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6. The little boy is dirty from head to foot. - ____________.

Ex.23. Read these sentences and arrange them into two columns according to what they describe or indicate:

a)the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present;

b)the recent activities of the person or temporary effects.

1.Mum, you’ve been baking something. I can smell it.

2.The lift hasn’t been working since morning.

3.I’ve been renting this flat for two years.

4.Sharon and Kenny look angry. Maybe they’ve been arguing.

5.I’m out of breath. I’ve been running all the way here.

6.How long have you been going out together?

7.Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? – No, I’ve been cutting onions.

8.We’ve been looking for a flat for ages.

9.It’s very late. Why aren’t you in bed? – I can’t sleep. Our neighbour’s dog has been barking for the last two hours.

10.You two look so exhausted. What have you been doing? - We’ve been sightseeing in the town.

11.We’ve been walking all afternoon. My feet are killing me.

Ex.24. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

1.They are been travelling for two weeks.

2.I’ve thinking about you all week.

3.I can’t say exactly how long I have been knowing Simon.

4.She have been making phone calls all morning.

5.He has been being ill for a couple of weeks.

6.It has been raining all day. I wonder when it will stop.

7.They have been hearing to music for two hours.

8.Mr. Robinson is working in the same place for over thirty years, and he is not planning to retire.

9.Do you have a driving license? – Yes. I have been having it for four years now.

10.I’m not surprised Katie has failed her exam. She has been not working hard recently.

11.You’re so red! How long were you sunbathing? All morning? – I haven’t been sunbathing. I’ve been reading in the sun.

Ex.25. Translate into English.

1.Пробачте. Що запізнився. Потрапив у затор (be stuck in a traffic jam/heavy traffic). Ви давно чекаєте? – Ні, всього хвилин десять.

2.Я увесь ранок копіюю ці папери, і ще не закінчила.

3.Марк стомився. Він увесь ранок фарбував ворота в гаражі.

4.Ти цілий ранок намагаєшся відремонтувати (fix) свій мотоцикл.

5.Уже півроку, як Том і Мері будують цей будинок.

6.Ми з Білом друзі. Ми знаємо один одного років десять.

7.Шерон, я просто з ніг валюсь (be ready to drop). Ми весь день з тобою ходимо магазинами, але так нічого й не купили.

8.Люди літають літаками з 1803 року.

9.Джесіка, у тебе очі червоні. Ти плакала?

10.Ти наскрізь змок (be wet through). Йшов без парасольки?


Ex.26. Read and compare the sentences:


Laura, the baby is crying. - She has been crying for almost ten minutes. I can’t do anything.

Complete the situations in 1-4 like in the sentences above and explain the difference between them.

1.It’s raining. – Indeed, it ___________________.

2.He is sleeping. - But he _______________.

3.Who are you waiting for? - The designer. I _________________.

4.Sorry, I can’t help you with your homework. I am revising for my exam.



Ex.27. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

Model: I’ve checked the calculations. (the focus on the completion) →

I’ve been checking the calculations since/all morning. (the focus on the activities)

1.I (play) ___________ golf four times this week.

2.Ralph (repair) ___________ the washing machine since morning.

3.I feel so exhausted and sleepy. I (work) ___________ on my assignment almost all night.

4.- Stacy says she (not finish) ___________ reading the book yet.

- But she (read) ___________ it for about a month.

5. Vitaliy and Vladimir Klitschko, the world heavyweight boxing champions, (win) -

___________ a lot of gold medals.

6.Everything is white. It (snow) ___________ all night.

7.Betsy is upset because she just (hear) ___________ some bad news.

8.It smells of paint. Dad (paint) ___________ the table.

9.Carol and her family (be) ___________ in Sweden for three years. They (live) ___________

there since 2009.

10.No wonder that Samantha hasn’t done any work. She (talk) ___________ on the phone all morning.


Ex.28. Choose the correct tense form.

