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Revision of the file

Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences in which the words from the glossary list are used.

Exercise 2. Make up a phone conversation based on the correspondence between Star-Line and Essil d’Or to discuss the problem of payment.

Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. 75% экспортных доходов поступает от продажи нефти.

  2. В 1981 году цены на нефть резко упали и внешний долг страны возрос до 19 млрд долларов.

  3. В целях стимулирования экономики правительство ввело меры по ограничению импорта, что привело к некоторому улучшению платёжного баланса, но застой продолжался.

  4. Введение лицензий на импорт и дополнительного налога привело к снижению объёма импорта.

  5. Вследствие жёстких ограничений в покупке иностранной валюты компании не в состоянии оплачивать импортные заказы.

  6. Чтобы привлечь иностранную валюту в страну, бизнесменам было разрешено открывать внешние счета.

  7. Импортёрам было разрешено сохранять не более 25% валюты, но они могли бы купить её, при этом имеющуюся в наличии валюту получал тот, кто предлагал наиболее высокую цену.

  8. Условия предоставления кредита предусматривают, что оплата должна быть произведена в течение 30 дней с даты получения счёта-фактуры.

  9. В прошлом компания зарабатывала достаточно иностранной валюты, т.к. имела несколько торговых точек в свободных от пошлин зонах.

Exercise 4. Give the summary of the file.



Make sure that you know these words. Find their Russian equivalents.

turnover – total value of business done during a given period of time

gross profit – difference between the value of sales and the cost of goods sold

interest payable – money (per cent) paid for the use of money

charge interest on – ask to pay money for the use of money

net profit – profit after payment of income tax

fixed assets – possessions of a long lasting and unchanging nature such as land, buildings, machinery

current assets – assets which can be consumed or turned into cash (stock, raw materials, book debts (syn. circulating assets)

stock – a store of goods or raw materials

debtors – a person owing money to another

liabilities – an amount of money owed by a business to the supplier, lender, etc.

current liabilities – debts that must be paid within one year

long term liabilities – money that must be paid after more then one year

accruals – continual increase and growth

creditors – a person or business to whom another person or business owes money

net assets – difference between assets and liabilities (excess of assets over liabilities)

provision for tax – setting aside (keeping) money (reserves) for tax that the company will probably have to pay

give priority – deal with what is the most important first, consider smth that needs attention before others

statement of account – a document sent regularly to a buyer who has an account with a particular seller, showing the dates of invoices sent to the buyer, the dates and amounts of payments made and the total that must be paid

open account (charge account, credit account) – an arrangement by which the customer can buy goods up to an agreed value every month and is allowed to pay for them at the end of an agreed period

meet orders – fulfill orders

withdraw credit facilities – to remove, to take back; to cancel credit agreement

hard currency – currency that keeps its value or whose value increases in relation to other currencies, and is used for international payments

Nigeria’s debt crisis and government measures to reduce imports are creating problems for Star-Line Jewellers. The company is having difficulty making payments abroad. Its foreign trade debts are rising. Essil d’Or of Paris, one of Star-Line’s main suppliers, is showing concern.

Θ Star-Line’s accounting year ends on the 31st March. The annual accounts indicate the company is still having difficulty making payments abroad. According to the accounts, Star-Line now owes Essil d’Or $151732 – an increase of $133606 in three months.

Read the accounts for the current year.

Profit and Loss Account

Balance Sheet

Current year

$ 000

Turnover 5710

Cost of goods sold

Purchases 1715

Import Duties 515

Import Surcharges 326

Air Freight &

Insurance 49 2605

Current year

$ 000

Fixed assets 889

Current assets

Stock 223

Debtors 53

Cash 185 461

Total assets 1350

Gross Profit 3105


Administration 2570

Interest payable 50 2620

Current liabilities

Trade creditors:

Amounts due within

one year 390

accruals 106 496

Profit before tax 485

Provision for tax


Tax (40%) 194

Local (State)

Tax (7%) 34 $ 228

Long term liabilities


Amounts due after

More than one year 125

Bank loan 250

Directors loan a/c 50 425

Net Profit $257


  1. Breakdown of turnover

Duty-free shops at Lagos &

Kano airports 4 493 880

Falomo Shopping Centre

Ikoyi (Lagos) 6 months 1 216 034

Total $ 5 709 914

  1. 50% of turnover is from sales of products imported from hard currency areas.

  2. Administrative expenses include airport concession fees of $ 1 797 552.

Total liabilities 921

Net assets $ 429

Capital reserves

Common shares 100

Profit and Loss a/c 322 $ 429


  1. Cash balances include sums reserved for payment of overseas suppliers.

  2. Trade creditors include $151 732 owed to Essil d’or of France.

Θ Exercise 1. These are Star-Line’s accounts for last year. Listen to the recording and write in the missing figures.

Profit and Loss Account

Balance Sheet

Last year

$ 000

Turnover ......

