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The subject matter of sociology

Spencer did not provide a developed, formal definition of sociology or of its relation to other social sciences. But in The Study of Sociology he paid much attention to demonstrating the possibility of its existence as a science; This possibility depended on the existence (1) of a universal law of «natural causality» which operated in society to the same extent as in nature, and (2) of a regular connection of the elements and structure of any phenomenon. By examining in detail the objective and subjective difficulties (including class prejudices) of shaping sociology as a science, Spencer anticipated a number of the theses of the future sociology of knowledge. The most complicated methodological task for him was to demarcate sociology from history. When studying the laws of the development of society, sociology is, in spirit, a historical science. But in Spencer's opinion, it was related to traditional, narrative, descriptive history in the same way as anthropology to biography. While biography recorded all the chance circumstances in a human life, anthropology studied the state and conditions of the development of the organism. In the same way sociology, even though it rested on historical facts, was closer methodologically to biology.

In contrast to Comte, Spencer not only set out his understanding of the subject-matter and tasks of sociology but also, in fact, realised the principles he proclaimed. His Principles of Sociology was essentially the first attempt to construct an integral sociological system on ethnographic material. Under the heading «The Data of Sociology» he tried to reconstruct theoretically the phy­sical, emotional, intellectual, and especially the religious life of primitive man, and to bring out the origin of his main ideas and notions, Later, as "the inductions of sociology» which consisted in a kind of general theory of society, he analysed the concepts of society, social growth, social structure, social functions, various systems and organs of social life. In the second volume of Principles of Sociology he examined the evolution of domestic relations (primitive sexual relations, forms of the family, the position of women and children), ritual institutions (including customs), political institutions. His sociology was thus an all-embracing science that included anthropology, ethnography, and a general theory of historical development.


  1. Английский язык для социологов: учебное пособие / КЛ. Брутян, А.Л. Трофимоваю-М.: КНОРУС, 2007. - 176 с.

  2. Английский для социологов / Н. С. Харламова, Ю. В. Тишина, И. А. Адриа-нова: Учеб. пособие. - М.: ИПК МГЛУ «Рема», 2012. - 124 с.

  3. Донченко Е. Н. Д67 Английский для психологов и социологов. Ростов н/Д: «Фе­никс», 2002. - 512 с

  4. Cross Cultural Management” International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 10(3) 285-301, 2011

  5. Barbara A. Misztal Informality. Social theory and contemporary practice. 2000.

  6. Looks: Appearance Counts with Many Managers by Sherry Buchanan International Herald Tribune

  7. Sociology. Introductory readings. 1997. Edited by Anthoni Giddens.

  8. The British Journal of Sociology”, 2005 (Volume 56, Issue 3)

  9. The Independent, May, 2008.

  10. www.edu.learnsoc.org

  11. www.photius.com

  12. www.sociology.org

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Мингазова Фарида Касимовна

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