1. Can I speak to Rosemary, please? – Sorry, she is out. Oh no, hold on, she ____ just ______

own the corridor.



a) comes

b) is coming

c) has come

2.In the past few years there ________ a marked change in our attitude towards environmental issues.


a) is


b) has been

с) have been


Book industry _________ the same serious problems at the moment.


a) experience

b) is experiencing

c) has been experiencing


You __________ your mobile phone only for a week but it isn’t working.


a) have been having

b) have had

c) have


- How long ___________ you at university?


a) are

b) have been

c) have been being


- I started two years ago. I _________ in my third year now.


a) am being

b) have been

c) am


The shares __________ in value since we bought them.


a) have been doubling

b) have doubled c) doubled

7. My brother __________ about how much the car costs because he is going to buy it anyway.



a) is not caring b) doesn’t care

c) don’t care


The police __________ information that now he ________ in Sicilia.


a) have

b) has

c) is having


aa) lives

bb ) is living

cc) has lived


Could you please close the window? I __________ a cold draught in here.


a) feel

b) am feeling c) have been feeling

10.Unfortunately, my pullover ________ in the wash, so it ________ me anymore.

a)has shrank b) has shrunk c) shrank


aa) is not fitting

bb) doesn’t fit

cc) hasn’t fit


The technician ___________ the photocopier so you can’t use it right now.


a) fixes c) has fixed

b) is fixing


Gabriel says they ___________ what to do with the money yet.


a) haven’t decided

b) didn’t decide c) are not deciding


There’s a light on in his window, so I assume he _________ to bed yet.


a) is not going

b) hasn’t gone


c) didn’t go


Pete really makes me angry. He always ___________ me. I can barely get a whole sentence


out of my mouth.






a) interrupts

b) is interrupting

c) has interrupted


I __________ about the tense forms in this exercise right now. I ___________all of my


answers are correct, but I’ll use the key answer to check them and make sure.


a) think

b) am thinking

c) have been thinking


aa) think

bb) am thinking

cc) have been thinking

Ex.29. Complete the introduction to Helen’s presentation by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. You can choose from the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am Helen Flower and I __________ (work) in the marketing department here at MVC. I __________ (work) on this current project for two years now.

Our project team __________ (consist) of myself and five more specialists. Antony Bright __________ (be) with us since the start of the project and he __________ (develop) a new model of marketing analysis which I am going to describe. At present we __________

(practise) it and we __________ (expect) to have some results at the end of this month.

Now on to the presentation itself. I __________ (divide) it into two parts. The first part

__________ (cover) the project and __________ (give) brief information about the team .

Ex.30. Are there any mistakes in the following sentences? If yes, correct them.

1.Starting a new job always is a bit of a shock.

2.How long are you working for the agency?

3.Our boss is so irritated today. Somebody have been giving away our plans to our competitors, and we can’t do anything.

4.This is the third time Dorothy complained to the boss.

5.Has she cried? Her eyes are red.

6.Again you think about something else. You never listen to what I’m saying. I might just as well talk to a brick wall.

7.I’m studying here since last year.

8.I see you’re a very good cook. The sauce is tasting delicious.

9.Margo wants to get married, but she doesn’t meet the right person yet.

10.He’s always trying to put me down.

11.Close your eyes and listen carefully. What are you hearing?

12.Tom hasn’t been home from the time he was a boy.

13.The exhibition opens on March 1st and closes on March 20th.


14.People are becaming less tolerant of smoking these days.

15.Let me explain what you have to do. First you are taking the letters and sorting them into categories. Then you are registering them in this registration journal.

Ex.31. Translate into English.

1.Наш Нік такий неуважний! Завжди щось забуває або губить.

2.Що ти зробив з моїми ножицями (scissors)? Вони зовсім не ріжуть.

3.Джесіка, чим ти займалася весь цей ранок? Ти навіть не надрукувала жодного листа.

4.Що ти там нюхаєш? – Нові парфуми. Пахнуть доволі приємно.

