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139. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Именно этот инженер помог нам с нашей работой. 2. Только прошлым вечером они обсуждали план своей работы. 3. Это мой друг болел на прошлой неделе. 4. Лишь на собрании он заговорил о проблемах нашей работы. 5. Именно на этой площади два года назад проходили спортивные мероприятия. 6. Именно на этом заводе мой брат работает инженером. 7. Именно организация труда на этом предприятии требует улучшений в первую очередь. 8. Это бухгалтер ответственен за подготовку всех финансовых отчетов в конце финансового года. Только директора корпорации принимают генеральный план по реконструкции завода.

Present, Future, Past Continuous

140. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое; поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму; задайте к каждому предложению как можно больше вопросов:

1. The sun is shining in the sky. 2. I am playing chess with my friend. 3. He is washing the dishes. 4. It is raining. 5. She is sitting at the desk. 6. We are doing morning exercises 7. The children are having dinner now.

141. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Continuous:

1. Where are you Rachel? – I am in the kitchen. I … (to make) dinner. 2. It is so quiet. Where are the children? – They … (to play) in the yard. 3. What’s wrong? Why …you … (to cry)? 4. Listen! Somebody … (to sing) in the next room. 5. She is in a great hurry. Her friend … (to wait) for her. 6. I … (not/to work ) today. It’s my day off. 7. I can’t understand a word. What language … (he/to speak)? 8. We can’t come tomorrow. We … (to go) to the theatre with our friends. 9. … (you/to do) anything special? Will you go to the cinema?

142. Измените предложения, написанные в одном из времен группы Simple в Present Continuous. Измените время действия по смыслу:

MODEL: They eat dinner at 7 o'clock. They are eating dinner now.

1. He works in the garden every afternoon. 2. They visited us in the summer. 3. We listen to the radio in the evening. 4. Helen does her homework after school. 5. Dick writes to his cousin every week. 6. The children played inside when it rained. 7. Mr. Pyle drives to work every morning. 8. Mr. Evans’ll read the paper after breakfast. 9. The train leaves the station at 5 o'clock. 10. Mary sets the table every afternoon.

143. Откройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужную временную форму Present Simple или Present Continuous:

1."He (speak) five foreign languages. 2. He now (learn) French. 3. The moon (go) round the Earth. 4. He (listen) to his favorite pop-group. Don't disturb him. 5. He always (complain) about his health! 6. I don't like any of the candidates. None of them (speak) well. 7. The term (end) in January. 8. You (understand) what he (talk) about? 9. You (stand) in my way. 10. What you (try) to draw? 11. Who is (speak) next? 12. I (see) what you (mean). 14. Jack is so lazy! He never (get) up before 9 o'clock.

144. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в Future Continuous:

1. This time next month I (sit) on a beach. 2. When you arrive I probably (pick) fruit. 3. When we reach England it very likely (rain). 4. In a few days time we (fly) over the Pyrenees. 5. I'll call for her at eight. – No, don't; she still (have) breakfast then. 6. When you next see me I (wear) my new dress. 7. I (wait) for you when you come out. 8. My son will be in the sixth form next year. – That means that old Dr Adder (teach) him mathematics. 9. You (do) geometry next term. 10. I'll look out for you at the parade. – Do, but I (wear) uniform so you may find it hard to recognize me. 11. He (use) the car this afternoon. 12. They are pulling down all the old houses in this street. I expect they (pull) down mine in a few years time. 13. I’ll come at three o'clock. – Good, I (expect) you.