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streptomycin sensitivity of the specific organism causing the infection should be determined at the earliest opportunity, preferably before treatment is begun.

11.Some of the important functions of the blood are to convey nutritive particles to the tissues and take the waste products away from them; to supply the tissues with oxygen and relieve them of their carbon dioxide and to play an important part in the regulation of the body temperature. 12. About one billion red cells per minute are given off into the blood stream to balance the cells which are constantly disintegrating. 13. The liver and the spleen both aid in disintegration and in the conversion of the red cells constituents into substances that can be used again in the body. 14. Before administration blood should be warmed to body temperature, but overheating has to be avoided as it adds to the risk of reactions.

II. Find the word differing in its meaning from the given series of words:

1.a) many; b) a great deal of; c) a lot of; d) a number of; e) a few.

2.a) large; b) extensive; c) considerable; d) adequate; e) colossal.

3.a) similar; b) alike; c) artificial; d) the same; e) analogous.

4.a) to provide; b) to supply; c) to change; d) to equip; e) to furnish.

5.a) to result in; b) to bring to; c) to lead to; d) to carry out; e) to end.

6.a) to perform; b) to appear; c) to carry out; d) to fulfill; e) to make.

7.a) to think; b) to suppose; c) to believe; d) to receive; e) to consider.

8.a) to report; b) to announce; c) to defend; d) to inform; e) to tell.

9.a) recent; b) ancient; c) modern; d) new; e) fresh.

10.a) to record; b) to receive; c) to write down; d) to note; e) to register.

III.Fill in the blanks with one of the four words given under the sentence:

1.Human bloods are divided into four groups, the serum of one group … and

haemolyse the corpuscles of another group.

a) may become b) may agglutinate c) may associate d) may complete

2.The group test is used to select donors of particular group … to match a particular recipient … to stock a blood bank.

a) either … or b) neither … nor c) not only … but also d) apart from

3.The donor should be in a good health and … malaria, syphilis or other communicable diseases.

a)due to b) result from c) free from d) apart from

4.In withdrawing the blood full antiseptic precautions must be used and … to the air must be reduced to the minimum.

a)future b) temperature c) pressure d) exposure

5.Before … blood should be preferably warmed to body temperature.

a)transfusion b) distension c) eruption d) resolution

6.The method of administration of plasma is … as for whole blood.

a)some b) sometimes c) the same d) several

IV. Find the corresponding Russian equivalent to the following English words and word combinations:


widely used procedure

1. количество циркулируемой крови



2. группы крови у человека


the transfer of blood

3. несовместимость


clot-promoting factor

4. заболевание


the circulating blood volume

5.широко распространенная





human blood types

6. способы хранения свежей крови


incalculable number

7. переливание крови


cross-match test

8.фактор, способствующий


образованию сгустка




9. проба на перекрестную




10. means of keeping fresh blood

10. несметное количество

V.Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the pronouns.

1.Like any other symptom a cough is a manifestation of a disease or abnormality. 2. An abscess may form in any part of the body when staphylococcic or streptococcic bacteria invade an area and produce a local infection. 3. The hands should be washed before eating, especially after prolonged soiling or contact with anything in which dangerous bacteria are likely to live. 4. In grippe no period of life is immune. 5. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin which contains a metal in its very complicated molecule. It seems to be synthetized only by microorganism, yet in our diet it exists virtually exclusively in foods of animal origin. 6. Any disease may become dangerous to life if you do not treat it from the very onset. 7. It was decided to explore the abdomen as there were some signs suggesting peritonitis. 8. It is through the nervous system that the organism is able to orientate itself in the world surrounding it and to adapt itself to the ever changing conditions of life.

9.In perfectly normal states the eruption of teeth is unattended by any symptoms whatever. 10. While inspecting the child nothing can be determined if the child is at all excited. 11. To anyone who has taken an interest in the surgery of early life, it must have become apparent that the child is subject to almost all the diseases of adult life and to many other conditions not found in the adult. 12. Any infant particularly prematurely born one requires special care and attention. 13. Roentgenograms of the chest and upper gastrointestinal tract showed no abnormality. 14. No changes in the infant’s general appearance, weight, appetite, behaviour should escape the mother’s notice.

