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Учебное пособие. Английский язык в профессии.docx
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1) Match the English and Russian equivalents. Make up the sentences with these words and word combinations:

1. to speed up

2.to allow

3.to enter

4. to grow up

5. to pay for

6. to communicate with

7.to improve

8.cashpoint = ATM


10.to carry out

11. instead of

a. улучшить

b.общаться с

c.платить за



f. проводить, осуществлять

g. банкоматы

h. вместо

i.банковские операции

j.поступать, входить

k.ускорять, разгонять

2) Match the verbs with the nouns to make collocations:

to perform

to access

to give

to do

to keep

to complete

to store

to pay

to transfer

to display









the Net




3) Use collocations and complete the sentences:

  1. In many universities students …………..with Power Point to make their talks more attractive, to brighten them up.

  2. Online banking allow you…… and ……….when it’s comfortable for you.

  3. Now it’s very easy to ………………from cafes, hotels, subway and other public places thanks to Wi-Fi.

  4. In bank system computers let……………very quickly and ………….about every client.

  5. Teachers give students tasks to…………………………….and also they……………………with the help of computers.

4) Find the examples of Present Perfect in the text. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right tense:

a) The prices on consumption goods (выросли) recently.

b) My cousin (оплатил) the meal today.

c) Yesterday the bank (осуществил) all transactions.

d) My parents (перевели деньги) last month.

e) Your English (улучшился) very quickly.

f) His son (поступил) the university last year.

References: Adapted from Infotech “English for computer users” by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p.2.

Unit 2. Computers for the disabled.


Disabled – человек с ограниченными возможностями, инвалид

Leading role - главная роль

To require – требовать, приказывать

Blind – слепой

Deaf - глухой

Motor-disabled – с ограниченными двигательными возможностями

Dull sight – слабое зрение

Blinking – мерцание, моргание

Muscle movements – движение мускул

Breath movements – дыхательные движения

Computers have taken a leading role in our society and most jobs require access to computers and the internet. There are many people who are blind, deaf or motor-disabled and new technology allows them to use computers, do their jobs in the office, learn at school, communicate with other people.

Most blind users have computers adapted with technologies such as Braille, screen magnifiers, speech synthesis.

There are Braille keyboards which have Braille lettering allowing identify each key. For people with dull sight there is a screen magnifier which can enlarge text by up to 16 times. A speech synthesis system reads aloud the work on computers.

Deaf computer users can overcome many difficulties using visual alerts, electronic notetakers and textphones. Visual alerts are indicators with a blinking menu which appear when a user receives a new mail. Electronic notetakers use software to type a summary of a meeting.

Textphones allow the deaf to type and read phone conversations. Deaf people also can communicate via SMS and instant messaging.

Disabled people who can’t type on a standard keyboard use expanded or ergonomic keyboards, on-screen keyboards, adaptive switches and voice recognition systems. For example, in an eyegaze system the keys on the virtual keyboard are activated by the user’s eyes when they pause on a key for two or three seconds.

Switches come in many shapes and sizes. They are operated by muscle movements or breath movements or breath control. There’s also voice recognition which allows the computer to interpret human speech transforming the words into digitized text or instructions.

Answer the questions according to the text:

  1. What kinds of disabled people can you remember?

  2. Why do they need special possibilities of the computers?

  3. What new technologies for disabled people do you know?

  4. What can people do with the help of computers?

  5. What can be found around us for disabled people?
