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2 курс 3 семестр (Английский язык. Техн).doc
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Контрольная работа № 2 Вариант 1

1. Перепишите предложения; подчеркните в каждом глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (Б) обратите внимание на особенности перевода конструкций со страдательным залогом, в разделе (В) – на место предлога в русском языке.

Образец: were agreed upon – Past Ind. (Simple)Passive от глагола to agree

(A) 1.While engineers were testing a new high-frequency device the power supply was suddenly interrupted. 2.A number of investigations has shown that the poles of the Earth’s magnetic field have reversed many times. 3.When the user gets into trouble, he can discover by reading the instruction book what he is doing wrong. 4.Russian astronomers have concluded that the Earth is hit by cosmic bodies as often as the Moon. 5.A new welding machine will be put into operation next week.

(Б) 1.A subroutine may be used many times during the computation of a programme but is written only once in the whole programme. 2.A computer must be told what operation to perform by means of instructions. 3.The students were shown a flow chart, which was very helpful for understanding interrelationship between various parts of a code. 4.We hope that during the discussion we’ll be offered some new ways of solving this problem. 5.He was promised immediate help.

(B) 1.No special attention was paid to the early period of this scientist’s activity. 2.His remark wasn’t taken notice of. 3.He would like to read the article referred to by the professor. 4.The decision insisted upon could not be accepted. 5.The lecture was followed by a discussion.

2. Заполните пустые графы таблицы номерами соответствующих предложений:


Характеристика действия (вид)

Простое (неопределенное)

Длительное (продолженное)






(А) 1.Я занимаюсь каждый день. 2.Я занимаюсь сейчас. 3.Я уже выучил уроки сегодня. 4.Я занимался английским вчера. 5.Я занимался английским, когда он пришел. 6.Я уже выучил первый урок, прежде чем начал второй. 7.Завтра я буду заниматься. 8.Я буду заниматься, когда вы придете. 9.Я уже выучу первый урок, перед тем как начну изучать второй.

(Б) 10.I was studying when they came. 11.I shall (I’ll) have studied Lesson Six when I start Lesson Seven. 12.I have already studied Lesson One.13.I study every day. 14.I shall be studying when you come. 15.I am studying now. 16.I studied yesterday. 17.I shall study tomorrow. 18.I had studied Lesson One before I began to study Lesson Two.

  1. Определите, какой английской форме глагола соответствует данный русский перевод (например, 1г, 2д и т.д.):

1. write а) пишу (сейчас)

2. am writing б) писал (вчера)

3. have written в) напишу (завтра)

4. wrote г) написал (уже)

5. was writing д) буду писать (когда ты придешь)

6. will write е) пишу (регулярно)

7. will be writing ж) писал (когда ты пришел)