VI. Find the word nearest in meaning to the one in bold type

1.Lack of vitamins in food may lead to metabolic changes and retardation of the development in a growing organism.

a) efficiency b) deficiency c) inhibition d) elevation

2.In childhood there are various conditions which may produce cough, cold in the head and other catarrhal symptoms

a)different b) extreme c) excessive d) common

3.Nowadays many childhood diseases end in complete recovery.

a)perish b) delay c) terminate d) convert

4.The muscles contain nearly one half of the body water.

a)hardly b) only c) about d) above

5.A number of diseases of respiratory system are attended by cough of various types.

a) aggravated b) associated c) accompanied d) affected

6.The child’s pulse becomes more rapid during fever, following exercise, anemia or other causes.

a)throughout b) before c) after d) without

7.There are many methods and procedures employed to disclose a disease or a defect in a human organism.

a)to check b) to aggravate c) to prove d) to reveal

VII. Find the word differing in its meaning from the given series of words.

1.a) infectious b) contagious c) contaminating d) catching e) promoting f) communicable.

2.a) to require b) to replace c) to call for d) to want e) to need f) to demand.

3. a) to decrease b) to reduce c) to result in d) to subside e) to diminish

f) to abate.

4.a) important b) valuable c) significant d) vital e) loose f) considerable.

5. a) to assist b) to support c) to help d) to offer e) to aid f) to back.

6.a) regularly b) systematically c) punctually d) largely e) uniformly f) steadily.

7. a) to consult b) to answer c) to question d) to ask e) to interrogate f) to inquire.

VIII. Suggested topics for oral narration.

1.Describe the work of blood transfusion station

2.Describe the history of blood transfusion

3.Describe the administration of blood transfusion in medical practice.

4.Describe the conditions under which blood for transfusion is obtained and stored.


Rickets is a deficiency disease of infancy and childhood characterized by a disturbance of the normal process of ossification of bones with resultant deformity. Rickets is a systemic disease and most commonly occurs during the first year of life.

The predisposing factors of the development of rickets are rapid growth, prematurity and increased susceptibility to the disease. The disease may be caused by the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the diet, by the deficiency of sunlight and fresh air. Common early symptoms may include profuse sweating, particularly during sleep, vomiting and diarrhea. The children’s appetite is diminished and they do not gain in weight. Softening of the bones of the skull in the first few months of life may be an early sign. It is the change of the structure of the ends of the long bones in the region of epiphysis that is a common finding. The diagnosis is easily made by X-ray examination of the ends of the long bones. The head of the rachitic child is large in its upper part, the teeth appear late and fall out or decay early, the face is small. The child’s development is inhibited.

Commonly the disease does not terminate in recovery. Complications associated with rickets include bronchitis, pneumonia, gastroenteric disturbances, muscular weakness, enlargement of the liver and spleen and anemia.

The prevention of rickets should be thought of before the baby is born The future baby must get vitamin D, sunlight and a sufficient amount of mineral salts through his mother’s body. Consequently, prospective mothers have to spend more time outdoors, eat more raw vegetables, fruits, berries. Breast milk, juices, fresh air, sunlight, suitable clothing and physical activity – all these antirachitic factors may prevent rickets in children. But if the disease does not develop, the doctor prescribes ultraviolet light, vitamin D or cod-liver oil.

It is the Russian scientists who have obtained good results in curing infantile rickets by means of the direct action of the sun’s rays.

The physicians exposed infants to their action from half an hour to several hours depending on the intensity of the sun and the sensitiveness of the skin and noticed marked improvement of the symptoms of the disease and the patient’s general condition

Active words to remember:

Rickets; during; susceptibility; sweating; vomiting; to diminish; to gain in weight; enlargement; to decay; sufficient; consequently; raw; suitable; cold liver oil.


I. Translate the sentences into Russian. Point out emphatic construction It is (was) …that


1.It is the infection of the lungs that is the most serious complication after influenza. 2. Therapeutic failures do occur in the treatment of venous thrombosis. 3. It was the great Russian surgeon Pirogov who applied anaesthetization by ether for the first time in the world. 4. It is the haemolytic streptococcus that mostly causes acute tonsillitis.5. The onset of rickets does occur almost always insidiously. 6. It is a deficient material diet that causes rare instances of congenital rickets. 7. It is constipation that is frequently seen in the early stages of rickets. 8. It is hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein, that gives the blood its red colour. 9. It is only in extreme cases of rickets that almost every bone in the body is affected. 10. The arterial and venous blood do differ in colour, the former has a scarlet tint, the latter a bluish-red one. 11. It is microbes or germs that are the causative agents of congenital agents of many diseases.

