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After text activity

I. Reading Exercises:

Exercise 1. Read and memorize using a dictionary:

Shuttle, aft, load, restore, logic

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

  1. By what is electrical power controlled?

  2. What is each assembly?

  3. Where are power contactors located?

  4. What does each LCA contain?

Exercise 3. Match the left part with the right:

1. To restore power to a) internal fuses

the load

2. Hybrid drivers are usually b) by assemblies


3. The hybrid drivers are pro- c) the RPC must be reset

tected by


4. Electric power is con- d) as a logic switch

trolled and distributed

Exercise 4.

Each of the mid, forward and aft PCAS (generates/supplies) and (provides/distributes) power to a corresponding mid motor controller (subsystem/assembly), forward (power/motor) controller assembly, forward load controller assembly (aft/mid) load controller assembly (ac/dc) power to (restore/activate) the corresponding ac power system.

II. Speaking Exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe multiple control inputs, EPDC, contactors, hybrid drivers using the suggested words and expressions as in example:

Multiple control inputs

Are required, is turned on, hybrid drivers, logic switch


If multiple control inputs are required before an RPC is turned on, hybrid drivers are usually used as a logic switch.


Consists, three-bus system, distributes, sections, equipment, used


Contains, switches, used, loads

Hybrid drivers

Contains, solid-state, used, logic switches, loads

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:

1) Question: ___________________________________________ ?

Answer: Two preflight buses are used only during ground operations.

2) Question: ___________________________________________ ?

Answer: Each assembly is an electrical equipment container or box.

3) Question: ___________________________________________ ?

Answer: The hybrid drivers are current protected by internal fuses.

4) Question: ___________________________________________ ?

Answer: To restore power to the load, the RPC must be reset.

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