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The Noun: Common and Possessive Case

VII. Replace the «of phrase» by the Possessive Case:

1. The lecture of this teacher is very interesting. 2. The text-books of the students are on the desk. 3. The house of their parents is nice. 4. We don’t know the names of these children. 5. The camera of my friend is new. 6. The success of the company is great. 7. The son of Klimenko studies very well. 8. The shirt of Carlos is green. 9. The birthday of my wife is on Sunday. 10. The library of our University is very large.

VIII. Translate into Ukrainian:

students’ life; Marketing faculty; Master’s degree programmes; summer holidays; public figures; education facilities; University’s library; sport centre; correspondence department; Bachelor’s degree programmes; grammar mistake; this student’s graduation paper; candidate degree; examination session; market economy; consumer goods; Oxford University; silk dress.

IX. Complete the following sentences using the words

from the right-hand column:

1. My father’s wife is my ... mother

2. My parents’ son is my ... aunt

3. My parents’ daughter is my ... cousin

4. My mother’s husband is my ... father

5. My mother’s father is my ... brother

6. My father’s sister is my ... sister

7. My mother’s brother is my ... grandfather

8. My father’s mother is my ... uncle

9. My mother’s sister is my ... niece

10. My uncle’s son is my ... grandmother

  1. My brother’s son is my ... nephew

12. My sister’s daughter is my ...

X. Use the italicized noun or noun phrase in the first sentence as a modifier in the second sentence:

1. My garden has flowers in it. It is a flower garden . 2. Their house has nine rooms. It is _________ . 3. That handbook is for students. It is ________ . 4. Their baby is ten months old. They have ______ . 5. Our trip lasted for three days. We took _______ . 6. She is a psychologist for children. She is ______ . 7. I wrote a check for fifty dollars. I wrote _____ . 8. I will get three credits for that course. It is _________ . 9. That food is for dogs. It is _______ . 10. That room is for guests. It is _________ . 11. I have a sister who is ten years old and a brother who is twelve years old. I have _______ . 12. The building has offices in it. It is an _________ .

XI. Translate into English:

а) мiй брат — студент; дверi кiмнати зачинено; дайте цей словник студенту; напишiть листа батькам; я випив склянку молока; вiн переклав текст; вправи, виконанi студентами; лист, пiдписаний дирек­тором; я не люблю писати авторучкою; вони говорять про новий фiльм;

б) вступні іспити; спецiальностi студентiв; студентський гурто­житок; бакалаврськi програми; книга нашого викладача; книги нашого викладача; книга наших викладачiв; книги наших викладачiв; cпор­тивний центр; фонд лiтератури; деканат; прiзвища студентiв; дипломна робота; іспитова сесiя; промені сонця; пропозиції уряду; зарплата за минулий тиждень.

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