II.Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the verbs in the Passive Voice.

1.The great achievements of scientists in curing infantile rickets by means of the direct action of the sun’s rays are much spoken about. 2. The onset of many infectious diseases is often followed by bad headache and vomiting. 3. The importance of water to living things is so evident that it need not be insisted upon here. 4. The infants obtaining the sunlight treatment were carefully looked upon by the nurses. 5. The works of I. Pavlov, I. Sechenov and other scientists are often referred to by research workers. 6. Rickets is usually followed by pneumonia, bronchitis and anemia. 7. Children are taken care of at our sanatoriums. 8.The final diagnosis of peritonitis was agreed to by all the doctors. 9. The most common early symptom of rickets which is usually complained of is sweating of the head. 10. The problem of the heart and liver transplantations is dealt with in a number of articles. 11. The method of treatment of thrombosis by anticoagulants can be relied upon, as many cases of complete recovery have been reported. 12. This information must not be ignored. 13. It is clear that a child cannot be looked upon as being an adult with a less weight and size. 14. Medical students are advised to read the following journals: Pediatrica, Mother and Child Welfare, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 15. The infant was not given any medication at home.

16.They were offered to study the problem of pediatrics. 17. He was helped by his assistants. 18. I was asked to create favourable conditions for those coming.

19.We were informed that a new method of treatment had been set forth. 20. Some cases of influenza have been reported in a neonatal unit. 21. N. Filatov is

regarded as the father of Russian Pediatrics. 22. A severe attack of influenza was followed by pneumonia. 23. The pediatrician’s questions were answered by the parents in detail. 24. The infant was affected by cold. 25. Child mortality and morbidity are combated by both pediatricians and obstetrician.

III. Translate the sentences paying attention to rendering the impersonal construction.

It is expected that … It is thought that … It is known that … It must be stressed that … It cannot be denied that … It should be remembered that … It was

considered possible … It must be born in mind … It must be added that … It must be remembered.

1. It must be stressed that the family history is taken with great detail. 2. It should be remembered that the information of the development of the baby in the first year of life is of importance. 3. It must be added that careful questioning will show whether diarrhea and cough were provoked by some definite cause. 4. It must be born in mind that the present age of parents, the state of their health, the health of the relatives are of significance for making the family history. 5. It is thought that the course of therapy must be repeated as needed. 6. Let it be stressed that the journals Pediatrica, Mother and Child Welfare play an important part in training medical staff in the spirit of high principles necessary for everyday practical work.

IV. Group the words with the same root.

During, common, to inhibit, recovery, to appear, to enlarge, prevention, insufficient, large, appearance, uncommonly, duration, resultant, disappearance, to prevent, to recover, commonly, inhibition, result from, enlargement, sufficiently, uncommon, result in, disappear, insufficiently, preventive, sufficient.

V. Choose the appropriate adjectives for the nouns in the right column:

a. direct

1. sweating

b. rapid

2. bone

c. fresh

3. vegetables

d. profuse

4. light

e. long

5. action

f. sufficient

6. amount

g. raw

7. air

h. ultraviolet

8. growth

i. common

9. finding

VI. Group the synonyms:


1. disease; to occur; commonly; rapid; finding; to have to; to terminate; to associate with; prevention; amount.

2.quick; to end; prophylaxis; disturbance; must; usually; to take place; sign; to connect with; quantity.

VII. Group the antonyms:

A)normal; commonly; rapid; to increase; susceptibility; early; to include; long; upper; to appear; sufficient; more.

B)To diminish; slow; late; abnormal; insufficient; less; unusually; to disappear; resistance; to exclude; lower; short.

VIII. Give English equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Желудочно-кишечные расстройства; увеличение печени; достаточное количество; проводить больше времени на свежем воздухе; характеризоваться чем-либо; в настоящее время; нарушение нормального процесса окостенения; встречаться наиболее часто; в течение первых лет жизни; получать хорошие результаты; при лечении рахита; мышечная слабость; недостаток витамина Д; подвергать действию; чувствительность кожи; заметное улучшение; общее состояние больного.

