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International words and



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Ex. 4. Listen to the pronunciation of the following try to guess their meanings:

з) театр опери та балету ім. Т.Шевченка; театр музичної комедії; ляльковий театр; Київська консерваторія і філармонія; концертний зал "Україна".

Ех. 9. Look through the list of the international words given in Ex.4. Write them down in your exercise-book and give the transcription and Ukrainian equivalent of each word to be sure with their meanings, spelling and pronunciation.

Ex. 10. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following sentences in Ukrainian:

  1. Київ - одне з найстаріших міст Європи, і тому в ньому є багато історичних місць.

  2. Кий, Щек та Хорів заснували місто на пагорбах і назвали його Київ на честь старшого брата.

  3. Вважають, що Кий дійсно існував, був князем племені Полян і жив у сьомому столітті.

  4. Відомо, шо князь Олег Новгородський, захопивши Київ, сказав : "Це буде батько всіх російських міст".

  5. Монголські загарбники зруйнували більшу частину міста.

  6. Київ підпав спочатку під литовське правління, а потім під польське.

  7. Переяславська Рада прийняла рішення про об'єднання України та Росії.

  8. Великий російський вчений Михайло Ломоносов був студентом Київської академії.

  9. Київ став столицею Української республіки і уряд було повернуто з Харкова.

  10. Українська республіка проголосила себе незалежною нацією і Київ став столицею суверенної України.

  11. У Києві знаходяться Верховна Рада і Кабінет Міністрів.

  12. Київ славиться не лише своєю історією, але й своєю красою.

  13. До головних ознак Києва входять Собор Св.Софії й Золоті Ворота Ярослава Мудрого.

  14. Софійський Собор було засновано в період правління Ярослава Мудрого.

15.Золоті куполи Києва видно далеко за межами столиці.

    1. Пам'ятник князю Володимиру став символом стародавнього міста.

    2. Багато науково-дослідних інститутів та вищих навчальних закладів розташовано в Києві.

    3. Культурне життя Києва дуже різноманітне.

    4. Театральні вистави, що ставляться в Києві, завжди у великому попиті серед жителів та гостей Києва.

    5. Київ - важливий автодорожній і залізничний вузол країни. x. 11. Look through the first part of the text:

11) find and write out the sentences in which the following dates are mentioned:

In the 7Ih century. 7. In 1569.

In 882. 8. In 1654.

By the 1000's. 9. In 1793.

In December 1240. lO.In 1917 -1918.

In the 1300's. 11.In 1934.

In 1362. 12.In 1991.

      1. translate the sentences you've just written out into Ukrainian;

      2. make up the table to show the principal landmarks of Kyiv's history, using the information from the text;

      3. be ready to give some chronologically arranged information on the subject of Kyiv's history.

Mykhailo Lomonosov Taras Shevchenko Yaroslav the Wise Lesya Ukrainka Mykhailo Grushevsky Dmytro Bantysh-Kamensky Grygory Skovoroda

Ex. 12. a) Find the correspondence:

the prominent Ukrainian politician the historian

the student of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy the outstanding Ukrainian poet the outstanding Ukrainian philosopher the Prince of Kyiv the great Russian scientist

b) give some more information about these prominent persons if you can.

Ex. 13. Give detailed answers to the following questions:

        1. What legend do you know about founding of Kyiv?

        2. What is the possible date of Kyiv's foundation?

        3. Could you remember the words said by Prince Oleg of Novgorod about Kyiv?

        4. When did Kyiv become the capital of the first East Slavic State?

        5. What city and when was the rival of Constantinople?

        6. What was the reason that Kyiv was much destroyed in 1240?

        7. How long did the Mongol - Tatars rule Kyiv?

        8. What do you know about the history of Kyiv since 1300 till 1654?

        9. What happened in 1793 and 1797?

10. Do you remember any prominent persons, who were the students of the Kyiv

- Mohyla Academy? 11 .Where and when was the "Cyril and Methodius" Society founded? Who was the leader of its wing?