Cost of goods sold 1697

Gross profit ... .……

Expenses 2173

Profit before tax .........

Provision for tax 146

Net profit 210

Last year

$ 000

Fixed assets ..........

Current assets ………

Stock ………

Debtors 21

Cash 35 463

Total assets 862

Current liabilities

Trade creditors .......

Accruals 98 218

Longterm liabilities

Creditors 110

Total liabilities 328

Net assets 534

Capital reserves

Common shares 100

Profit & Loss a/c 434 534

Exercise 2. Compare last year’s figures with the figures for the current year. Tick the

correct box ( √ ).


  1. is up on last year

  2. is down on last year

  3. is about the same as last year

Net profit

  1. has gone up since last year

  2. has gone down since last year

  3. is about the same as last year

Capital reserves

  1. have increased since last year

  2. have decreased since last year

  3. are about the same as last year

Current assets

  1. are up on last year

  2. are down on last year

  3. are about the same as last year

Net assets

  1. have risen since last year

  2. have fallen since last year

  3. are about the same as last year

Gross profit

  1. is higher than last year

  2. is lower than last year

  3. is about the same as last year

Exercise 3. Make the conclusion about company’s current financial situation.

Θ Star-Line can apply to the Central Bank of Nigeria for the extra foreign currency it needs, but it must first have an import licence. The company has applied for a licence, but there are delays. «We are giving priority to imports of essential raw materials, machinery, and agricultural equipment » officials at the Ministry of Commerce explain. Early in April, Star-Line receives this letter.

Read the letter.

Essil d’Or

5 rue de la Paix

75001 Paris

Tel (+331) 47208898

Telex 26172 Essil

Fax (+331) 47204128

Mr. Johnson Odusanya

Managing Director

Star-Line Jewellers Nigeria Ltd.

17 Falomo Shopping Centre

Ikoyi Island

Lagos Nigeria

Dear Mr. Odusanya

I enclose an up-to-date statement of your account. I note that in spite of previous requests, several items remain long overdue.

As you know, our open account terms are payment in full within 30 days of date of invoice. Over the past months, we have continued to fulfil your orders because you have always settled your accounts satisfactorily.

However, in view of the present situation, I now have to advise you that Essil d’Or cannot meet your April order, or any subsequent orders, until all outstanding sums have been paid in full.

I also have to advise you that unless your payment is received within 14 days of the date of this letter, Essil d’Or will withdraw credit facilities from your company.

Yours sincerely

Christine Calvet

Export Sales Manager

Encl : 1

Θ Now listen to recorded extracts from the letter.

Exercise 4. Read Christine Calvet’s letter straight through twice. Then read these three summaries. Which of the summaries gives the essential information in the letter? Tick the correct variant ( √ ).

  1. Star-Line’s account is overdue. Essil d’Or has continued to fulfill orders because Star- Line’s a good customer. But now Essil d’Or won’t meet any more orders until the outstanding sums have been settled. ( )

  2. Essil d’Or encloses an up-to-date statement of account. Some items are long overdue. Essil d’or will withdraw credit facilities, unless Star-Line settles the account in full within the next 14 days. ( )

  3. Essil d’Or will not meet any more orders until Star-Line has settled the account in full. ( )

  4. If Star-Line does not pay within 14 days, Essil d’Or will withdraw credit facilities. ( )

Exercise 5. Find the definition (a-j) for each expression (1-10). Give Russian equivalents.

  1. subsequent

  2. due

  3. overdue

  4. items

  5. terms

  6. in full

  7. in view of

  8. outstanding

  9. advise

  10. withdraw

a) late, not paid on time

b) tell, inform, warn

c) conditions

d) not yet paid

e) considering, taking into account

f) later, following

g) remove, take back

h) expected now, owed

i) things sold

j) completely

Exercise 6. Look through Star-Line’s statement of account. Then answer these questions.


Please quote your account number on orders, payments, and correspondence.

Account No. This statement does not include invoices

S 124209 issued or payments received after 28/3/19..

Date Reference Debit Credit Balance

7/11/19.. Invoice P4527 475 192 475192

28/12/19.. Payment 368249 106943

4/1/19.. Invoice KO173 479198 586141

18/1/19.. Invoice K 5420 484 768 1070909

7/2/19.. Payment 363712 687179

16/2/19.. Payment 365859 321338

21/2/19.. Invoice P6004 468200 789538

6/3/19.. Payment 380709 404830

13/3/19.. Invoice R7115 490390 895220

Amount Due F 895220

What is Star-Line’s account number ? S 124209

How much was invoice KO173 ? F 479198

  1. What was the balance on 16 February ? _____________________________________

  2. What was the date of invoice P6004 ? ______________________________________

  3. How much did Star-Line pay on 28 December ? ______________________________

  4. Which invoice was dated 18 January ? _____________________________________

  5. How much was debited from the account on 21 February ? ______________________

  6. What is the amount due now ? ____________________________________________