IX. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Рахит чаще всего встречается у детей именно в первые годы жизни. 2.Причины заболевания рахитом очень разнообразны Недостаток витамина Д и кальция в питании, а также солнечного света и свежего воздуха самые главные из них. 3. При появлении потливости, рвоты, поноса, при отсутствии аппетита ребенка нужно немедленно показать врачу. 4. Обычное явление при рахите – изменение структуры концов длинных костей в эпифизе. 5. После рахита могут быть серьезные и опасные осложнения – воспаление легких, бронхит, желудочно-кишечные расстройства, увеличение печени, селезенки, мышечная слабость, анемия. 6. Рахит можно предотвратить. Дети должны как можно больше находиться на свежем воздухе и есть как можно больше свежих фруктов и овощей. 7. Врачи прописывают облучение ультрафиолетовыми лучами, витамин Д или рыбий жир именно при рахите.

X. Make up your own situations on the following topics using the given words and expressions:

1.You are a pediatrician. One of your patients was a rachitic baby. Make up a case-report of his illness: (family history, premature, to stay indoors, to be afraid of her child catching cold, physical examination revealed…, symptoms, X-ray examination, to prescribe a course of treatment, improvement in the child’s condition).

2.A mother brought her sick child to the clinic. Having examined the child the doctor diagnosed rickets and prescribe the proper treatment: (complain of, poor appetite, profuse sweating, to change clothes, to examine carefully, to prescribe cod liver oil, to advise).

3.Two mothers are talking in the waiting-room. One of them whose child has been cured for rickets is comforting the other one who has a baby suffering from it: ( not to worry, to obtain good results, to expose to the action of the sun’s rays, to prescribe, one teaspoonful twice a day, raw vegetables, fresh air).


Vitamin is a term applied to a group of substances which exist in minute quantities in natural foods, and which are necessary to normal nutrition, especially in connection with growth and development. Vitamins are widely used for

medical purposes; many of them are produced synthetically. Different kinds of vitamins are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet. There are several groups of vitamins. All of them are very necessary for the life of the organism.

Vitamin A is found in cod-liver oil, eggs, liver, milk, butter and most green vegetables. Deficiency of vitamin A is considered to be responsible for serious inflammation of the eyes, various skin eruption, defective development of the teeth.

Vitamin B is present in the seeds of grains. The best sources of this vitamin are believed to be flour, bacon, liver, eggs. Its deficiency may result in a form of neuritis with muscular weakness, heart failure, etc., which is known as beri-beri.

Vitamin C is available in fresh fruits, berries, green vegetables, milk, meat and other fresh foods. It is quickly destroyed by high temperature. The deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy.

Vitamin D is of special importance for the growth of children. Only a few foods contain vitamin D naturally, viz. cod-liver oil, caviar, egg yolk, fresh vegetables and milk to a greater or lesser degree.

Cod-liver oil is a product with a high vitamin D content. Vitamin D is manufactured in very large amounts at the plants. The deficiency of this vitamin in children may cause rickets. Since vitamin D is known to be preventive as well as curative for rickets the doctors often prescribe the course of vitamin D treatment.

A lack of vitamins in food or an insufficient amount of them results in a serious breakdown in the organism. Prolonged deficiency of any vitamin is sure to result in a disease known as avitaminosis, e.g. scurvy, beri-beri, rickets. Most avitaminoses are accompanied by reduced working capacity, rapid fatigue, a sharp decrease in the resistance of the organism to infection, incorrect development and retarded growth (in children), etc. To prevent avitaminoses infants should be daily given cod-liver oil and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Any person using a diet containing such foods as milk, eggs, butter, cheese, fat, fish,

bread, fresh vegetables and fruit obtains a sufficient amount of vitamins to be protected from avitaminoses.

Explanatory Notes:

viz. – videlicet = namely

etc. – et cetera = and so on; eg. – exempli gratia = for example

Active Words to remember:

Substance; connection; growth; development; kind; responsible; various; eruption; source; heart failure; a few; as well as; capacity; to reduce; fatigue; sharp; to obtain.


I. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

1. Children’s diet early in life is thought to have profound effects on their brain development, muscular coordination and behaviour. 2. A course of combined treatment, including physiotherapy and hormones is certain to have given positive