          1. What city was the capital of Ukraine besides Kyiv?

          2. When did Kyiv become the capital of independent and sovereign Ukraine?

          3. What could you say in general about nowadays Kyiv?

          4. What part of Ukraine is Kyiv situated in?

          5. What river does it stand on?

          6. What is Kyiv famous for?

          7. What is a state architectural and historical preserve?

          8. Where can a network of catacombs be found? 2.0. What monastery dates from the Middle Ages?

            1. What can be called as important examples of the architecture of the mid - 1700's?

            2. Where is the monument to Prince Volodytnyr situated?

            3. What do you know about the main street in Kyiv?

            4. What are the chief products produced in Kyi v?

            5. Why is Kyiv known as an academic and cultural centre of Ukraine?

            6. Could you name the most famous museums in our capital?

            7. What features of Kyiv add up to the beauty of the Ukrainian capital?

            8. Why do me call Kyiv the old and ever young city?

Ex. 14. Disagree with the following statements and correct them, using some phrases from the reminder:

              1. Kyiv beginnings go back to the Middle Ages.

              2. In 882 Prince Volodymyr of Novgorod, having seized Kyiv, was known to have said: "This "will be the mother of all Russian towns!"

              3. By the 1000's Kyiv was one of Europe's greatest centres of commerce and culture and known as the rival of Moscow.

              4. In December 1240 the Polish forces besieged Kyiv.

              5. Kyiv came under Polish rule in 1362 and under Lithuanian rule in 1569.

              6. In 1632 Kyiv University was founded.

              7. St. Sophia's Cathedral was founded in 1037 during the reign of Prince Volodymyr.

              8. The Marinsky Palace and the Church of St. Andrew, both built during the 19th century are important examples of the architecture of that period.

              9. In 1934 Kharkiv became the capital of the Ukrainian Republic and the Government was transferred from Kyiv.

              10. Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centres of Ukraine, lying in its south-central part.

11 .The population of Kyiv is over 3 million people.

12.Kyiv is situated on the hilly left and low right banks of the Dnieper River.

                1. Khreshchatyk Street is a river of green and gold trees from lute spmiK till early autumn.

                2. Though Kyiv is an academic centre of Ukraine, the National Sciciihlu Library and the National Academy of Sciences are not located there.

                3. Kyiv's cultural life is rich and varied, but there are just few theatres mid museums in our capital.

Reminder: That's not quite so. I don't quite agree here. I don't think so. It doesn't look like that. I disagree with you. You are wrong. You are mistaken There is something in what you say, but.. . . Certainly not!

Ex. 15. Find facts from the text to support the statements giveh below:

                  1. Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe.

                  2. Kyiv has gone through long and rather hard history of Ages.

                  3. Kyiv is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

                  4. Kyiv is an educational and cultural centre of Ukraine.

                  5. Kyiv is famous for its places of "historic interest.

Ex. 16. Look through the text and try to determine the main themes in its contents. Express them orally or in written form.

Ex. 17. Summarize the chief facts you've found out from the second part of the text to get ready to give soihe brief information on the topic "Kyiv - the capital of independent and sovereign Ukraine".

Ex. 18. Read the whole text again and give a title to each logically arranged part. Make up the complex plan of the text.

Ex. 19. Retell the text using your Own plan as a guide to help.


Ex. 1. Read the texts and choose the correct prepositions or post-verbal adverbs of given ones in brackets.


The building (of, at, in) Ukrainian parliament, Verkhovna Rada, was erected (on, in, at) 1936-1938 and designed by architect V.Zabolotnyi (1898- 1962). A pleasant setting of the building (at, on, of) the Supreme Rada is provided (with, by, of) the surrounding parks.

The ceiling (on, under, of) the conference hall is a huge glass dome, (of, at, from) which the State flag (with, by, of) Ukraine flies. The main entrance is (at, of, in) a form (at, from, of) a three-storey portico. It emphasizes the symmetry (at, of, in) the building.

The interior is decorated (by, with, on) marble, different kinds of valuable wood, sculptural work and bronze ornaments (in, on, at) the style of Ukrainian decor.

The building was ruined (after, during, before) the war, but (after, during, before) the liberation of Kyiv it was reconstructed (in, on, under) 1949 in the same style. A new wing was added (in, of, on) the side facing the park.

Architect Volodymyr Zabolotnyi was born (on, in, of) 1898 (in, of, at) the village of Karen/now within Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi. In 1927 he graduated (under, from) the Kyiv Institute (of, in, at) Arts. In 1929-33 the towns of Donbas and Kryvyi Rig were designed by V.Zabolotnyi. In 1945-56 he headed the Academy of Architecture of Ukraine. He died in 1962 and was buried (on, in, under) Kyiv.

