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январь 2012 unit 9b Progressive.doc
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1) I was not looking where I was going. 2) I was trying to hit a nail.

1. Why did the boy break the window? 2. Why did the man cut himself? 3. Why did the girl burn her dress? 4. Why did the house catch fire? 5. Why did the girl fail the exam? 6. Why didn’t the teacher hear the student’s answer? 7. Why didn’t the cat catch the mouse? 8. Why did the car crash into the wall? 9. Why did the police fine the driver? 10. Why did the girl break the engagement?

3. Translate.

1. Когда ты позвонил, я мыла посуду. 2. Когда я пришла, они уже мыли посуду. 3. Ты же вчера весь день смотрел телевизор! 4. Мама встретила папу, когда они работали в поле. 5. Когда прозвенел звонок, мы все еще писали тест. 6. Звенел звонок, и я не услышал свой мобильный. 7. Он проснулся ночью и увидел, что идет дождь. 8. Шел дождь, и они ничего не видели впереди. 9. Он очень быстро вел машину, потому и произошел несчастный случай. (accident) 10. Она пожаловалась, что муж всегда слишком быстро водит машину.

Future progressive

1. Complete, speaking about future actions in process.

Model: In 50 years I’ll be celebrating my golden wedding.

1. On the graduation day __ 2. At this time tomorrow __ 3. By midnight __ 4. When summer comes __ 5. In a minute __ 6. After the bell rings __ 7. At the weekend __ 8. In 30 years __ 9. When I’m 55 __ 10. When the teacher asks the next question __


Present Simple or Future Simple

future actions

time clauses and conditional clauses

object clauses

Present Simple

Future Simple

I’ll call you when I come home.

I wonder when I’ll come home.

1. Translate into English.

1. Мы пообедаем, когда придёт папа. 2. Я уверенна, они не придут. 3. Если мама попросит, я помою посуду. 4. Интересно, поможет ли мне шпаргалка? 5. Даже если он будет виноват, не попросит прощения. 6. Не знаю, где она возьмет столько денег! 7. Мы сможем их встретить, если поезд придёт вовремя. 8. Не волнуйся, я позвоню им и договорюсь обо всем, если ты не против, конечно. 9. Когда ты вернешься? – Когда освобожусь. 10. Спроси, когда они освободятся. 11. Мы сможем еще что-нибудь съесть, пока не прозвенел звонок. 12. Все думают, а когда прозвенит звонок?

2. Restore, using Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. pass me the crib/ as soon as/ the teacher/ away 2. tell me/ the train for Moscow 3. If/ me/ for advice/ know/ what to say 4. As long as/ the teacher/ us/ will behave 5. wonder/ how soon 6. are sure to fail/ if/ work properly 7. hide the crib/ before/ the teacher 8. raining/ will/ home 9. before/ it/ raining/ we/ home 10. money for/ next year

Present Simple or Present Progressive

repeated actions

actions in progress

repeated processes

Present Simple

Present Progressive

You often lose things.

You’re always losing things!

You always lose things, when you’re daydreaming.

3. Correct the mistakes, if any.

1. She always smiles! 2. It’s often raining here in autumn. 3. I’m never missing classes. 4. She’s always smiling when I see her in college. 5. She always smiles when she sees me in college. 6. I’m singing when I’m cooking. 7. He’s just being clever, that’s all. 8. It’s raining and raining. 9. Fewer and fewer people take up teaching as a profession. 10. He often lies, I hate it.

4. Complete, using the correct tense form.

1. I’m a teacher, but for the moment ___. 2. You’re hard to please. You ___. 3. I’m afraid I can’t do my homework today. We ___. 4. She is daydreaming today, but generally ___. 5. Jogging is healthy. How often ___. 6. You always look sleepy in class. I’m sure you ___. 7. I seldom make so many mistakes, but today the teacher ___. 8. How well Mom cooks! The soup ___. 9. My parents have bought a new flat, and now we ___. 10. Mother prefers fish. I wonder why this time she ___.

Future Simple or Future Progressive or Present Progressive

predicting future actions

foreseeing future progresses

anticipating future actions

You’ll play tennis very well in a month.

At 7 tonight we’ll be playing tennis, you’d better call a bit later.

We’re playing tennis tonight. Would you like to join us?

Future Simple

Future Progressive

Present Progressive

5. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Are you sure he ___ (write) to you every day? 2. Let’s wait for Jack. Then we ___ (have) lunch. 3. By 6 they ___ (watch) TV already. 4. How long ___ you ___ (play) football today? Could I call you at 7? 5. I’ll ___ (see) her this evening, so you needn’t call her, I’ll tell her everything. 6. I’ll scream if she ___ (play) the piano all the evening again. 7. If you ___ (not/ do) your homework when I come, I’ll punish you. 8. Will your friends ___ (arrive) by noon tomorrow? 9. Can we meet this Saturday? – I’m afraid not. I ___ (sit) for the exam. 10. We ___ (wait) for you downstairs, but don’t stay too long. 11. They ___ (fire) him, if they ___ (learn) the truth. 12. You ___ (use) your car this Sunday, or can I borrow it?