results in curing disorders of internal secretion glands. 3. Protoplasm is known to be a living substance and to have a cellular structure. 4. Rheumatic fever and acute nephritis are most likely to occur when the infecting organism is the haemolytic streptococcus. 5. In animals heparin has been shown to reduce the severity of lesions. 6. Rickets is believed to be largely, if not entirely, the result of a deficiency of vitamin D. 7. The reduced amount of oxygen in the blood of anemic patients is stated to be a major cause of the dysfunction of the heart, skeletal muscles and brain. 8. Rheumatoid arthritis is sure to be more complex as well as more frequent than other forms. 9. Codein is known to be an efficient pain killer as well as cough remedy. 10. The right lung has been proved to be more frequently affected by pneumonia than the left one. 11. The great Russian scientist I. Mechnikov is considered to be one of the founders of comparative embryology. 12. Anemia in some pregnant women is seen to be due to a deficiency in folic acid, one of the B vitamins. 13. A large cerebral cyst which was supposed to be the result of an old hemorrhage was in the left frontal lobe. 14. Smallpox is known to have been entirely eliminated in our country. 15. The most prominent function of blood is known to be carrying oxygen to the tissue. 16. The pain in the stomach is likely to persist after administration of atropin. 17. Generalized convulsions are stated to be followed by complete weakness of the patient’s body.

II. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the subordinate clauses.

1. That prolonged deficiency of any vitamin results in avitaminosis is known to everybody nowadays. 2. Whether the bronchitis was primary or whether it was the complication after some disease should be cleared. 3. The fact is that grippe is dangerous for its complications. 4. That the microbes exist everywhere is a wellknown fact. 5. The doctor’s opinion was that the appendix should be removed immediately. 6. That the fungi are capable of fermentation was spoken about at the last lecture. 7. The thing is that chemical structure of vitamins remained unknown for a long time. 8. The doctor’s supposition is that the sudden eruption on the skin of the patient was associated with the large dose of streptomycin. 9. That vitamins are of vast importance is well-known. 10. That sunshine is necessary nearly to all forms of plant life has been recognized for a very long time. 11. That sunshine has a definite influence on certain body tissues has been demonstrated with striking vividness.

III. Group the following nouns, adjectives and adverbs:

Nutrition, natural, different, connection, especially, growth, development, responsible, deficiency, serious, widely, various, defective, inflammation, eruption, naturally, weakness, available, special, importance, preventive, quickly, treatment, resistance.

IV. Give Russian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

In connection with; to be responsible for; minute quantities; skin eruptions; to be present in; to a greater or lesser degree, to result in, to be available in, cod- liver-oil; to be of importance; as well as; to be used for; a lack of vitamins; reduced working capacity; rapid fatigue; insufficient amount; retarded growth; a breakdown in the organism.

V. Form nouns adding the following suffixes to the given words, translate them into Russian:

(-ment, -th, -ence, -(t)ion, -sion, -ness, -ity)

Restless, treat, infect, resist, connect, responsible, exist, mortal, develop, grow, enlarge, erupt, disturb, prevent, ail, appear, contribute, anxious, congest, hoarse, occur, irritable, transmit.

VI. Form adjectives adding the following suffixes to the given words, translate them:

(-al, -ant, -ent, -ic, -ive, -ous)

Differ, vary, connect, infect, resist, system, result, prevent, experiment.

VII. Form adverbs adding ‘ly’ to the following adjectives, translate them:

Wide, natural, serious, necessary, easy, correct, particular, active, severe, sufficient, consequent, gradual, total, vital, constant.

VIII. Give the singular of the following words:

Teeth, feet, children, quantities, cavities, possibilities, varieties, foci, data, bacteria, bases, fungi, analyses, strata, bacilli, phenomena, cocci, avitaminoses.

IX. Find the word nearest in the meaning to the given one:

1.to continue: a) to last, b) to shorten, c) to terminate, d) to diminish.

2.to complete: a) to decrease, b) to delay, c) to check, d) to finish.

3.nowadays: a) whenever, b) any way, c) at present, d) by means of.

4.to care for: a) to watch, b) to take care of, c) to note, d) to train.

5.direction: a) incidence, b) institution, c) contribution, d) contraction.

6.immediately: a) gradually, b) regularly, c)at once, d) promptly.

7.available: a) obtainable, b) considerable, c)suitable, d) advisable.

8.to cause: a)to produce, b)to obtain, c) to reach, d) to require.

9.efficiently: a) largely, b) effectively, c) consequently, d) particularly.

10.to vary: a) to offer, b) to involve, c) to change, d) to include. :


Obesity in children is actually more frequent than the number of overweight children who came for treatment. Parents are inclined to overlook obesity in a young child and to resent having attention to it.

Pathogenesis. Children grow fat when they persistently eat more than they need. At the same time there is usually marked physical inactivity. Obesity is only the symptomatic expression of some underlying disturbance in the weightregulatory mechanism. In most children the reflex tends to persist into adult life.