5.Дивись. Знову йде дощ. – Так. Увесь тиждень ідуть дощі.

6.Лара, дитина плаче. Він плаче вже десять хвилин. Я не розумію у чому справа.

7.А чому б нам усім не поїхати туди на машині? – Ні, це довго і виснажливо.

8.Що ти тут робиш, Метью? – Чекаю, коли відчиниться магазин (wait for the shop to open). – Але він відкривається тільки о 10-ій годині.

9.Ось уже третій раз, як я подивився цю комедію. А ти скільки раз дивився?

10.Уже півгодини, як я слухаю тебе, але на жаль, так нічого і не зрозумів.

11.О котрій приїжджають твої батьки? – Їх поїзд прибуває о 10.20.

12.Джон дуже стомився. Він усю ніч працював за комп’ютером.

13.Чому ти так дивуєшся? Біл завжди бажав жити у своєму будинку.

14.М-р Сміт поїхав до Амстердама. (Повернеться тільки у вівторок).

15.Учені вивчають цю проблему вже багато років. У наш час ставлення до навколишнього середовища (the environment) змінюється.



TEXT A: Types of economic systems TEXT B: Command economy

TEXT C: Good (and bad) models


GRAMMAR: Past Tenses. The Past Simple and the Past Continuous Tenses

Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.

Jina to Hu, President of the People's Republic of China


1.What is the most typical problem faced by every society?

2.Why cannot people have everything they want?

3.Who usually allocates resources in the country?

4.How can the economic system influence our life?


A. Reading drills

Ex.1. Practice reading the following words:

ch [k] mechanism, mechanic, mechanization, technique, technical (в словах,

запозичених з грецькоїмови)

ph [f] phrase, phase, photograph, telephone, phonetics (в словах, запозичених з грецькоїмови)


er, ir, ur [з:] refer, prefer, sir, girl, term, perfect, third, merger, university, burn, nurse, curse

ture [ʧə] structure, picture, venture, gesture, mixture, lecture, nature sure[ʒə] measure,pleasure, leisure

Ex.2. Read the following words. The underlined letters are silent.

Bomb, comb, lamb, debt, write, know, knife, doubt, receipt, psychology.

Ex.3. Read the words in the group below. Pay attention to the word stress. a) words with the stress on the first syllable:

several, scarcity, allocate, previously, Asia, clothing, value, major, centrally, formulate, publicly, industries, socialism, socialist, Sweden, power, operate, ownership, relevant, enterprise, government, centralized,social, ownership;

b) words with the stress on the second syllable:

requires, essential, dilemma,referred,efficiently, appearance, variety, societies, command,allow, consumer, percent, consensus, municipal;

c) polysyllabic words with the main and secondary stress:

satisfactorily, opportunity, distribution, independently, intermingled, intervention, environmentalism.

B. Word formation

Ex.4. Make up nouns as in the model.

Model: noun + suffix –shipnoun e.g. owner – ownership

Citizen, dictator, friend, leader, member, proprietor, entrepreneur, master. Model: verb +suffix –tion or –sionnoun


Protect, decide, define, produce, collect, reduce, consume, divide, cooperate. Model: noun +suffix-ism →noun

e.g. material-materialism

Marx, Protestant, Buddha, commune, society, capital, consumer, perfection.

Ex.5. Make up adjectives as in the model.

Model: adjective +suffix -ance or -ence (- ancy, -ency) →noun e.g.efficient - efficiency

Important, different, insistent, resistant, constant, efficient, intelligent. Model: noun +suffix -icadjective

e.g. economyeconomic

History, geography, hero, science, ballast, naturalist, metal, poet, myth.

What other noun or adjective suffixes do you know? Give examples.


Active Vocabulary


Key terms: traditional economy, market economy, command economy, mixed economy, centrally planned economy, to levy taxation, means of production, production and distribution, shortage and surplus, free enterprise, laissez-fair.