Opposite the building of the Supreme Rada there is the building of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine. It is one of the largest buildings in Kyiv. It was built in 1935-38. The designer-architect Academician Ivan Fomin (1872-1936) and Pavlo Abrosimov - have successfully blended classical and modern architectural forms.

With the majestic silhouette and the harmonious proportions of semi columns and pilasters across the main facade of the building is one of the dominant notes in the Kyiv's architecture.

The first two storeys are finished with unpolished labradorite. Polished labradorite has been used to face the socle, the panels between the cornices, and the portals.

The 8 and 7- storey wings of the building are linked by a 10-storey central building. The entire volume of the structure is 235, 000 cubic meters.


The Mariinskyi Palace is (under, near, on) the premises of the Supreme Rada. The Mariinskyi Palace is the official residence of the President of Ukraine.

The palace (originally Tsarist Palace) was designed (in, by, on) V.V.Rastrelli (1700-1771) (at, off, in) the rococo style and built (in, at, after) 1750-1755 far Empress Elizabeth I (1709-1762). It stands (under, before, above) the river in the Pechers'k district.

This two-storey structure is virtually the twin of Count O.Rozumovs'kyi's palace (under, near, before) Moscow, designed (at, in, by) the same architect. It was inhabited sporadically (in, by, after) visiting members of the royal family, but otherwise stood empty.

Its wooden second storey was destroyed (in, by, under) fire in 1819, and was built a new of stone (1868-70) (by, off, at) architect K.Maievskyi (1824-97) in baroque style. It was renovated in 1870 (for, off, in) the visit of Emperor

Oleksandr II (1818-1881) and Empress Maria Oleksandrivna (1824-1880) (hence the name of the palace).

Destroyed during the Second World War, the palace was reconstructed (in, on, with) 1945-49 by P.Aleshin. He restored the building to its 1870 style.

Ex. 2. Read the text and use the required tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets.


In Kyiv there (to be) more than 2000 streets with a total length of 2000 kilometres. Khreshchatyk (to be) the city's main thoroughfare. It (to have) tall, light-coloured buildings. Although it (to be) only 1,5 kilometres long, it (to be) extremely wide - 54 metres.

This beautiful street (to be) the people's favourite place for public holidays. The architectural effect (to be intensified) by the leafy chestnut trees lining the street.

Ages ago Khreshchatyk (to be) a site of a deep valley criss-crossed by numerous ravines. Actually it (to be) these ravines that gave the valley its name - Khreshchata (Crossed), which later became Khreshchatyk.

The valley first (to begin) to resemble a street in the 1800's when wooden houses (to be built), in 1892 it (to give) way to the first tram line. The Volhyn - Kama Bank /N8/ and the Arcade /15/ (to be built) in 1914 by architect P.Andreyev.

In 1935 trolley buses (to replace) the trams, the Central Department Store (to be built) by architects A. Metsayan and D. Fridman.

During the war Khreshchatyk (to be destroyed) completely. The city (to be liberated) on November 6,1943 and the restoration of the main street (to be begun). The latest lay-out methods were employed in the reconstruction. The houses (to be spaced) with decorative facades and a lot of trees and sunlight.

In Khreshchatyk there (to be) the Ukrainian House - the cultural center with concert halls and art exhibits.

Not far from the hotel Dnipro (to be) the Museum of Ukrainian Fine Arts. The museum (to contain) valuable collections of Ukrainian icons, pictures and sculptures from the 14th century until nowadays. Among the exhibits of the museum there (to be) the works of the outstanding Ukrainian master of drawing and illustration G.LNarbut (1886-1920), the canvases of the known Ukrainian painter and Academician K.K. Kostandi (1852-1921).

Opposite the museum there (to be) a beautiful pink building of the National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine. The library comprises more than a million volumes of scientific literature, manuscripts, and millions of copies of newspapers.

In Khreshchatyk Street there (to be) the Tchaikovsky State Conservatoire. It (to be founded) in 1913. The Conservatoire (to have) an opera studio and a i'oik cii hall seating 750. The history of the Kyiv Conservatoire (to be linked) closely with the development of Ukrainian music.

