grew, local lines were connected to the other utilities power lines to be available on case of emergencies.


Power, was transferred, to restabilize, the grid

High-voltage transmission line

Long-distance line, transmitting, nuclear power plant

High-voltage transmission wires

Network, were designed, transfers, power-generating plants, the power, was needed

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:

1) Question: ___________________________________________ ?

Answer: They were built by the utility company.

2) Question: ___________________________________________ ?

Answer: This “open access” rule was the foot in the door for the chaos and congestion in the transmission system.

3) Question: ___________________________________________ ?

Answer: The investigations forced the breakup of many holding companies .

4) Question: ___________________________________________ ?

Answer: The wheeling power is the transfer of electricity from one supplier over transmission lines of another system, to where it was needed by a third customer.

III. Writing exercises:

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the suggested words:

Access objected to, grid, use, refused

The utility companies ________ this potential anarchic _______ of the transmission ________, and __________ to provide these non-utility generators __________ to their systems..

Exercise 2. Fill in the table with words and expressions from the text:





AEP built



The first high-voltage transmission line.

Local lines were connected to

Power was transferred to

Non-utility power generators use

Exercise 3. Compose a story on one of the topics (up to 100 words):

“The network of high-voltage transmission wires”

“Non-utility power generators”

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