Other words and expressions: a mechanism for survival, to resolve the problems, to store, scarcity problem, to do for a living, to provide a sense of security and psychological comfort, to take advantage of, essential dilemma, to exercise economic functions, to control prices, essential features, to open and run any kind of business, to be intended, to divide up into, in the marketplace, privately owned, to depend on, to manage the economy, an extensive form, to detect consumer preferences, sufficient accuracy, social welfare, decision maker, health insurance, housing projects, free medical services, range from … to, to be owned and operated by.

Linking words and phrases: if we look at, in fact, subsequently, to refer to, according to, thus, strictly speaking, however, what is more, as we have classified, to sum up.

To an economist, economic society presents itself as a mechanism for survival — a means whereby people are able to carry out the tasks of production and distribution. If we look at the different political and social structures which exist in the world today, and the way in which those systems have developed over the years, we are tempted to saythat people have made use of, and are making use of, very great varieties of economic systems. In fact, in spite of the appearance of great variety, it is possible to group these different economic structures into four broad categories. These basic types of economic organization are usually described as Traditional economies, Market economies, Command economies and Mixed economies. There are several basic and unfinished questions that must be answered in order to resolve the problems of economics satisfactorily. The scarcity problem, for example, requires answers to basic questions, such as: what to produce, how to produce it, and who gets what is produced. An economic system is a way of answering these basic questions. Different economic systems answer them in a different way.

Traditional Economic System

Theoldestanduntil recent times the most common way of solving economic problems was that of tradition. In traditional societies, people use methods of production and distribution that were devised in the distant past and which have become an accepted way of doing things by a long process of trial and error.

A traditional economic system is one in which people's economic roles are the same as those of their parents and grandparents. Societies that produce goods and services in traditional ways are found today in some parts of South America, Asia, and Africa. There, people living in an agricultural village still plant and harvest their own food on their own land. And the ways they produce clothing and shelter are almost exactly the same as those used in the past. Tradition decides what these people do for a living and how their work is


performed. Traditional economy provides a sense of security and psychological comfort. Subsequently, there is a relatively low unemployment rate and low crime rate. A traditional economy allows for a greater degree of autonomy and little or no money is used.

A traditional economy does not allow for much economic growth and development as changes are very slow and there is little social mobility. A traditional economy does not take advantage of technology and there is relatively little promotion of intellectual and scientific development. A traditional economy provides few incentives for entrepreneurs, thus limiting choices for consumers and lowering standards of living.

Market Economic System

A market economic system is one in which a nation's economic decisions are the result of individual decisions by buyers and sellers in the marketplace. The market system of economic organization is also commonly described as a free enterprise or laissez-faire, or capitalist system. We shall use all these terms to stand for a market economy. Strictly speaking, the pure market of laissez-faire system has never existed. Whenever there has been some form of political organization, the political authority has exercised some economic functions (e.g. controlling prices or levying taxation). Efficiency is best achieved through a market economy where individual producers each make their own production decisions based on their own profit motive. Some critics of the free-market argue that property rights are in conflict with "human" rights. But the critics fail to realize that in a free-market system, every person has a property right over his own person and his own labor, and that he can make free contracts for those services.

The framework of a market or capitalist system contains six essential features. They are:

1. private property

2.freedom of choice and enterprise

3.self-interest as the dominating motive


5.a reliance on the price system

6.a very limited role for government.

Command Economic System

A planned economy or directed economy is an economic system in which the state or government manages the economy. Its most extensive form is referred to as a command economy,centrally planned economy, or command and control economy. In such economies, the state or government controls all major sectors of the economy and formulates all decisions about their use and about the distribution of income, much like a communist state. The planners decide what should be produced and direct enterprises to produce those goods.

