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In Ukrainian.

            1. Рівень загальної освіченості вивів Україну попереду більшості країн Західної і Східної Європи на початку 18 століття.

            2. Володимир Вернадський - відомий вчений і природознавець двадцятого століття.

            3. Від попереднього устрою Україна успадкувала розвинену систему освіти.

            4. Головний структурний підрозділ в системі загальної освіти в Україні - середня загальноосвітня школа.

            5. Гімназії і ліцеї - новий тип шкіл в сьогоденній У країні.

            6. Професійно-технічні школи забезпечують майже 800 спеціальностей.

            7. В Україні нараховують півтора мільйона студентів коледжів і університетів.

Ех. 14. Find facts from the text to prove the following statements.

              1. Education in Ukraine is rooted in very old traditions.

              2. Present-day Ukraine has inherited a rather developed system of education from the previous regime.

              3. The "general education school" is the basic kink in the chain of public education in Ukraine.

              4. International scientific exchanges remain on an upward curve.

Ex. 15. Look through the whole text again and give a title to each logically arranged part. Make up the plan of the text.

Ex. 16. Retell the text using your own plan as a guide to help.

Text 1 ukraine a brief chronology

The sovereign state of Ukraine celebrated the tenth anniversary of its independence in 2001. The actual history of Ukraine spans a period of hundreds upon hundreds of years. We shall not follow the example of some historians and public figures who in a fit of ultra-patriotic feelings claim that the roots of Ukraine go deep into the murky prehistoric past to the earliest stages of the Indo-European civilization. On the other hand, the many peoples and their culture that existed in the territory of Ukraine in the past two and a half thousand years did contribute to the emergence and its culture. Some elements of these ancient and more recent cultures have become an integral part of the Ukrainian culture as we know it today.

Fifth Century bc

A kingdom of the Scythians is formed in southern parts of Ukraine, the first, albeit loose, state formation,known to us from various sources (lend-tilling, cattle breeding and settlements can be traced farther back into earlier history, but the available evidence is not sufficient to form a definite opinion about the ethic background of the earliest tribes inhabiting Ukraine, or about their social and economic structures). In the late sixth or early fifth-centuries there appear on the Crimean southern coast a number of Greek city-states, and a lively cultural exchange between the Scythians and the Greeks follows. The later history of the Scythians is known very poorly.

First Century ad

Romans come to the southern Crimea and establish their hegemony over some parts of it. In the following centuries, waves of barbarians roll through the Ukraine territory, including the Goths and the Huns.

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