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III. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.

IV. Render the text in a written form.

Text c

I. Mind the following words and word-combinations:

coeducational research university – дослідницький університет для дівчат та хлопців

predecessor – попередник

tertiary education – вища освіта

multiple-choice examination – програмований іспит (іспит с вибором відповіді)

competitive – конкуруючий

polymath – ерудит

oral exam – усний іспит

II. Listen to the text “National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” and try to understand it.

III. True/False statements:

1. National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is situated in Lviv.

2. The university is bilingual.

3. To enter the university you have to pass an oral exam.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is Kyiv-Mohyla Academy the smallest university in Ukraine?

2. What does it mean “the university is bilingual”?

Unit 10

Topic: Prominent European educators

Text a

I. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:

Jean-Jacques Rousseau – Жан-Жак Руссо

enlightener – просвітник

to be appreciated – бути визнаним

indignation – обурення

to correspond to – відповідати (чомусь)

Johann-Heinrich Pestalozzi – Йоганн Генріх Песталоцці

improvement – удосконалення

inclination – схильність (до чогось)

consistently – послідовно

accessibly – доступно

Jan Amos Komensky – Ян Амос Коменський

principal – директор

to expose – розкрити (значення)

consistency – послідовність

system – систематичність

to condemn – засуджувати

to single out – виділяти

II. Read and translate the following text: Prominent European educators

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) – French enlightener and educator. In 1762 his novel “Emil or about upbringing” was published in France. But it was not appreciated and even caused indignation.

Rousseau paid great attention to the child’s personality and individuality. His general principles in upbringing were:

  • particular forms of upbringing and education should correspond to each age period;

  • upbringing should be labour;

  • physical exercises should go before intellectual upbringing.

Upbringing should be closely connected with nature and should have natural character, what means contribute to the development of child’s organism and his skills.

Johann-Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) was born in Switzerland, Zurich.

His philosophy was greatly influenced by Rousseau’s pedagogical ideas.

The main goal of upbringing, according to Pestalozzi, is the development of natural human skills and their constant improvement. All good inclinations have to be maximally developed.

Pestalozzi considered visuality to be the most important principle of education. He suggested children should be taught systematically, consistently, accessibly and fruitfully.

He paid much attention to primary education and worked a lot at methodology of primary school.

But one of the most outstanding educators is truly considered Jan Amos Komensky (John Amos Comenius). One may say that he laid the foundation of a pedagogical science, formed main principles of education and determined general class rules and procedures.

Komensky was born in Czech Republic, in 1592. While working as a teacher, later as a principal of a gymnasium, he worked at his famous book “Great Didactics”.

He worked out the periods and system of school education. He divided the whole child’s life into 4 age periods: mother school, mother tongue school, Latin school and academy.

In “Great didactics” Komensky not only organized precise system of upbringing and education, but also exposed the sense of main principles: visuality, consciousness, activity, consistency and system, getting sound knowledge and skills. He published his own textbooks, (“Open doors to languages and all sciences”, “Visible world in pictures”) that corresponded to the content and methodology of education. They were very popular among teachers.

Komensky also valued moral education and stressed that a baby wasn’t born with moral features, he was brought up to have them. Discipline was one of the main things in schooling, but he condemned corporal punishment. “The value of a nation is its attitude to school and teachers”, he always said. He dreamt that teachers would become the source of light and wisdom.

He singled out quarters and semesters, and a lesson as a main educational form. Komensky was the first educator, who made the system of schools and education. He is rightfully considered the founder of a modern school.