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Symptoms. Physical complaints due directly to the burden of weight are relatively rare in otherwise normal obese children. However, we know obesity to be a troublesome complication in children with cardiac conditions, diabetes and orthopedic disorders. Increase in blood pressure is frequently associated with severe degrees of obesity. Fatigue, perspiration, poor coordination and shortness of breath may be due to overweight, but these symptoms may also be related to emotional factors. The real suffering is experienced in the field of social relations. They often become objects of ridicule and are excluded from the activities of their age group. The social and psychological problems which obesity creates for a child become more serious with increasing age. Obesity in an adolescent may lead to complete withdrawal.

Treatment. As a physiological problem the treatment of the obese child is simple. Doctors suppose restriction alone or combined with increased physical activity to invariably result in a predictable loss of weight. In a rapidly growing child who is only moderately overweight, it may not be necessary or desirable to plan for weight reduction. It may be preferable merely to retard or arrest the rate of gain until the child grows up to his weight. Caution should be exercised in employing complete starvation, a procedure that has been recently recommended.

Active words to remember:

Obesity, to be inclined, avoidance, to persist, to respond, to achieve, to justify, to predispose, perspiration, to experience, adjustment, restriction, to retard, to arrest, caution, starvation, withdrawal.


1. Translate sentences paying attention to the Objective with the Infinitive Construction:

1. Some specialists consider complete starvation to be effective in the treatment of obesity. 2. We know obesity to be defined as a degree of overweight which interferes with health or well-being. 3. The doctors believe obesity to develop only in those children whose physiological regulatory and metabolic mechanisms predispose them to this type of reaction. 4. The parents often let their children eat persistently more than they need. 5. It is difficult to make parents pay proper attention to overweight children and consult the doctor in due time. 6. We see the view on obesity have changed greatly during the last two decades. 7. The doctors believe overeating to help obese children in combating anxiety and achieving a sense of comfort. 8. We know restriction in food to help obese patients in losing superfluous weight. 9. The students heard the professor speak about successful use of controlled hunger for the treatment of stomach ulcers. 10. We know the best possible food for the infant to be its mother’s milk particularly during the earlier months of life.

II.Translate sentences, define the types of the subordinate clauses.

1.To what extent obesity is the result of genetic factors and to what extent it depends on environmental conditions is not yet clear. 2. Quite often children who have been only moderately obese in infancy show a rapid gain in weight later on. 3. Life histories of obese children sometimes reveal that the tendency toward

isolation and withdrawal has often preceded the development of obesity. 4. If weight reduction is to be attempted its success will depend greatly on the patient’s desire and cooperation. 6. Medicine should never be given to a child unless it is ordered by a physician. 7. The child’s food should contain a good amount of carbohydrates for these are a source of energy. 8. In some individuals obesity corrects itself at the time of puberty as the desire to appear pleasing to the opposite sex develops. 9. It is an often debated question whether a child is in a state of blooming health with excellent nutrition or whether he suffers from obesity. 10. When the winter months come the food becomes rather poor in vitamins.

III. Translate sentences, point out the forms of the Subjunctive Mood.

1.There would be no life on the earth without sunlight. 2. The doctor advised that the baby should be weighed before and after feeding so that he could see how much milk he gets. 3. If young mothers knew how important it is to feed the child properly they would give much more attention to it. 4. It is necessary that the nursing child should be fed at regular intervals. 5. If the doctor recommended the mother to wean her child she would start it without delay. 6. It is desirable that the nursing mother should keep in good physical condition, eat properly and have enough rest. 7. The child was given cod-liver oil containing vitamin A and D lest he should develop rickets. 8. If my child were as strong as yours! 9. The doctors insist that obese children should come to regular check-ups. 10. The lecturer stepped aside so that the students could see the diagram drawn on the blackboard.

IV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

1. Cough is likely to be one of the symptoms most frequently complained of in childhood. 2. Cough appears to be mostly observed in many conditions associated with the respiratory infection, though there seem to be some cases having no connection with a respiratory infection. 3. In some cases cough is apt to be worse at night especially during the first few hours. 4. Surgery is likely to yield the required outcome. 5. A combination of many infection producing agents is apt to give very serious complications. 6. Early diagnosis seems not to be the only way to improve survival rate after operations. 7. Increased coagulability of the blood id most likely to be an etiological factor in ischemic heart disease. 8. In some cases cough appears to depend on irritation of the nerve centers solely. 9. Many conditions are likely to be mentioned in which cough occurs, these being most likely to be bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, pleurisy and so on. 10. I have estimated that at least 75per cent of children seem to suffer one or more colds each year.11. Congenital cardiac disease appears to be less frequent than acquired heart disease. 12. Headache, although but a symptom, is likely to be dependent upon many and diverse conditions. 13. The acidity of the gastric contents appears to vary widely, depending upon the amount, concentration, time after ingestion and the character of the food. 14. Season is most likely to have an influence on morbidity. 15. Measles as a disease is dangerous chiefly because of certain complications which are apt to arise during its course, more especially inflammatory infections of lungs.

V. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list in brackets.

( in spite of; either … or; not only … but also; both … and; that; after; and; before; if; for;)

1.Eating … … serves to appease bodily hunger … … is charged with emotional significance. 2. … the mother’s diet is insufficient, the milk will be poor in quality. 3. Parents should know … obesity may develop at any age. 4. The typical obese patient tends to be … broader … taller than his age peers. 5. This child is … in a state of blooming health with excellent nutrition … suffers from obesity.6. The child’s health was poor … … … the fact that he was carefully nursed. 7. Avoidance of fats is not necessary … in most individuals they inhibit gastric emptying and delay the onset of hunger. 8. In some instances there is colic … some food is ingested to which the patient is allergic. 9. Parents’ questions concerning hygienic … general care of infants engage an increasing proportion of the time of the pediatrician. 10. A baby must learn to creep … he begins to walk.

VI. Translate sentences. Pay attention to the Construction there is / are.

1.There is a great range in the weight of the newborn even within physiologic limits. 2. There are no special elements of any kind which are peculiar only to living matter and are not found in inorganic nature. 3. There are more that three scores of diseases that are caused by viruses. 4. There are three main medical fields in Russia: adult medicine, child medicine, hygiene and sanitation. 5. There is no apparent indication that the children in whom rheumatic fever occurred early in childhood have shorter span of life than those in whom the onset of the disease came later. 6. Bacteria appear in the mouth soon after birth, and increase decidedly in number of forms. 7. There are many diseases which are almost or entirely peculiar to early life. 8. There is a predisposition to certain diseases during infancy and childhood as contrasted with adult life. There is a difference, too, in the susceptibility to particular diseases at the various periods of early life. 9. There is a high mortality in elderly patients especially those with arteriosclerotic heart disease.

VII. Translate sentences into Russian.

1.Excessive eating and avoidance of activity influence the child’s personality development and life experiences. 2. An evaluation of the emotional problems of an obese child and an appraisal of the difficulties inherent in his family interrelationships constitute a necessary part of the diagnostic study. 3. Mere weight reduction without attention to underlying problems will almost invariably be followed by another increase in weight. 4. Vitamin deficiency is to be prevented. 5. Although opinion as to how often to feed the baby varies, most doctors seem to favour a three or four hour schedule. 6. Obesity is the result of positive energy balance. 7. Caloric intake is regulated in accordance with energy expenditure. 8. Food requirements of individuals are affected by several factors: muscular activity, age, weight, pathologic conditions, climate etc. 9. The most rapid growth period in a child’s life is the first months.


More and more cocaine using mothers are bearing afflicted infants. Numerous reports that appeared in 1980s showed that cocaine use by pregnant women could

cause serious physical and mental impairment to their newborns. It was another warning that the snowy white drug was not as harmless as some believed. Since then the situation has only changed for the worse. Despite wide-spread publicity many pregnant women underestimate the extent of the problem. There are women who would not smoke and would not drink but they can’t stay away from cocaine.

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that has become increasingly popular and available in the United States. Smoking cocaine results in short periods of intense euphoric feelings, during which energy and self-esteem are enhanced and anxiety is decreased. However, within hours of use cocaine rebound effects result in anxiety, exhaustion and depressive feelings. The dependent person has to take cocaine repeatedly to avoid these “crash” rebound effects. Because of cocaine’s low molecular weight and its water and lipid solubility it readily crosses the placenta and the fetal blood brain barrier.

The growing number of women are using crack, the cheap purified form of cocaine that plagues American’s inner cities and has spread into middle class suburbs. More than 100.000 babies born in the US annually are believed to have been exposed to cocaine or other drugs during the critical period of fetal development. Doctors found that cocaine like heroin and alcohol could be passed from the user-mother to the fetus with disastrous results.

