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Учебное пособие. Английский язык в профессии.docx
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1) Find the equivalents:

поверхностный слой дорожного покрытия, укладывать, с целью, выдерживать, транспортный поток, заменять, асфальт, бетон, требовать ремонта, протечка масла, доступный, известняк, сцепление, проницаемое мощение, сток.

2) Translate:

foot traffic, walkway, gravel, to be replaced by, to have a long service life, to require frequent repair, to be damaged by, leaking oil, weather conditions, to be produced from abundantly available, to tend to, to provide better traction, to keep roads free from, to produce greenhouse gases, the leaking oils from the vehicles.

3) Complete the sentences:

Road surface is a surface material laid down

a) in order to contain different materials.

b) intended to sustain vehicular or foot traffic.

c) in order to slip or slide on the road.

4) Rewrite the sentences from Active into Passive voice:

1) They lay down road surface in order to sustain traffic. 2) In the past, they used gravel road surfaces and granite setts. 3) They replaced these surfaces by asphalt or concrete. 4) The leaking oils from the vehicles don't damage roads. 5) But heavy rain and other extreme weather conditions damage the asphalt road. 6) Melting asphalt produces lots of harmful greenhouse gases.

References:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_surface

English in Land Cadaster.

Unit 1. Land use planning.


land relation -земельные отношения

land resources capacity – потенциал земельных ресурсов

land use – землепользование

land use planner – землеустроитель

land use planning – землеустройство

land tenure – землевладение

ownership – собственность

community - сообщество

poverty - бедность

survive – выживать

prosperous – процветающий

inhabitant – обитатель

What is land use planning about? It is not a difficult problem to give a simple answer to this question.

Land use planning or land surveying is a process of managing the use and development of land resources. It is a study of the methods in which land use planners apply their knowledge skills to the nature in order to satisfy their needs.

Effective land use planning is impossible without land information. Such information includes land resource capacity, land tenure, land ownership, and land use.

Even in the prosperous countries there is an aspect of survival. Land helps people to survive. That’s why lands are very important resources for men.

Many people can live without outside assistance, but some of them still live in very small communities and in great poverty. However these people have a degree of economic independence.

The inhabitants of cities have another situation - a high level of living together with an extreme economic dependence.

Such people depend upon the efforts of many thousands of specialists workers, among them land use planners. Land use planners can give the right answers to many questions.

Today land use planning is concerned with different sciences: land cadaster, land relations, land improvement, agriculture, soil science, low, geodesy, geography etc.

To solve these difficult problem land use planners must be not only qualified but good educated specialists.

Answer the questions according to the text.

  1. Is land use planning a process of managing the use of land or oceans?

  2. Why do people apply their knowledge and skills?

  3. What is effective land use planning impossible without?

  4. What helps people to survive?

  5. Who can give the right answers to the difficult questions?
