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Reading comprehension

Exercise 9.1

Answer the questions:

  1. What four conclusions have energy experts reached about possible future energy alternatives?

  2. What is micropower, and what are its advantages over macropower electricity systems?

  3. Describe four types of micropower systems.

  4. Summarize the three different economics approaches that can be used to stimulate or dampen the use of a particular energy resource. List the pros and cons of each approach. Which approach do you favor?

  5. What are the major ways to help make the transition to a more sustainable energy future?

Exercise 9.2

Give the English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Прийти к заключению (2); переход от… к…; сочетание; широко распространенный; достигать цель; поощрять; подавлять, тормозить (2); долгосрочный; краткосрочный; свободно конкурировать на рынке; вмешательство; подкрепленное со всех сторон; в виде; дотация; вводить правило, предписание; искусственно занижать/завышать; налоговые льготы; неравные экономические условия; по меньшей мере; поддерживать, оказывать предпочтение; приводить в исполнение, выполнять; суммарное увеличение количества рабочих мест; сделать обязательным; изъять, вывести из употребления.

Language study

Exercise 9.3

The Gerund

Герундий является неличной формой глагола, образуется путем прибавления суффикса –ing к основе глагола: writing, having written, being written, having been written. Герундий может быть подлежащим, именной частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением и обстоятельством. Перед ним может стоять предлог, существительное в общем и притяжательном падеже или притяжательное местоимение. В функции левого определения герундий отличается от причастия только по смыслу и разница между ними определяется по контексту:

His working place is always in order.  Его рабочее место всегда в порядке (место для работы).

The working engine is in the next room.  Работающий двигатель находится …

Герундий может переводиться:

1) существительным

Adding heat to a substance doesn’t always cause a rise in its temperature.  (adding – подлежащее). - Добавление тепла веществу не всегда вызывает повышение его температуры.

2) неопределенной формой глагола

I like translating technical books from English into Russian.(translating –прямое дополнение). - Я люблю переводить

3) деепричастием

Heat may be produced by burning coal, gas or any other fuel (burning  обстоятельство).  Тепло можно получить, сжигая…

4) глаголом в составе придаточного предложения (чаще сложные формы герундия)

They were proud of having attained such outstanding results (having attained – дополнение).  Они гордились тем, что добились

Сложный герундиальный оборот.

Если перед герундием стоит притяжательное местоимение или существительное в общем или притяжательном падеже, а после него  дополнение и обстоятельства, то эти элементы образуют сложный герундиальный оборот, который обычно переводится придаточным предложением. При этом местоимение или существительное выполняют функцию подлежащего в придаточном предложении, а герундий переводится глаголом в личной форме.

I remember my having spoken to them about the possibility of getting this magazine.  Я помню, что я говорил с ними о…

The engineer was told of some oil having been sprayed into the cylinder.  Инженеру сказали, что в цилиндр было введено масло.

His having made these experiments successfully caused a great sensation.  То, что он успешно выполнил эти опыты, вызвало большую сенсацию (стало для всех большой сенсацией).


Exercise 9.4

Translate the following sentences with the gerund.

  1. Representing the electric field by means of these lines helps us to picture the forces between the charged bodies.

  2. The usual method of altering the frequency is to include in the oscillator circuit a variable condenser.

  3. Measuring resistance is necessary in many experiments.

  4. Low electric conductivity of rubber resulted in its being used is cables.

  5. The ammeter stopped working because the coil was short-circuited.

  6. In making observations extreme care to avoid errors is necessary.

  7. Upon being heated to a high temperature many metallic compounds are decomposed.

  8. The experts insist on using new alternative sources of energy.

  9. This system can produce electricity more efficiently than burning coal or oil or using nuclear power.

  10. Coal burning has the highest environmental impact by emitting about 43% of the world’s annual emissions of CO2.

Exercise 9.5

Translate the sentences containing the complexes with the gerund.

  1. These substances are alike in having high melting points.

  2. Combustion may be incomplete owing to insufficient oxygen being present.

  3. Thompson investigated the possibility of these cathode rays being charged particles.

  4. In spite of not having any university education, Faraday made his great discoveries.

  5. We heard of different experiments having been carried out by our students.

  6. His having developed a very complicated device made him well known among the scientists of his country.

  7. We know of a computer center having been equipped with most up-to-date means of computation.

  8. It is known of their working at the problem under discussion.

  9. That failure was due to the designer’s having been somewhat careless, although we must confess the conditions were unfavorable.

  10. Projections about the future role of biomass energy vary widely, with this resource providing 14-40% of the world’s energy by 2050.

Exercise 9.6

Translate the text.

Applied science is directly concerned with the application of the working laws of pure science to the practical affairs of life and to increasing man’s control over his environment, thus leading to the development of new techniques, processes and machines. Such activities as investigating the strength and uses of materials, extending the findings of pure mathematics to improve the sampling procedures used in agriculture or the social sciences, and developing the potentialities of alternative energy sources, are all examples of the work of the applied scientist or technologist. It is evident that many branches of applied science are practical extensions of purely theoretical or experimental work. Conversely, work in applied science or technology frequently acts as a direct stimulus to the development of pure science. For example, in applying a particular concept of pure science to a practical problem the technologist reveals a gap or limitation in the theoretical model, thus pointing the way for further basic research.

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