As doctors see more and more crack-damaged infants – many of them premature – a clear picture of the effects of the drug is emerging. It is not a pretty one. Because a mother’s crack binge triggers spasms in the baby’s blood vessels the vital flow of oxygen and nutrients can be severely restricted for long periods. Fetal growth including head and brain size may be impaired, strokes and seizures may occur and malformations of the kidneys, genitals, intestines and spinal cord may develop. If cocaine dose is large enough, the blood supply can be cut so sharply that the placenta may tear loose from uterus, putting mother in danger and killing the fetus. In this way even one “fit” of crack can irreparably damage the fetus. At birth the babies display obvious signs of crack exposure – tremors, irritability and lethargy that may belie the seriousness of the harm done. These symptoms may disappear in a week or more but the underlying damage remains.

Cocaine-exposed neonates have been found to have lower birth weight, smaller head circumference, inferior visual and auditory orienting skills, poorer motor abilities, decreased consolability and more abnormal reflexes.

Because there is no specific treatment for cocaine babies doctors must work with mothers. Parenting programs are teaching women how to handle the baby’s long bouts of inconsolable crying and unresponsiveness. But such programs are usually designed for motivated women with some financial resources.

Note: an inner city –

Active words and expressions:

To afflict, to bear, to warn, to believe, to underestimate, to stay away, to enhance, to purify, to tear loose, to display, to impair, to plague, to avoid, to underlie, to emerge, to handle, to trigger, euphoria, self-esteem, exhaustion, placenta, fetus, uterus, malformation, behavior, bout, hit, irritability, lethargy, cheap, disastrous, inferior, inconsolable, despite.


1.Translate into Russian paying attention to the infinitive constructions:

1. Cocaine use over long periods is known to lead to severe forms of psychosis. 2. The stimulant properties of cocaine are believed to have been recognized for over 1000 years. 3. There seem to be several reasons for the phenomenal increase in cocaine abuse, the stimulant effects, euphoria and increased energy level having contributed to its popularity. 4. Available studies uniformly indicate that cocaine-using women are likely also to be heavy users of other drugs, particularly, alcohol, marijuana and cigarettes. 5. Some pregnant women are likely to underestimate the disastrous results of having passion for cocaine. 6. Cocaine has been shown to be the largest producer of illicit income in the United States. 7. Huge amounts of money are believed to be spent on cocaine. 8. Despite widespread propaganda about the dramatic results of cocaine abuse the situation does not appear to have changed for the better.

II. Translate into Russian paying attention to different meanings of the verb would.

1. She would do anything in the world to make her child happy. 2. Your doctor warned you but you would not follow his advice. 3. Parents would be happy if their children are well-brought up, educated and well-settled in life. 4. Even if the mother’s diet does not contain all the essential nutrients, the milk would contain practically all the ingredients which the milk of a well-fed mother would have. 5. The doctor tried to persuade the patient to give up smoking but he would not listen. 6. She would develop acute attacks of asthma in June. 7. Severe hypertension, even if temporary would be likely to increase the risk of infarction in any part of the brain with reduced blood supply and reduce the chances of recovery of a damaged area.

III. Translate into Russian.

Cocaine using pregnant women, cocaine-exposed neonates, cocaine-related admissions to drug clinics, intense euphoric feelings, stimulating drugs, parents teaching programs, serious impairments, laboratory obtained findings.


AIDS will have a severe impact on both adult and child death rates, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, during the 1990s. The virus casts a dark shadow over prospects for major gains in children survival and development.

Babies born to women infected with HIV, the virus which causes AIDS, have a 20-40% chance of contracting the virus from their mothers. Almost all of these children will die before the age of five. By the end of the 1980s, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 3 million women world-wide, including 2.5 million in sub-Saharan Africa, were infected with HIV, and an estimated 500,000 babies had contracted the virus from their mothers. By 1992 the total number of infants born with HIV infection, in Africa alone, is expected to reach 1 million, of whom 600,000 are likely to have developed AIDS and many will already have died.

Millions of children who are not infected with HIV are already suffering emotional and economic deprivation because their parents have died or are chronically ill. WHO estimates that during the 1990s more than 10 million children uninfected with HIV will be orphaned by AIDS. In many parts of subSaharan Africa, the extended family system, which has traditionally absorbed orphans, will come under severe strain as parents die of AIDS, leaving aged grandparents to cope with large numbers of young children.

