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131. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов to be и to have:

MODEL: Не is a student. — Он студент.

Не is to study mathematics. — Он должен изучать математику.

1. Atom is a great force. It is to serve mankind. 2. The accuracy of these automatic machines is very high. These machines are to replace the old equipment of our shop. 3. Mathematics is of great importance for engineers. Every technical student is to study it for some years. 4. The students are not at the laboratory. They are to be at the laboratory at 6 o'clock.

MODEL: They have a lot of work. — У них много работы.

They have to work hard. — Они должны много (упорно) работать.

1. Due to the Sun people have immense supplies of energy. We have to build special solar stations to convert solar energy into electrical one. 2. He had much work. He had to work hard to improve his project. 3. As these machines will have a device which is necessary for automatic measurements and inspection, the workers will use these machines in their work. 4. Physicists have a great many of very important problems. They have to place the atom completely at the service of man.

132. Переведите на русский язык:

1. This engineer had to take part in the work going on. 2. You ought to have written the article long ago. 3. You should press a button to set the machinery in motion. 4. I am to meet my friends at the station. 5. Every worker in any branch of science must carry out experiments. 6. They shall work tomorrow if they do not complete everything tonight. 7. One has to study to improve one's work. 8. A number of scientific problems were to be solved in connection with the construction of a network of electro transmission lines. 9. The students should not forget that it is impossible to acquire profound knowledge of any subject without a great deal of work. 10. The students ought to remember that the knowledge of a foreign language is absolutely essential for an engineer or a research worker. 11. Rocket engine should combine very small weight with immense power. 12. You ought to write these exercises at once. 13. These parts will have to be replaced. 14. You should read English texts every day. 15. The students should know that studying a foreign language regularly will give splendid results and they will be able to master it in a short time. 16. He was to bring the necessary material I asked for.

133. Дополните предложения, используя форму прошедшего времени глагола had to no образцу:

MODEL: Не forgot the keys, that's why .... – He forgot the key that’s why he had to wait.

1. She forgot her bag, that's why ... . 2. My friend came late, that's why ... 4. Mary burnt the pie, that's why ... . 5. The children were not at home, that's why ... . 6. Mike didn't learn the poem by heart, that's why ... . 7. We had nothing to eat, that's why ... . 8. He studied hard, that's why ....

134. Заполните пропуски must или have to в правильной форме:

1. Nancy was feeling ill last night. She ... leave the party early. 2. You really ... work harder if you want to enter the institute. 3. Many children in Britain ... wear school uniform. 4. Ann's eyes are not very good. She ... to wear glasses for reading. 5. I can't come on Saturday. I ... meet my relatives at the airport. 6. I ... write to my parents. I haven't written to them for ages.