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Задание 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

  1. When was the Stavropol State Medical Academy founded?

  2. What new lines for preparation of specialists were opened in 2011?

  3. Who is at the head of our Academy?

  4. Who is each faculty headed by?

  5. What faculties are there in the Academy?

  6. What specialties does each faculty train?

  7. What subjects do the students study during the first two years?

  8. What clinical subjects are taught beginning with the third year?

  9. How many terms does the academic year consist of?

  10. What is the course of training at each faculty?

  11. What faculty do the foreign students study at?

  12. What created conditions are there for successful mastering of the doctor’s profession at our Academy?

  13. What is the teaching staff of the Academy?

  14. What facilities for sport and health supporting have the students of our Academy?

  15. Where may graduates of the Academy work?

Задание 2. Вставьте пропущенные слова и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Our Academy … in 1938.

  2. The Faculty of … is the biggest one.

  3. It trains physicians for … population in three … .

  4. The first two years the students study … subjects.

  5. … subjects are taught beginning with the third year.

  6. The Faculty of … trains therapeutists.

  7. The Faculty of … trains dentists.

  8. The foreign students are trained at the ….

Задание 3. Спросите своего собеседника.

Ask your friend

- when our Academy was founded.

- what students are trained at our Academy.

- what faculties are in the Academy.

- if the Faculty of General Medicine is the biggest one.

- if it trains physicians for adult population.

- how long the training lasts.

- what subjects the students study during the first two years.

- when clinical subjects are taught.

- if the Faculty of Pediatrics trains the doctors of two specialties.

- at what faculty the English-speaking students study.

- when the students pass examinations and tests.

Задание 4. Прочитайте и определите, на каком факультете учится студент медицинской академии.

    1. I receive the knowledge of development and growth of a child’s organism. This faculty trains doctors of two specialties. The course of training here takes six years.

    2. I study at the biggest faculty of our Academy. The course of training here takes six years. This faculty trains physicians for adult population in three specialties.

    3. I am an English-speaking student of the Academy. I am from India. But some of my friends came from different countries of the world for training here.

Текст на аудирование

Задание 1. Повторяйте за диктором слова и словосочетания. Запомните их значение:

  1. to limit ограничивать

  2. to perform arts выступать (с


  1. to develop развивать

  2. choreography хореография

  3. folk народный

  4. to participate участвовать

  5. competition соревнование

  6. volunteer волонтерский

  7. to devote посвящать

  8. celebration празднование

  9. to support поддерживать

  10. to win выигрывать

  11. improvement улучшение

  12. opportunity возможность

  13. comprehensive комплексный, всесторонний

  14. nutrition питание

  15. canteen столовая

  16. refreshment room закусочная, буфет

  17. students’ hostel студенческое общежитие

  18. kitchen кухня

  19. shower room душевая комната

  20. washing room постирочная комната

  21. to be equipped with быть оборудованным

  22. facilities средства обслуживания,

удобства, приспособления

  1. have a rest отдыхать

Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание.

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