The Dnipro hotel (to be) a beautiful light-coloured building in Klurslichatyk with a moden interior. Its residents (to have) a beautiful view of the I Dnieper

Not far from the hotel there (to be) a white stone palace. It (to be built) by architect V.Beretti as the Institute for Daughters of the Nobility. It (to be restored) after the war and is (to be occupied) now by the Palace of Culture, whose large theater hall accommodates an audience of 2300.

Ivan Franko Drama Theatre (to be built) in the 19th century by architect T.Shieifer with donations from the people of Kyiv. In 1926 the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, (to found) in 1920 in Vinnytsya by the outstanding masters of the Ukrainian stage, G.Yura (1887-1966) and A.Buchma (1891- 1957), (to give) its first performance in this building.

In front of the theatre a monument to Ivan Franko (1857-1916), the great son of the Ukrainian people (to be erected) in 1956 to commemorate his centenary.

Near the Central Post Office in Shevchenko alley (to be) the site of the literary museum on the life and work of Taras Shevchenko, the outstanding Ukrainian bard and painter. In 1846 Taras Shevchenko (to rent) a small attic here being one of the boarders. The museum (to be opened) in 1928. It (to contain) vast collections of items on "Shevchenko and Kyiv".

The poet (to write) many of his works during his stay in Kyiv, including his ballads Rusaika (The Mermaid) and Lileya. He (to paint) here his beautiful landscapes. Many of these works (to be displayed) now in the Museum.

Shcvchenko's paintings (to attract) crowds of people. His landscapes of Kyiv (to show) exceptional mastery and depth of feeling. The Museum's vast collection (to provide) a realistic picture of the poet, the philosopher.

Ex. 3. Read the text and

  1. make up 20 special questions;

  2. give written answers to the questions you've just made up;

  3. make up 20 general questions;

  4. give short affirmative and negative answers to the questions you've made up in task c.


The Orthodox monastery was founded in 1051 by Antonii Pecherskyi (983-1073) in the caves (pechera - in Ukrainian).

The monastery stands on the green hills above the Dnieper. Its sparkling gold cupolas can be seen from outside the capital.

The monastery was built in the middle of the 1 llh century. It occupies a huge territory of 22 hectares. It covers two big hills and the valley between itie-in. In the 12th century as one of the biggest ones it got the name Lavra (a •.IIeel in Greek).

The highest hill is the site of the Higher Monastery (Lavra).

The valley is occupied by the Near caves with a whole ensemble of buildings of various kinds.

The smaller hill is the location of the Far Caves, with their churchcs and i >1 her premises. It was these cave-like sells of the monks that gave the monastery its name.

The monastery developed rapidly. It became the seat of Christianity in ancient Rus. It was also here that chronicler Nestor (d. after 1113) wrote his f amous Chronicle of Past Days.

The Kyiv princes showered valuable gifts on the monastery. That was the period of the birth of ancient culture, which laid the foundation for the cultures of the Ukrainians, Russians and Byelorussians.

Trades and arts developed inside the monastery. The first buildings of the Monastery stood on the territory of the present Far Caves. The cells of the monks and the chapel were hewn in the heights over the Dnieper. Later, cells were built on the site of the Near Caves.

The first church of the monastery, the church of the Assumption of the Virgin, was founded on the hill of the Far Caves. The most ancient monument was the collegiate Church of the Dormition (1073-1089), which was ornamented with mosaic work and paintings. During the war this remarkable monument was completely destroyed.

Later the Cathedral of St.John the Forerunner was built at the north­western comer of the collegiate church.

The first thing in the Monastery that catches the eye is the Church of the Trinity. Built in 1108 above the central gates both as a church and look-out post it has been preserved to this day. The interior is decorated with a splendidly carved iconostasis and beautiful frescoes, the work of 18th-century craftsmen.

The Church of the Saviour is on the outer side of the monastery's walls. It was built in the 11th century by Prince Volodymyr Monomakh (1053-1125) in his village of Berestove. In 1157 the body of his son Yurii Dolgorukyi, the founder of Moscow was interred in the church. The structure was partially mined in 1240 and rebuilt only in 17Ih century. Its interior was decorated by Greek craftsmen from Aphon. In 1947 when the 800*' anniversary of Moscow was celebrated, a granite tomb was erected in the church over the grave of Yurii Dolgorukyi (1090-1157).

