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act [æct] (syn. deed [di:d]) – дело, поступок, действие

a lot of [ə `lot əv] – много

beautiful [`bju:tiful] (syn. pretty [`priti]) – красивый, прелестный, привлекательный

billion ['biljən] – миллиард

business [`biznəs] – зд.: бизнес, коммерческая деятельность

cigar [si`ga:] – сигара

corresponding [,kori`spondiŋ] – соответствующий

distance ['distəns] – расстояние

diplomacy [di'pləuməsi] – дипломатия

easy [`i:zi] – легко, просто

educated ['edjukeitid] – образованный, культурный

especially [is'pe∫iali] – в особенности

far [fa:] – прил. дальний, отдалённый

field [fi:ld] – зд. область, сфера деятельности

foreign [`forin] – иностранный

form [fo:m] (syn. shape [∫eip]) – форма, очертание

for instance [`instəns] – например

graduate [`grædjueit] – выпускник (учебного заведения)

government [`gΛv(ə)nment] – правительство

instead [in`sted] of smth. – вместо чего-л.

official language [ə`fi∫iəl `læŋgwid3] – официальный, государственный язык

patience ['pei∫əns] – терпение

population [,popju'lei∫n] – население

politics ['politiks] – политика

professional [pro`fe∫ənl] – профессиональный

requirement [ri`kwaiəmənt] – требование

science ['saiəns] – наука

scientific [`saiən'tifik] – научный

successful [sək`sesful] – успешный

specialist [`spe ∫əlist] – специалист

talk [to:k] – разговор

trade [treid] – торговля

trader [`treidə] – торговец

to be borrowed [`borəud] – быть заимствованным

to bring (brought) – зд.: приносить, привозить, доставлять

to crowd out [`kraud `aut] – зд.: вытеснять, заменять

to be worth [wə:θ] doing – заслуживать усилий

throughout [θru:'aut] the world – no всему миру

umbrella [əm`brelə] – зонт

For self-examination

Answer the questions:

1. Why is it necessary to know English today?

2. Why learning English is important for the Russian military officers?

3. In what countries is English the official language (one of the official languages)?

4. What were the origins of English borrowings?

5. Is learning languages an easy thing? Why?

6. What other languages would you like to know? Why?

Fill in the blanks:

1. English is very _______ nowadays.

2. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, New Zealand, _______, _______.

3. Many English words were borrowed from the language of _______ and _______.

4. Some new words were brought by _______ and _______.

5. "Telephone" for instance, was made from Greek words _______ and _______.

6. To know English today is absolutely _______ for every educated person.

Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence:

1) it's, the world, spoken, all over;

2) the, world, modern, is becoming, all the time, smaller;

3) the, language, is not easy, learning;

4) in, English, is, Russia, very, popular;

5) it, a lot of, takes, time, and, patience;

6) know, to, English, is, for, necessary, a good, specialist.

  1. Make up a plan (logical scheme) and then summarize the content of the text "English Today" in writing.

It’s interesting to know: The Future of English

Have you ever wondered how many people there are who speak English?

Geographically, English is the most widespread language on earth. If you add to this the enormous number of people who learn to understand and speak English (like yourself), you will realize that English is indeed a "world language".

Through the centuries, as a result of various historical events, English spread throughout the world. Today, English is represented in every continent and in the three main oceans – the Atlantic, the Indian, and the Pacific.

A century ago, some linguists predicted that one day people of Great Bri- tain and the USA would speak different languages. However, with the advent of records, cinema, radio and television, the two brands of English (British and American) have even begun to draw back together again. Britons and Americans probably speak more alike today than they did 50 or 60 years ago (In the 1930s and 1940s, for example, American films were dubbed in England. It's no longer the practice today).

People have long been interested in having one language that could be spoken throughout the world. Such a language would help to increase cultural and economic ties and simplify communication between people. Through the years, at least 600 universal languages have been proposed, including Esperanto. About 10 million people have learned Esperanto since its creation in 1887, but English, according to specialists, has better chances to become a global language. So why not to learn it?

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