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методичка КС Найдёнова, Левченко, Толмачёва.doc
806.4 Кб

1. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Кем и когда была изобретена вторая счётная машина?

2. Какими изобретениями прославился великий английский учёный?

2. Напишите значение слов, которые Вы запомнили:

to include, clockwise, of course, such as, variation, arrangement, data, to read off, a quarter of an inch, development, speech, to design, device, to raise, number, angel, first, sometimes, subtraction, to operate.


1.Определите значение следующих слов и словосочетаний без словаря:

genius, superior, mathematician, practically, contact, start, summa, integration, differentiation, arithmetic, calculating machine, cylinder, principle, register, mechanical calculator, mathematical period, energy project, popular.

2. Выберите русский эквивалент английским словам.

1) выгода 1) subject

2) изменять 2) calculus

3) конструировать 3) initial

4) начальный 4) to realize

5) поворот 5) multiplication

6) понимать 6) to design

7) предмет 7) to vary

8) счисление 8) turn

9) умножение 9) benefit

10) учить 10) to study

3. Напишите значение слов, которые Вы знаете:

day, today, device, build (built, built), age, which, reach, after, almost, to do (did, done), many – more – the most, just, addition, subtraction, to consist of, a series of, long, of varying length, small – smaller – the smallest, to represent, digit, once, number, number of times, although, century, late – later – the latest, reliable – unreliable, like (наречие), already, to return, again, to leave (left, left), to play, none (no one), before (наречие), to receive, to become (became, become), world, to be ready, to employ, such, even, until, word, tooth – teeth, to use, children, fully, reason, peak.


Active Vocabulary

by far - намного

as might be expected – как можно бы ожидать

to reach one’s peak – достичь вершины

to start from the scratch – начать с самого начала

to invent - изобретать

to announce - объявлять

notation – система счисления

initial letter – заглавная буква

a series of - ряд

stepped cylinder – ступенчатый валик

meanwhile – между тем

deficiency - недостаток

drill – (зд.) зубрить

multiplication table – таблица умножения

to do more than just – делать больше, чем только

to carry - нести

teeth – (зд.) зубчики

of varying length – различной длины

gears - зубчики

to set (set, set) above – устанавливать над

to represent – представлять

multiplicand – множимое

multiplier – множитель

to express – выражать

so as – так, чтобы

to engage – (зд.) - захватывать

complete turn – полный оборот

a set – набор

number of times – несколько раз

although – хотя

to establish – устанавливать

century – век

unreliable – ненадёжный

unmarketable – не годный для продажи

creative – творческий

to be over – закончить

from then on – с тех пор

to spread (spread, spread) – распространять

to return – возвращать

attention – внимание

to leave (left, left) – оставлять

to receive – получать

perhaps – вероятно

to be ahead of time – опережать время

to employ – использовать

to lay to rest – похоронить

even – даже

neither …. nor – ни …. ни

fully – полностью

appreciated – признанный

until – пока не

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, (1646 - 1716) was by far the greatest scientific genius of his day. And as might be expected his calculating device was far superior to any other built to that time. Leibniz was 26, an age at which most mathematicians have reached their peak after years of hard study. He had practically no contract with the subject. Yet starting almost from scratch, he invented calculus, announcing the notation used today: a long «f», initial letter for the word summa, for integration; and a «d» for differentiation.

Meanwhile, realizing his deficiencies in the arithmetic – he had never been drilled in the multiplication tables as had moat children – he designed a calculating machine that would do more then just the addition and subtraction of the Pascal machine.

The Leibniz calculator consisted of a series of stepped cylinders, each carrying nine teeth of varying lengths. Smaller gears were set above them, each representing a digit of the multiplicand and placed so as to be engaged by that number of the long gears’ teeth. Each complete turn of the set of long gears registered the multiplicand once; the multiplier was expressed by the number of times the long gears were turned.

Although the machine established many important principles to be used three centuries later in mechanical calculators, it was mechanically unreliable, like Pascal’s and unmarketable. He was 30 and his most creative mathematical period was already over. From then on his energies were spread over other projects, and he wasn't to return his attention to computing devices ever again, leaving them for Babbage to play with.

Thus none of these three men who built calculating devices before Babbage received any great benefit from having done so. The machines were mechanically unreliable and never became popular. Perhaps in more than one way the machines and the men were ahead of their time: the world was neither ready not to employ such devices.

The machines were laid to rest even before their inventors were, and neither the devices nor the men were to be fully appreciated until much later.