An international effort continues to be urgently needed in order to:

PREVENT HIV INFECTION. The key strategy here is AIDS education through all possible channels - religious and community organisations, women’s groups, the mass media, the health services, schools and colleges, artists and entertainers. Women must also be given more say in decisions about their own health and sexual behaviour, especially by improving their incomes and education.

Provide health care and social and economic support for families in which a child or a parent has HIV/AIDS and to families and communities caring for children orphaned by AIDS. The guardians of these children must be helped to provide them with a basic level of food, shelter, health care and education. Without such support, AIDS orphans will be condemned to poverty. Many will die prematurely; others will resort to crime and prostitution and will themselves be at high risk for AIDS.

Although AIDS cannot be cured, many of its symptoms can be treated with low-cost, basic drugs. Sensitive counselling can help people with HIV/AIDS to live longer and enhance their quality of life through “living positively”. In countries such as Ghana, Uganda and Zambia, non-governmental organisations now provide ‘home-based care’ programmes, which are also an entry point for educating the wider community.

The AIDS pandemic comes at a time when many developing nations are having to freeze or even reduce their expenditure on primary health care and social services. In most sub-Saharan countries, the health services lack the essential drugs, supplies and transport needed to provide minimum care to people with HIV/AIDS. Increased international assistance to meet these needs is urgently required. Health workers also need special training, particularly in counselling skills and in the diagnosis and treatment of infants and young children with HIV/AIDS, who may be slow to respond to standard treatments for common illnesses.

The eventual scale and impact of the AIDS disaster depends on how quickly policy makers, professionals and the general public become aware of the full scale of the threat and begin taking the obvious steps to contain it.

Active words and expressions:

AIDS = Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus; WHO = World Health Organisation; to have an impact on something; major gains; deprivation; extended family system; an orphan; to cope with something; urgently; to condemn; premature; to resort to something; expenditure; a policy maker; to be aware of; to take steps; calamity; disaster; expenditure; pandemic.


1.Translate into Russian. Pay attention into participle 1, participle 11, gerund.

1.Babies born to women infected with AIDS have a 20-40% chance of contracting the virus from their mothers. 2. WHO estimates that during the 1990s more than 10 million children uninfected with HIV will be orphaned by AIDS. 3. By the end of the 1980s an estimated 3 million women world-wide, including 2.5million in sub-Saharan Africa, were infected with HIV. 4. Women must also be given more say in decisions about their own health and sexual behaviour, especially by improving their incomes and education. 5. Sensitive counselling can help people with HIV/AIDS to live longer and enhance their quality of life through ‘living positively’. 6. The AIDS pandemic comes at a time when many developing nations are having to freeze or even reduce their expenditure on primary health care. 7. Increased international assistance to meet these needs is urgently required.8. Health workers also need special training, particularly in counselling skills and in the diagnosis and treatment of infants and young children with HIV/AIDS. 9. Vaccinated, HIV-infected patients had a lower mortality rate than those not previously vaccinated. 10. Measles is a severe illness in immunocompromised patients. 11. The number of immunocompromised children has increased as a result of the use of cytotoxic chemotherapy for the treatment of malignancies and the increasing prevalence of human immunodeficincy virus (HIV) infection. 12. All patients included in this study were hospitalized at

Children’s Hospital of the University of Chicago. 13. After washing, the cells were incubated for 30 minutes. Then the cells were washed and examined by fluorescence microscopy. 14. Severe complications occurred in eight patients, including seven cases of pneumonitis. 15. Pneumonitis uniformly occurred within 2 weeks following the onset of measles, as determined by the onset of the febrile illness or rash. 16. Ribavirin was administered within 48 hours following the onset of dyspnea.

II.Define English equivalents to A from B:

A.Главная стратегия; повысить доходы; справляться с бедствием; детская выживаемость; система расширенной семьи; средства массовой информации; службы здравоохранения; повысить качество жизни; заморозить расходы; удовлетворить потребности; осознавать; вести положительный образ жизни; неправительственные организации; работники здравоохранения.

B.To live positively, extended family system, health services, to meet the needs, key strategy, nongovernmental organisations, to freeze the expenditure, to increase the incomes, child survival, mass media, to enhance the quality of life, to become aware of, health workers, to cope with a calamity.