In the 13th century the wealth, power and glory of Kyiv passed away. The Monastery was neglected. Its restoration was begun only in the 15,h century.

In 1615, one of the oldest printing works in Ukraine was set up in the Monastery. Its books on history and theology were distributed throughout the Slav countries.

In 1632 the school of the Kyiv-Pecherskyi Monastery was united with the Kyiv Brother School and it became the Kyiv-Brother Collegium. In 1701 it was reorganized into the Kyiv Mohyla Academy.

Inlntftivn i niiaiim Hon woik inside the monastery begun in 1690-1702 aIihi itr-sv i Inn• Im k vm'ir i-ici led. I hey included All-Saints Church, the church m i iimi|>Iiih, ili»* i Imn li ol St. Nicholas. They were built in the Ukrainian !mmi|tif «ivl»1 mid iiimhincd the traditions of Ukrainian wooden churches, l itHtiiiiiiin lnlk moii Is \v ith the principles of classical baroque.

Ilir dominating structure is the 96-metre-high Belfry of the Higher MniirtHiciy (I /.51-1745). In its time it was the tallest building. It was designed by it |inmuncnt architect Johann Shedel. The Belfry has four beautifully proportioned tiers.

The cupolas are plated with gilded copper. The entire structure blends magnificently with the surrounding landscape. The Belfry was constructed with the direct participation of Stepan Kovnir (1695-1786), a gifted Ukrainian architect and a serf of the monastery.

Stepan Kovnir built the so-called the Kovnir Building, one of the civil structures of 18th century Kyiv. There is also the Kovnir Belfry (1754-1761), graceful and elegant.

For many centuries the Kyiv-Pecherskyi monastery was the seat of Ukrainian culture. In 16-17thcc. a number of outstanding public figures were educated in the monastery. For many prominent painters the monastery was a useful school of art. Books published by its printing works were beautifully illustrated with woodcuts and copperplate engravings, They were in great demand in all the Slav countries.

The monastery had also accumulated an extensive collection of valuable jewelry of folk art.

In 1926 a Government Decree proclaimed the Kyiv-Pecherskyi Monastery an ancient monument under state protection.


Education is rooted in very old traditions reaching back to the pagan times. In old Rus' monasteries were the first venues of sciences...

In the 16th-18th centuries, an increasing number of schools were set up by national religious-educational communities - "Brotherhoods", for instance, in Lviv (1585), in Kyiv (1615), in Lytsk (1620). The Greek-Havonic-Latin Collegium, Ukraine's first institution of higher learning, was founded in Ostroh in 1576.

A major venue of science in Ukraine of the 18th century was the Kyiv- Mohyla Academy. At the turn of the 18th century the level of public literacy placed Ukraine ahead of a number of Western and Eastern European countries.

The first universities appeared in Kharkiv (1805), Kyiv (1834) and Odesa (1865). In the 19th century these universities became noted research centres where the first national schools of sciences took shape. Specialized institutes were also opened for training industrial, railroad engineers, agronomists, physicians and specialists in other fields at that very period of time.

Much credit in the development of Ukrainian science is due to M .Ostrohradsky (mathematics), O.Bodyansky (linguistics), V.Antonovych (history), V.Obraztsov, M.Strazhesko, V.Filatov (various branches of medicine).

The creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1918 (since 1994 the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) was an event of historical importance. Among its founding members were Volodymyr Vernadsky a famous 20th century scientist and naturalist; noted historians Mikhailo Hrushevsky and Dmytro Bahaliy; orientalist Ahatanhel Krumsky; geologist P.Tutkovsky; mechanics expert S.Tymoshenko; lawyer M.Vasylenko and many others.

Present-day independent Ukraine has inherited a rather developed system of education from the previous regime, which answers the standards of the developed countries.

General secondary education in Ukraine is used to be free but compulsory.

Despite today's hardships resulting from the economic crisis, a programme of educational reforms aimed at integrating the national schooling system into the world's educational medium, at satisfying the people's national- cultural needs and protecting their rights, irrespective of ethnic origin.

The educational system includes over 23,000 so-called preschooF educational establishments where some 2mln. Children are taught their mother tongue.

