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The Participle


Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, которая соответствует в русском языке причастию и деепричастию. Причастие подразделяется на причастие I (причастие настоящего времени) и причастие II (причастие прошедшего времени). Причастие I образуется прибавлением к инфинитиву окончания –ing, и имеет время, вид и залог.

Таблица 9. Формы причастия I






reading читающий; читая

being read

читаемый; будучи читаемым


having read


(уже, до чего-то)

having been read

будучи прочитанным

(уже; до чего-то)

Причастие II – это 3 форма глагола. Оно имеет страдательное значение, его форма неизменяема, то есть не имеет ни временных, ни залоговых, ни видовых различий.

read - прочитанный

done - сделанный

founded – основанный

Participial constructions

Обороты с причастиями

Working at this problem, the scientists have made interesting discoveries.

Работая над этой проблемой, ученые сделали интересные открытия.

Being built in a modern style, the house looked very beautiful.

Будучи построенным в современном стиле, этот дом выглядел очень красивым.

Having been subjected to all the tests, the machine was accepted.

Будучи подвергнут всем испытаниям, станок был принят.

The professor spoke of the achievements in our economy, his lecture being illustrated by diagrams.

Профессор говорил о достижениях в нашей экономике, и его лекция иллюстрировалась диаграммами.

The professor having finished his lecture, we began to discuss it.

После того, как профессор закончил свою лекцию, мы начали обсуждать ее.

It being dark, we could see nothing.

Так как было темно, мы ничего не могли увидеть.

Translate the sentences:

  1. Investigating the given problem he came to rather interesting conclusions.

  2. It was a great forum, scientists of many countries participating in its work.

  3. This achievement founded on empirical principles was the elaboration of a new kind.

  4. Having established interaction between these phenomena, they started to describe it.

  5. He received interesting results, his speculation being based on logical analysis.

  6. Religion based on ignorance is an unscientific world outlook.

  7. Having received the necessary data, he published the results of his work.

  8. The four methods discussed here are all expressions of the logic of science.

  9. Two commonly used techniques are questionnaires and interviews.

  10. Being open to change, these two men have adapted to the turbulent times and have become affluent as a result.

  11. The experiments being made now are very important.

  12. Taking a historical approach, Marshall traced the evolution of citizenship in Britain and identified three key stages.

  13. In this respect, the rights associated with social citizenship greatly advanced the idea of equality for all.

  14. Taken over a woman’s lifetime, the wage gap produces striking differences in overall earnings.

  15. Among young graduates currently entering the labour market, occupational segregation by gender is less pronounced.

  16. In our current information age, social movements around the globe are able to join together in huge regional and international networks comprising non-governmental organizations, religious and humanitarian groups, human rights associations, consumer protection advocates, environmental activists and others who campaign in the public interest.

  17. In some situations, a nation-state may accept the cultural differences found among its minority or minorities and allow them a certain amount of active development.

  18. Any piece of information, including pictures, moving images and sounds, can be translated into “bits”.

  19. For several years, the internet remained confined to universities.

  20. The internet is transforming the contours of daily life – blurring the boundaries between the global and local, presenting new channels for communication and interaction, and allowing more and more everyday tasks to be carried out online.

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