In a command economic system, the main decision maker is the government. No person may independently decide to open and run any kind of business. The government decides what goods and services are to be produced. And the government sells these goods and services. The government also decides how the talents and skills of its workers are to be used. Supporters of planned


economies cast them as a practical measure to ensure the production of necessary goods. Critics of planned economies argue that planners cannot detect consumer preferences, shortages, and surpluses with sufficient accuracy and thereforecannot efficiently co-ordinate production (in a market economy, a free price system is intended to serve this purpose). Planned economies are notoriously corrupt. Their inefficiency leads to the formation of informal social networks.

Mixed Economic System

No country has an economic system that is 100 percent communism, socialism, or capitalism. All countries today have mixed economic systems or mixed economies, with some free enterprise and some government ownership. There is not one single definition for a mixed economy, but relevant aspects include: a degree of private economic freedom(including privately owned industry) intermingled with centralized economic planning(which may include intervention for environmentalism and social welfare, or state ownership of some of the means of production).

For some states, there is no consensus on whether they are capitalist, socialist, or mixed economies. Economies in states ranging from the United States to Cuba have been termed mixed economies.

If the government owns and operates almost all of the nation's means of production, then that nation's economic system is called communism. China has a communist economic system. Almost all of the means of production are publicly owned-that is, owned by the government. Government planners decide the answers to the basic economic questions. Farming on private plots of land is sometimes allowed. In recent years, the Chinese government has been allowing more and more private businesses to operate.

If the government owns and operates many of the nation's major industries-such as banks, airlines, railroads, and power plants-but allows individuals to own other businesses, including stores, farms, and factories, that nation's economic system is called socialism.

Sweden is an example of a country whose economic system is often described as socialist. Most of its major industries, such as coal mining, electric power, gas, telephone, and railroads, are owned by the government. Under Sweden's national health insurance system, the people receive free medical services all their lives.

If almost all the stores, factories, and farms in a nation are owned and operated by private individuals or businesses, then its system is called free enterprise, or capitalism. The U.S. has a free enterprise, or capitalist, economic system.

Language notes:

we are tempted to say – ми схиляємось до ствердження того, що…

a long process of trial and error– довгий процес випробування та помилок

the pure market of laissez-faire system has never existed чистий ринок системи невтручання уряду ніколи не існував


how the talents and skills are to be used як слід використовувати таланти та навички

a degree of private economic freedom intermingled with centralized economic planning ступінь особистої економічної свободи змішана з централізованим економічним плануванням


Ex.1. Find the English equivalents in the text.

Засіб для виживання; виконувати завданнявиробництватарозподілу; не зважаючи на виникнення великої різноманітності; для того, щоб вирішити економічну проблему; почуття безпеки та психологічного комфорту;братидоуваги; обмежувативибірспоживачів; вільнепідприємництво; досягтиефективності; критикинеможутьзрозуміти; визначити з достатньою точністю; створення неформальної соціальної мережі; надавати дозвіл на ведення приватного бізнесу; контролювати основні сектори економіки; чистий ринок; характерні риси; структура ринкової системи; незалежно вирішувати; керувати основними галузями промисловості; отримуватибезкоштовнімедичніпослуги.

Ex.2. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following phrases.

To present itself as; to be tempted to say; in spite of; to come into play; the essential dilemma; production and distribution; to take advantage of; to solve economic problems; to do for a living; a sense of security and psychological comfort; a greater degree of autonomy; incentives for entrepreneurs; to stand for a market economy; the dominating motive; to formulate decisions; to direct enterprises; relevant aspects; intermingled with; to be notoriously corrupt; consumer preferences, shortages and surpluses; to reach a consensus on;fail to realize.

Ex.3. Give three forms of the following verbs. Find the sentences with these verbs in the text.

Deal, make, say, come, cost, choose, see, do, find, speak, be, sell.

Ex.4.Make up adjective +noun or noun +noun collocations (there may be several variants). Give examples either from the text or of your own.

Economic, basic, scientific, profit, free, private, decision, government, scarcity.

Problem, property, system, development, enterprise, questions, motive, maker, ownership.

Model:economic system

e.g. People have made use of a variety of economic systems.

Ex.5. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right.




economy, with some free enterprise and


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