The basic link in the cnain of public education in Ukraine is the "general education (grade) school", of which there are about 22,000 now, with a student body of nearly 7 million. Each has three stages: primary, basic and senior. Nowadays a new type of schools are there in Ukraine: gymnasiums and lycees. A great number of various private schools have appeared recently.

Vocational training schools provide almost 800 qualifications. In most of them the working students are also taught the complete curriculum of secondary education.

Post - secondary education is provided by over 750 institutions of what is known as the 1st and 2nd level of Accreditation, for example, technical schools and colleges training young specialists, and by over 160 institutions of higher learning, such as universities (classical, technological and branch ones), academies, conservatories, institutes. Ukraine numbers a total of 1,5 million college-and-university students.

Among the well-known Universities in Ukraine are Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Dragomanov Pedagogical Kyiv National University, Kyiv Polytechnic University, International Independent University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Kyiv State Conservatory, I.Franko State University of Lviv, Odesa State Naval Academy, State Universities in Kharkiv, Odesa, Donetsk, Simpheropol and many others.

A profound system was created to train research personnel in Ukraine. In particular, 360 institutions of learning run postgraduate courses enrolling over 15 000.

Икіліішш scientists developed the theory, and mastered the highly pioiluc ii vc ludcn arc welding technique, laid the foundation of molecular •,|in ііочіору, clccimiiic chemistry, the theoiy of electrolytes, the phytohormone throiy dt (Kipism, ctc.

International scientific exchanges also remain on an upward curve.

The Institute of Electric Welding and the aviation and space firm "Pratt шиї Wiltny" (USA) established a joint research centre .and an enterprise to develop the technologies of new materials, using Kyiv - sired speed electronic beam evaporation and vacuum condensation techniques. The Institute and the I IS (inn also founded a joint venture, "Paton - Weld", to develop the Ukrainian technologies of permanent metal, metal-non-metal, ceramic and other connections, and to market them in the USA and other countries.

Ex.1 Listen and learn to pronounce the following words.

Pagan - язичний

venue - місцезнаходження

community - громада, суспільство, спільність

literacy - освіченість

research - дослідницька робота

to appear - показуватися, з'являтися

credit - вплив, значення

physician - лікар

various - різний, різноманітний

creation - творення; створювання

naturalist - натураліст, природознавець

orientalist - сходознавець

geologist - геолог

lawyer - юрист, адвокат

to inherit - успадкувати

regime - режим

hardships - труднощі

medium (pi. media, mediums) - оточення, умови

to satisfy - задовольняти, відповідати (вимогам)

irrespective - безвідносний; ~ of незалежно від

establishment - установа, заклад

gymnasium (pl.gymnasia) - гімназія

lyceum (pl.lycee) - ліцей

vocational - професійний

to provide - постачати, забезпечувати, давати

qualification - кваліфікація

curriculum (pL-la) - курс навчання, учбовий план, програма conservatory,-toire - амер.консерваторія polytechnic - політехнічний personnel - особливий склад, персонал

postgraduate - аспірант, аспірантський to enrol - приймати (до інституту, тощо) to master - опановувати, оволодівати,вивчати exchange - обмін

to establish - засновувати, закладати

technique - техніка; технічні прийоми

technology - техніка; технічні і прикладні науки; технологія

venture - підприємство

permanent - постійний, незмінний, довгочасний connection- зв'язок; з'єднання; сполучення to market - збувати, знаходити ринок збуту

Ех. 2. Listen and repeat after the announcer the following proper names.

the Greek-Slavonic-Latin Collegium; Ostroh;

the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy;

the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences;

the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;

Shevchenko Kyiv National University;

Dragomanov Pedagogical Kyiv National University;

Kyiv Polytechnic University;

International Independent University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy";

Kyiv State Conservatory;

I.Franko State University of Lviv;

Odesa State Naval Academy;

the Institute of Electric Welding.

Ex. 3. Repeat after the announcer the following word-combinations to be ready to clarify their meanings before reading the text.

  • to be rooted;

  • the first venues of sciences;

  • to be set up by;

  • the institution of higher learning;

  • at the turn of the century;

  • the level of public literacy;

  • the first national schools of sciences took shape;

  • an event of historical importance;

  • to inherit a rather developed system of education;

  • to result from the economic crisis;

  • to integrate the national schooling system into the world's educational medium;

  • to satisfy the people's national-cultural needs;

  • to provide almost 800 qualifications;

  • to be taught the complete curriculum of secondary education;

  • to be provided by;

  • to number a total;

  • to train research personnel;

  • to run postgraduate courses;

  • to remain on an upward curve;

  • speed electronic beam evaporation;

  • vacuum condensation.