1.Translate the following sentences into Russian: Define the function of the word


1. The doctor in charge insisted that the child whose health had been weakened by the disease should rest in bed for an hour in the daytime. 2. It is necessary that the child should always sleep alone. 3. Should crying or coughing occur during the

examination of a small child the character of these must be noted. 4. One daily nap should continue until the sixth year. 5. One should be cautious in stating diagnosis. . 6. Sleeping out of doors or with the windows open should always be advisable. 7. Should the condition progress, the patient should be given another course of intensive therapy. 8. We suppose we should be allowed to assist during the operation which should be performed by our doctor. 9. I was told that I should be able to get up as soon as my condition considerably improved, the temperature fell to normal, and the inflammation subsided. 10. We should like to stress the great importance of sleep for maintaining health and labour capacity of man.

II. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to Participles 1 and II used attributively.

1.As the child grows the amount of sleep required gradually decreases. 2. The bed clothing needed must vary with the season. 3.The growing organism must have sufficient amount of sleep. 4. Adenoma, a form of tumour occurring in the cellular tissue of a gland, is usually treated according to the organ involved. 5. Disease-causing, or pathogenic, bacteria harm the human body by the poisons or toxins produced by them. 6. The work described here was part of an investigation of a skin disease encountered in early childhood. 7. Sore throat is one of the most common conditions met with in medical practice. 8. The wounds studied differed in size, etiology and bacterial flora, but each was of the type regarded as surgically infected. 9. Lesions remaining for a long time within the stomach produce slowly developing symptoms. 10. This nervous condition improving method is similar to that employed in many clinics of our country. 11. When checked, the child showed no abnormality as to growth and development. 12. If given a sufficient amount of mother’s milk the normal child is satisfied after a ten-fifteen minute nursing. 13. If properly treated, a disease may have no sequelae in later life. 14. Acid is a substance which when combined with alkalies forms salts. 15. Infected adenoids, if untreated, usually remain enlarged and cause other disturbances, colds and other infections being common. 16. When used indiscriminately, antibiotics may lead to growth within the body of new strains of previously harmless bacteria which become drug-resistant and thus expose the patient to residual infections. 17. High concentrations of mineral acids have a corrosive effect on human tissue, and, when taken internally, cause severe burning sensation in the mouth, throat and stomach, followed by abdominal pain and vomiting. 18. Vitamins do not decompose until heated. 19. Although described in the first century AD migraine has been extensively investigated only in recent years. 20. Whether followed by complications or not nephritis requires constant supervision.

III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the conjunctions and prepositions.

A. 1. Poliomyelitis occurs both in sporadic and epidemic forms. 2. In grave cases of chorea children can neither sit nor stand; they cannot dress or eat by themselves and often have speech disturbances. 3. A tendency of bleeding may depend either on changes in the blood itself (reduced coagulation due to deficiency of fibrinogen in the blood), or changes in the vascular wall. 4. As in many other

illnesses the food in acute laryngitis should be reduced both in quantity and strength. 5. When small doses of the antimeasles serum are administered during the first incubation days the disease is either prevented or considerably mitigated. 6. Unlike measles, rubella either has no prodromal stage or the latter is extremely feebly pronounced. 7. Both a stridulous and a labored breathing may be present when a laryngeal diphtheria exists. 8. Chickenpox is neither transmitted through things nor through third persons. 9. When the inflammation reaches the intermediate tubes in acute bronchitis, both respiration and pulse are accelerated.

B. 1. The rate of growth of the head during the first year of life of an infant is not uniform, since it is far more rapid during the first half of the year than it is during the second half. 2. Carcinoma of the thyroid in children usually lasts many years before death occurs. 3. After operation the patient should have strict bed rest for 4-6 weeks so that all the soft and bony tissue damage may heal. 4. Since his discharge from the hospital he has continued to feel exceedingly well. 5. Additional studies as roentgen ray examinations, biopsy and sternal puncture may be necessary before the actual diagnosis of anaemia is established. 6. The hypotensive agents were given to the patients promptly after the diagnosis was established. 7. A tuberculin test should never be omitted once suspicion of tuberculous meningitis has been aroused. 8. The only illness since birth was a mild case of chicken pox at 3 months of age. 9. During the prodromal symptoms, before the appearance of the rash, measles is similar to other acute upper respiratory infections. 10. Operation was considered only after conservative measures had failed. 11. All the children with negative reactions in the untreated group were tested in a late stage of meningitis, most of them only once. 12. The paralyses of intercostal muscles and the diaphragm are very grave since they impair respiration. 13. Surgery can be started once the body temperature falls below 390C (degrees). 14.After vaccination the child may be washed and bathed until the appearance of an inflammatory reaction, but, once inflammation and suppuration have begun, the vaccinated arm must not be washed. 15. Pancreas is the most inaccessible structure in the gastrointestinal system, since it cannot readily be palpated, visualized, opacified with radiopaque substances or biopsied. 16. A child with bronchitis should be kept in bed at least three days after the temperature is normal, and kept in the house until the lungs are entirely clear. 17. Since the disease is highly contagious, every case should be isolated.

IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the forms of adjectives and adverbs:

1. Enlarged bronchial glands produce a most persistent cough. 2. Quinsy occurs much less frequently among children than among adults. 3. The inflammation begins in the deeper tissues, later affecting the mucosa. 4. The onset of the peritonsillar abscess is similar to that of tonsillitis, but the pain is much more severe, and nearly always on one side only, radiating into the ear. 5. The symptoms of adenoids may get worse as the child grows older. 6. Any disease of the lung or pleura will produce an increased respiratory rate; the greater the involvement, usually the more rapid will be the breathing. 7. The younger the child, the more active is the infection. 8. Bronchitis of the smallest tubes, or capillary bronchitis, is the most dangerous form. 9. The spread of infection is made easier in the colder months by closer contact with large groups of people. 10. The most valuable proteins are found in meat, milk and eggs. 11. Anemia due to increased destruction of red cells (hemolytic anemia) is less common than anemia due to decreased blood formation. 12. Substernal pain is more significant than precordial pain. 13. The most serious cases of rheumatic fever are associated

with the lesions in the myocardium, the pericardium, and the valves of the heart. The more severe the acute rheumatic fever, the greater the likelihood of cardiac involvement. 14. Rheumatic fever is more widespread among older children (8-15 years of age), while in early childhood the rate of rheumatic morbidity is much lower. 15. Mortality in pneumonia depends on the form of the disease, as well as the age and condition of the child. The younger the child, the higher the mortality. 16. The sooner the antimeasles serum is administered, the more reliable the prophylactic effect.

V. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the Subjective and Objective Infinitive Constructions, functions of the infinitive.

1. Preventive medicine urges us to prepare and eat nutritious food, control our weight and visit our doctor periodically for check-up examinations. 2. Children, particularly, are apt to have severe abdominal pain as one of the symptoms of some transmittable diseases, including pneumonia and infectious mononucleosis. 3. Antibiotics are known to have been employed with dramatic success in the treatment of many bacterial, viral and fungus diseases. 4. Many different organisms have been suspected to be causative agents of acute infections of the upper respiratory tract. 5. Certain persons seem to be immune to acute rhinitis while others have repeated attacks. Immunity, if acquired, seems to be of very short duration as shown by repeated attacks. 6. Skin is believed to be the most active tissue. 7. Of 15 patients treated 3 were found to show sensitiveness to the local application of the drug administered. 8. In case of local application of some drugs healing seemed to have been definitely slowed. 9. Examination showed the patient to have moderate tenderness over the right abdomen. 10. The laparotomy demonstrated the patient to have sustained a perforation both of the stomach and the bladder. 11. The experiments repeatedly indicated the defence mechanism to be one of local manifestations of a general resistance. 12. Nausea and vomiting, the most common early symptoms, should cause one to reduce the dose of the drug used. 13. After eliciting briefly the chief symptoms from which the child seems to be suffering, it is often well to allow the mother to give as full an account as possible of the case. 14. Radiation appears to lower immunity, damage connective tissue and lead to premature aging. 15. The way to be sure that your child is well is to consult a district pediatrician at regular intervals. 16. The mother is usually the first to note any changes in her baby’s appearance and behaviour. 17. There are many diseases and injuries of a child to be reported to the doctor immediately. 18. To see how the child is growing, to observe his development, to give him necessary inoculations is the task of a district pediatrician. 19. To treat a child is often more difficult than an adult as children vary greatly from the latter. 20. The first step to assure survival of a premature baby is to regulate the body heat.

VI. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to Modal Verbs. 1. When eliciting a history of a patient attention is to be paid to such symptoms as cough, dyspnea, digestive disturbances, headache, dizziness, etc. 2. Pain should be relieved at once. 3. Great importance must be given to the results of the necessary careful postoperative treatment. 4. It should be emphasized that pain in cases of recurring ulcer may have no relation to meals. 5. Further steps in treatment are to depend upon the general condition of the patient. 6. This tumour was to be excised owing to its site and size. 7. At present time, however, one can