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TOPICS part 2.doc
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18. Read the article “Education in Belarus”. Characterize the educational system of our republic.

The present day Belarus is the country of a high intellectual potential. The rich and specific scientific school of Belarus has creatively absorbed the experiences of various schools and countries. In Belarus a lot of original thinkers, technical researchers, gifted surgeons and physicians performed their creative activity. Our country brought to the world`s area a lot of talented persons of science and culture whose names were included in encyclopedias and biographical reference books.

Among the key advantages of Belarus is the excellent education system inherited from the Soviet times when a strong focus was consistently made on natural sciences and applied research. Education is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 15. higher education institutions include universities, a variety of specialized academies and institutes for studies in technical art, agriculture, medicine, electronics, and other fields. Belarus is among the few countries in the world whose specialists have been involved in construction of space stations, global communication systems, and nuclear development projects.

According to the Human Development Report 2005 of the United Nations Development Programme, Belarus remains the leader among CIS states in terms of education and takes the lead over a number of developed countries on such indicators as public expenditure on education (6 % of GDP), adult literacy (99.6 %) and youth literacy (99.8 %).

Minsk is famous for its perfectly functioning educational system. There are 34 universities and colleges, 28 vocational schools, 258 secondary schools and over 500 pre-school institutions. The most important educational establishments are the Belarus State University, Belarus State Polytechnic Academy, Belarus State Economic University, Belarus State University of Radio Electronics and Minsk State Linguistic University. Minsk also hosts the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

National universities today act as both educational institutions and large research centers especially in the branches which rely on local feedstock and shape the country’s economy. Developing and upgrading material and technical basis is one of the most important factors promoting the quality of education. The universities’ R&D labs are fitted with cutting-edge equipment for research analysis allowing to derive information of practical and fundamental significance.

19. Examine the following description of our capital. List five well-known places you’d like to visit. Minsk

More than 900 years ago, on the right bank of the river Svisloch, at the place where another river, the Nemiga, was flowing into it, on a low hill, there arose the town of Minsk. During the long history of its existence the ancient city on the river Svisloch was seven times plundered, destroyed and burnt. The last war destroyed the city to the ground. But every time, like a fantastic bird Phoenix, it was born out of ashes, rebuilt up and expanded again. At present Minsk is a megapolis, the population of which is over 1million 700 thousand people. The city is currently a large transport center with a well developed transport infrastructure. Its motorways, railways and airlines connect Minsk with all the European capitals and the main cities of the world.

Its arterial street – the Nezalezhnasti Avenue of more than 10 kilometers in length – is a unique monument of architecture and urban development in post-war Europe. More than 600 streets and avenues cross the city, grading it into industrial, administrative, and dwelling parts.

On the right coast of the River Svisloch the Trinity suburb is settled down. Walking down the small paved streets you can feel yourself in ancient times, enjoying multi-colored houses and tiny shops and caves. A decade ago the work on Upper town's reconstruction started - the area of Liberty square and the adjoining streets: Bakunin, Gertsen, Internatsionalnaya and Muzykalny lane, where a small but stylistically integral area of old Minsk has survived with its lay-out and some architectural monuments of the XVI-XVII centuries.

Near the Trinity suburb there is a pride of Minsk - the Big Opera and Ballet Theatre. All visitors coming to the capital, by all means visit this theatre which is glorified for the delightful ballet far outside the country.

Such interesting and solid buildings as the Government office, Academy of Sciences, State University, Publishing House, Opera and Ballet Theater became the guidelines for creation of new buildings. That is why today there is no disagreement between the old and the modern. Recently there were erected The Palace of the Republic, the National Library, the Moscovski bus station, the Central railway station. They reflect the established tradition.

Many people, visiting Minsk for the first time, say that their soul has rest here. It's an accurate, clean and quiet city. It's a city without bustle and vanities, without haste and race. It is slightly sluggish, slightly sleepy, but always fresh and romantic.

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