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according [a'ko:diŋ] to – в соответствии с, согласно

arctic ['a:ktik] – арктический

armaments [`a:məment `indəstri] industry – военная промышленность

automobile [`o:təməbail] industry – автомобильная промышленность

branch [bra:nt∫] – ветвь (власти)

coast [kəust] – побережье

coal [kəul] – каменный уголь

continental [,konti`nentl] – континентальный

copper [`kopə] – медь

highly developed [`haili di`veləpt] – высокоразвитый

iron ore ['aiən ,o:] – железная руда

lowlands [`ləuləndz] – низменность, долина, низина

manufacturing [,mænju'fækt∫əriŋ] – промышленный

mashine-building [mə`∫i:n ,bildiŋ] – машиностроение

oil [oil] – нефть

powers ['pauəz] – полномочия

sea-border [`si: ,bo:də] – морская граница

shipbuilding [`∫ip,bildiŋ] – кораблестроение

southern ['sauðən] – южный

subtropical [,sΛb'tropikəl] – субтропический

the executive [ði ig'zekjutiv] – исполнительная власть

the legislative [ðə `led3islætiv] – законодательная власть

the judicial [d3u'di∫iəl] – судебная власть

to exercise [`eksisaiz] – зд.: использовать, осуществлять, to be exercised by smth. – осуществляться кем-л.

to occupy ['okjupai] – занимать

to stretch [stret∫] – тянуться, простираться

to border [`bo:də] on – граничить с

to be located [ləu'keitid] – находиться, быть расположенным

to vary [`veəri] – меняться, варьировать

typhoon [tai'fu:n] – тайфун

For self-examination

Answer the questions:

1. Where is the USA situated?

2. What's the total area of the country?

3. What countries does the USA border on?

4. How many states does the USA consist of?

5. What is the capital of the country?

6. What is the population of the United States?

7. What mountains in the USA do you know?

8. What are the largest rivers of the USA?

9. What can you say about the climate of the country?

10. What does the USA produce?

11. How many chambers does the Congress of the USA consist?

12. What are the main political parties in the USA?

13. Who is the US President now?

Fill in the blanks:

  1. The USA occupies the ______ part of the North American Continent.

  2. The USA is made up of 50 states and the ______ of ______.

  3. The USA is a ______ reрublic.

  4. The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of _______.

  5. There are two main political parties in the USA: the ______ and the Democratic.

  6. The highest mountains in the USA are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera, and the ______.

  7. Its largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the ______ and the ______.

  8. It's the world's leading producer of ______ and ______.

Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence:

    1. the, is, United States of Americа, the fourth, the, world, largest country, in;

    2. the, is, USA, made up, 50 states, of;

    3. two, there are, political parties, in, the USA, main;

    4. varies, climate, the, of the country, greatly;

    5. the, climate, is, the central part, continental, of;

    6. all, Americans, made up of, nearly, races, nations, are, and.

  1. Make up a plan (logical scheme) and then summarize the content of the text "The USA" in writing.

  1. Read and translate the texts about Washington, DC and New York. Make the annotations to them in writing.

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