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Lesson 14. Vesalius.doc
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  1. Vesalius believed the skeletal system to be the framework of the human body.

  2. The scientist accurately described the vestibule (переддвер'я) in the interior of the temporal bone of the skull.

  3. Vesalius' work on the vascular and circulatory systems is his greatest contribution to the complex and modern medicine.

  4. Vesalius believed that the cardiac systole was synchronous with the arterial pulse.

  5. Vesalius believed that nerves do not originate from the heart, as was the Aristotelian belief, but that nerves stemmed from the brain.

  6. Upon studying the optic nerve, Vesalius came to the conclusion that nerves were not hollow.

  7. Vesalius also disproved Galen's belief that the liver consisted of five lobes.

  8. In 1541, while in Bologna, Vesalius uncovered the fact that all of Galen's research had been based upon animal anatomy rather than the human.

Exercise 18. Use verbs in brackets in correct forms and translate

Galen, a Greek doctor who had lived in the 3rd century BC, had been the standard of knowledge about human anatomy for almost 2000 years. However, Vesalius (to begin) to detect errors in Galen’s understanding. He began to realize that Galen had used animal corpses for dissection and had used these investigations as a basis for his writings of human anatomy. Vesalius, in contrast, (to use) human corpses to study human anatomy. Thus, Vesalius (to be) much more accurate in his understandings and descriptions. He also ( to pioneer) a new style in teaching anatomy, inviting his students to watch him in the process of dissecting cadavers as he lectured, rather than just listening to readings (лекції) in the subject. When corpses (to be) not available for object lessons, Vesalius drew large illustrations and mounted them in a visible place in the lecture room so that students (can) see as they learned anatomy.

Exercise 19. Translate into English paying attention to Grammar material

  1. Лікаря негайно викликали в стаціонарне відділення лікарні.

  2. Нам видадуть підручники завтра.

  3. Окрім того, пацієнт скаржився на біль і в горлі і за грудиною.

  4. Кістки скелету, суглоби та хрящі були описані Візалієм в першій книжці.

  5. Операцію проведуть на наступному тижні.

Лікар зрозуміла, що це не було ні запалення, ні застуда.

  1. Лекції по/з біології читають щопонеділка.

  2. Анатомію вивчали на практичних заняттях.

  3. Дитині рекомендували або пити тепле молоко, або прикладати теплий компрес на груди.

  4. Перший російський університет був заснований М В. Ломоносовим.

  5. Трупи тварин використовувались Галеном для розтину.

Exercise 20. Speak about the greatest Vesalius’s contributions to the modern medicine Підготовка до диференційованого заліку

1. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення

  1. вивчати анатомію людського тіла на трупах

  2. брати до уваги

  3. отвір в перегородці серця

  4. встановити нові і точні анатомічні терміни

  5. базуватися на науково-дослідних роботах

2. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання

  1. Who was the founder of the modern science of anatomy?

  2. What books does Andreas Vesalius’s work "On the Structure of the Human Body" consist of?

  3. What are the greatest discoveries of Vesalius?

3. Поясніть наступні терміни у 5ти реченнях

An anatomist


  1. Andreas Vesalius  was a …  anatomist, physician, and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, On the Fabric of the Human Body.

a. Russian

b. Belgium

c. French

d. English

e. German

  1. Andreas Vesalius studied medicine in… .

a. Russia

b. Ukraine

c. Moldova

d. France

e. England

  1. In 1537 he ... the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

a. got

b. get

c. to get

d. will get

e. gotten

  1. In 1543 his most important book "On the Structure of the Human Body".... .

a. written

b. write

c. to write

d. wrote

e. was written

  1. Andreas Vesalius’s work "On the Structure of the Human Body" consists of ... books.

a. two

b. six

c. four

d. seven

e. ten

  1. In all his researches Vesalius studied the anatomy of the human body ... corpses.

a. on

b. in

c. through

d. throughout

e. from

  1. Before Vesalius all the scientists considered that the left and the right heart chambers were connected by the opening in the... .

a. valve

b. septum

c. opening

d. membrane

e. ventricle

  1. The great Russian scientist ... said that the works written by Vesalius composed the first anatomy of the human body in which everything was based on scientific research work.

a. Sechenov

b. Pavlov

c. Vernandskiy

d. Samoylovich

e. Mechnikov

  1. Vesalius also disproved Galen's belief that the … consisted of five lobes.

a. stomach

b. liver

c. spleen

d. kidney

e. heart

  1. Andreas Vesalius’s discovery opened the way to the discovery of the pulmonary and systemic blood circulations... future.

a. in

b. from

c. out

d. on

e. through


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