Ex. 4. Learn to pronounce the following: expressions, containing

  1. dates:

  • in the 16th-18th centuries;

  • in the 19lh century;

  • since 1994, in 1918;

  • at the turn of the 18th century;

  • 1585, 1615, 1620, 1576, 1834, 1865;

    1. numerals:

    • over 23,000 so-called preschool educational establishments;

    • some 2 mln. children;

    • there are about 22,000 now;

    • over 750 institutions;

    • the 1st and 2nd Level of Accreditation;

    • 1,5 million college-and-university students;

    • 360 institutions of learning;

    • over 15,000;

    • nearly 7 million.

    Ex. 5.

    1. Listen to the text "Education and Science in Ukraine"

    2. Read and translate the text.

    Ex- 6. Find in the text international words, copy them out in your note­books, transcribe them and give Ukrainian equivalents.

    Ex. 7. Look through the text and write down all the names of professions and specialities. Translate them into Ukrainian.

    Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

    In old Rus' monasteries; educational communities; a major venue of science; the level of public literacy; ahead of a number of western and Eastern European countries;

    These universities became noted research centres; specialists in other fields; various branches of medicine; an event of historical importance; present-day independent Ukraine; a rather developed system of education; the standards of the developed countries; resulting from the economic crisis; the basic link in the chain of public education; various private schools; the complete curriculum of secondary education; post-secondary education; a profound system; to train research personnel; the highly productive hidden - are welding technique; the foundation of molecular spectroscopy; the phytohormone theory of tropism; to remain on an upward curve; a joint research centre; to develop the technologies of new materials; a joint venture.

    Ex. 9. Translate into English:

      1. names of professions and specialities:

    лікар, спеціаліст, агроном, інженер, натураліст, історик, науковець, юрист, геолог, сходознавець, вчитель;

      1. names of educational establishments:

    школа, гімназія, ліцей, вищий навчальний заклад, інститут, університет, консерваторія, академія.

    Ех. 10. In each sentence one word does not fit the meaning. From the first given bellow choose the right word. Try not to look through the text.

        1. In old Rus' establishments were the first venues of sciences.

        2. At the turn of the 18lh century the level of public literacy placed Ukraine behind of a number of Western and Eastern European countries.

        3. The development of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1918 was an event of historical importance.

        4. Present-day independent Ukraine has inherited a rather complicated system of education from the previous regime.

        5. General higher education in Ukraine is used to be free but compulsory.

        6. Vocational training schools create almost 800 qualifications.

        7. A shallow system was created to train research personnel in Ukraine.

        8. International educational exchanges also remain on an upward curve, (profound, provide, developed, monasteries, scientific, secondary, creation, ahead)

    Ex. 11. Agree or disagree.

          1. Education is not rooted in very old traditions.

          2. The basic link in the chain of private education in Ukraine is the "general education school".

          3. Pre-secondary education is provided by over 750 institutions.

          4. The development of Ukrainian educational system is on an upward curve.

          5. International scientific exchanges also remain on a downward curve.

          6. The first universities appeared in Ukraine in the 19th century.

          7. A programme of educational reforms is to result in integrating the national schooling system into the world's educational medium.

    N. Л rather developed system of education in Ukraine has been inherited from the previous regime.

    Kx. 12. (Jive detailed answers to the following questions.

            1. What could you say about the development of Ukrainian education and sciences from the pagan times till the beginning of the 18th century?

            2. Where did the first national schools of sciences take shape?

            3. What have you known from the text about the creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences?

            4. What could you say about the present-day system of education in Ukraine?

            5. How does the national schooling system integrate into the world's educational medium?

            6. What is the basic link in the chain of public education in Ukraine?

            7. What are your ideas about post-secondary education in Ukraine?

            8. What are the most well-known higher educational establishments in Ukraine?

            9. What are the most perspective branches in developing Ukraine's science?

            10. What could you say about international scientific exchanges?

    Ex. 13. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following sentences

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