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Vocabulary exercises

I. Give the verbs corresponding to the following nouns:

education, examination, graduation, equipment, accounting, computer,

building, collection, management, information, specialist, training, student.

II. Give the English equivalents for:

умови для занять; добре обладнанi лабораторiї та кабiнети; фонд економiчної лiтератури; читальнi зали; комп’ютерний центр; вступити до унiверситету; денне, вечiрнє та заочне вiддiлення; факультет мiж­народної економiки та права; аграрний менеджмент; рiзні галузі про­мисловостi та сiльського господарства; державнi та приватнi орга­нiзацiї; piзнi форми власностi; вступнi іспити; фiнансова та банкiвська системи; поєднувати навчання з роботою; cкладати іспити; факультет довузiвської пiдготовки.

ІІІ. Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the list:

to combine; evening and correspondence departments; collection of literature on economics; education facilities; entrance examinations;

faculties; are admitted; training.

1. Our University has three academic buildings with all . 2. The library of the University has the largest ___________ in our country. 3. More than ten thousand future specialists get their ________ here. 4. They _________ to the University on the basis of their results at the ___________ . 5. There are seven ____________ at the day-time department. 6. Many young people prefer ____________ studies with work. 7. They are admitted to the ____________ .

IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

1. A lot ... specialists ... different fields are trained ... the University. 2. Any school leaver may apply ... the University. 3. The students may enroll ... day-time, evening and correspondence departments. 4. There are seven faculties ... the day-time department. 5. The extra-mural students combine their work ... studies. 6. All the University laboratories are well-equipped ... computers. 7. He graduated ... the University ... two years ago. 8. The graduates ... the University may work ... state and private organizations ... different forms ... ownership. 9. Most ... students ... the marketing faculty take part ... social activities.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Where do the students have free access to? 2. How many people get their training at the University? 3. What departments may the students enroll in? 4. What faculties are there at the day-time department? 5. Where may the graduates of the University work? 6. Where are young people admitted when they want to combine studies with work? 7. What is the aim of the preparatory faculty?

VI. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are

false say why:

1. Kyiv National Economic University is more than 100 years old. 2. The doors of the University are open to all. 3. All the students of the University must pay for tuition. 4. The University has many academic buildings with all education facilities. 5. The University’s library has the largest collection of literature on economics in Europe. 6. The students have free access to the library, reading-rooms, computing centres and laboratories.

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