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Gerund - Методическое пособие.doc
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Exercise 66. Use the required form of the gerund of the verb in brackets.

1. She didn't feel like (to go) unescorted into dinner, which would begin soon. 2. I inquired of Robinson that afternoon about my book. He neither admitted nor denied (to take) it. 3. Since Tom was his best friend he helped him without (to ask). 4. His latest desire was to dis­cover her age, which he cursed himself for not (to observe) when he had her passport in his hands. 5. He could not help (to know) that there were odious people who called him a snob. 6. Daisy and Gatsby danced. I remember (to be) surprised by his graceful, conservative fox-trot - I had never seen him dance before. 7. When they had finished (to write) this letter they read the whole correspondence from beginning to end. 8. He would never forgive her for (to play) this game, for over fifty years. 9. He poured milk into a jug from a carton in the refrigerator, then drank some milk himself before (to put) the carton back. 10. It's no good (to deny) that. 11. Try and help the nurses by (to keep) quiet and tidy. 12. From there he had a clear view of the entrance to the room, with the advantage that he could avoid (to observe) himself by (to run) quickly out of sight through the stairway door. 13. The tables were put on one side so that there might be room for (to dance). 14. I don't like (to spy) on. 15. Annette, who heard thousands of names mentioned every year, and had a deplorable memory, could recall (to hear) the name of Fox in connection with something or other, but could not remember exactly what. 16. The porter, also on (to enter), would have tapped out his own code. 17. He suddenly stopped (to read). There was no point in (to go) on. He looked up and found forty pairs of eyes fixed on him in­tently. 18. You must excuse me for (to think) you were a gypsy.

Exercise 67. Use the required form of the gerund and insert prepositions where necessary.

1. Good-bye, and thank you ever so much (to come) with me. 2. She was afraid (to go) on public transport. 3. She began to have frightful pains all over her, and she held her breath to prevent herself (to cry) out and (to wake) her mother. 4. This was Daphne's only chance (to tell) them of her college life. 5. She had the local habit (to place) the word "eh" at the end of her remarks, questions and answers alike. 6. I was aware (to plunge) into a network of fresh difficul­ties. 7. His mother would not like the idea (to eat) fruit unwashed. 8. "It seems to me an awfully selfish way (to look) at things," said Philip. 9. "I don’t see the use (to read) the same thing over and over again," said Philip. 10. Sandy could not remember (to ask) about it. 11. I had not asked for advice, I was quite capable (to advise) my­self. 12. That's no reason (to give up).13. It would be better to wait for him on the terrace where she was fond (to sit) toward evening (to enjoy) the view of which she was never tired. 14. Dad would not dream (to say) such a thing to anyone. 15. Miss Brodie was greatly taken aback and suffered greatly from a sense (to betray). 16. He was looking forward (to take) the tickets. 17. Are you thinking, Sandy, (to do) a day’s washing? 18. And then a minute or two afterwards someone else entered the room and expressed his surprise (to find) Griffiths there. 19. She was on the point (to obtain) permission to go for walks alone. 20. Jane, your nose wants (to blow). 21. "That child needs (to take) care of," said Eliza. 22. He felt that life was worth (to take) care of. 23. The night seemed very long. He shivered. He was ashamed (to sleep) on the Embankment. 24. They were busy (to find) some food. 25. Did he suspect her (to see) him enter the room? 26. Thank you (to give) me this book. 27. His heart sank at the thought (to go) out into the bleak darkness. 28. These girls did not say anything to the others (to paint) by the art master. 29. "I'm not very good (to guess)," I said, with a laugh. 30. Ann was such a friendly, pretty child, few people could resist (to talk) to her. 31. The baby was round and very red, with dark curly hair. "Fancy her (to have) hair. I thought they were born bald," said Raymond. 32. I don't like (to wear) a black tie to movies. I enjoy (to see) my movies when I eat popcorn. 33. But I can't tell you how grateful I am to you (to listen) to me. I had to talk about it and it was so kind of you to listen.

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