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    1. What are the major environmental problems a) in the town or rural area where you live; b) in your country? Which of these problems affect you directly? Have these problems got better or worse during the last 10 years?

    2. How can we live more sustainably? Here are some guidelines various analysts have suggested for living more sustainably by working with the earth:

  • Leave the earth as good as or better than we found it.

  • Take no more than we need.

  • Try not to harm life, air, water, or soil.

  • Sustain the variety of the earth's life-forms (biodiversity)

  • Help maintain the earth's capacity for self-repair and adaptation

  • Do not pollute the environment

  • Slow the rate of population growth

Do you agree or disagree with them? Why? Can you add any other guidelines?

  1. Range the concerns about military security, economic security, and environmental security according to their importance for our country and support your opinion.

Unit 2 laws of energy

Energy is the capacity to do work and transfer heat. Work is performed when an object - be it a grain of sand, this book, or a giant boulder - is moved over some distance. Work, or matter movement, also is needed to boil water (to change it into the more dispersed and faster-moving water molecules in steam) or to burn natural gas to heat a house or cook food. Energy is also the heat that flows automatically from a hot object to a cold one when they come in contact.

Scientists classify energy as either kinetic or potential. Kinetic energy is the energy that matter has because of its mass and its speed or velocity. It is energy in action or motion. Examples are wind (a moving mass of air); flowing streams; heat flowing from a body at a high temperature to one at a lower temperature; electricity (flowing electrons), etc. Potential energy is stored energy that is potentially available for use. A rock held in your hands; an unlit stick of dynamite; still water behind a dam; the chemical energy stored in gasoline molecules; and the nuclear energy stored in the nuclei of atoms  all have potential energy because of their position or the position of their parts.

Potential energy can be changed to kinetic energy. When you drop a rock, its potential energy changes into kinetic energy. When you burn gasoline in a car engine, the potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of its molecules changed into heat, light, and mechanical (kinetic) energy that propel the car.


Categories of the quality (usefulness for performing various energy tasks) of different sources of energy. High-quality energy is concentrated and has great ability to perform useful work; low-quality energy is dispersed and has little ability to do useful work. To avoid unnecessary energy waste, it is best to match the quality of an energy source with the quality of energy needed to perform a task.

Energy quality is a measure of an energy source's ability to do useful work. High-quality energy is organized or concentrated and can perform much useful work. Examples are electricity, the chemical energy stored in coal and gasoline, concentrated sunlight, nuclei of uranium-235, used as fuel in nuclear power plants, etc. By contrast, low-quality energy is disorganized or dispersed and has little ability to do useful work. An example is heat dispersed in the moving molecules of a large amount of matter (such as the atmosphere or a large body of water) so that its temperature is low. So it makes sense to match the quality of an energy source with the quality of energy needed to perform a particular task because doing so saves energy and usually money.

The Law of Conservation of Matter. People commonly talk about consuming or using up material resources, but the truth is that we do not consume matter; we only use some of the earth's resources for a while. We take materials from the earth, carry them to another part of the globe, and process them into products that are used and then discarded, burned, buried, reused, or recycled.

We may change various elements and compounds from one physical or chemical form to another, but in no physical and chemical change can we create or destroy any of the atoms involved. All we can do is rearrange them into different spatial patterns (physical changes) or different combinations (chemical changes).

The law of conservation of matter means that there really is no «away» in «to throw away». Everything we think we have thrown away is still here with us in one form or another. It means that we will always face the problem of what to do with some quantity of wastes or pollutants.

The First Law of Energy. Scientists have observed energy being changed from one to another in millions of physical and chemical changes, but they have never been able to detect the creation or destruction of any energy (except in nuclear changes). The results of their experiments have been summarized in the law of conservation of energy, also known as the first law of energy or the first law of thermodynamics: In all physical and chemical changes, energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it may be converted from one form to another.

This scientific law tells us that when one form of energy is converted to another form in any physical or chemical change, energy input always equals energy output. No matter how hard we try or how clever we are, we cannot get more energy out of a system than we put in; in other words, we cannot get something for nothing in terms of energy quantity.

The Second Law of Energy. Because the first law of energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it's tempting to think that there will always be enough energy. Yet if we fill a car's tank with gasoline and drive around, or use a flashlight battery until it is dead, something has been lost. If it is not enough energy, what is it? The answer is energy quality, the amount of energy available that can perform useful work.

Countless experiments have shown that when energy is changed from one form to another, a decrease in energy quality always occurs. The results of these experiments have been summarized in what is called the second law of energy or the second law of thermodynamics: When energy is changed from one form to another, some of the useful energy is always degraded to lower quality, more dispersed, less useful energy. Another way to state the second law of energy is that heat always flows spontaneously from hot (high-quality energy) to cold (low-quality energy).

Here are some examples of the second law of energy:

  • When a car is driven, only about 10% of the high-quality chemical energy available in its gasoline fuel is converted into mechanical energy (to propel the vehicle) and electrical energy (to run its electrical systems). The remaining 90% is degraded to low-quality heat that is released into the environment and eventually lost into space.

  • When electrical energy flows through filament wires in an incandescent light bulb, it is changed into about 5% useful light and 95% low-quality heat that flows into the environment; this so-called light bulb is really a heat bulb.

  • The second law of energy also means that we can never recycle or reuse high-quality energy to perform useful work. We can heat air or water at a low temperature and upgrade it to high-quality energy, but the second law of energy tells us that it will take more high-quality energy to do this than we get in return.

Energy efficiency or energy productivity is a measure of how much useful work is accomplished by a particular input of energy into a system. Of course, there is plenty of room for improvement. For example, scientists estimate that only about 16% of the energy used in the United States ends up performing useful work. The remaining 84% is either unavoidably wasted because of the second law of energy

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