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found — founded — founded

saw — sawed — sawed

hang — hung — hung

sew — sewed — sewn

hang — hanged — hanged

sink- sank-sunk

draw — drew — drawn

stick — stuck — stuck

withdraw — withdrew — withdrawn

strike — struck — struck

Answer the questions using the above mentioned verbs.

“When did they sink the submarine?” –“They sank it a month ago.”

1. When did they lay the table? 2. Where did they hang the picture? 3. When did they withdraw the troops from the country? 4. When did they raise the workers’ wages? 5. Where did they find the manuscript? 6. When did they found the museum? 7. When did they draw up the contract? 8. When did they lay off the workers? 9. When did they ring the bell? 10. When did the clock strike? 11. When did they find the new workers? 12. When did they feel bad? 13. Why did they lie to us? 14. When did the dog bite you? 15. When did they saw the branches? 16. When did you sew the dress?

Ex.8.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of the Past Simple.

John had a bad day. It happened to him exactly as one humorous rhyme says: He (oversleep) and (miss) his train,

(Slip) on the sidewalk in the pouring rain. (Sprain) his ankle, (skin) his knees, (Break) his glasses, and (lose) his keys. So, when he (get) home, he (look) angry.

Ex.9. Choose suitable time expressions and put them in the correct position.

yesterday, a week ago, last month/ week/ year, two years ago, an hour ago, on Tuesday/ Friday/ Sunday, in 2012

1.I went to the office by taxi.

2.They signed the contract.

3.They cut their living expenses by half.

4.Mr. Mckinley founded this hotel.

5.The prices fell down sharply.

6.This purchase cost us a fortune.

7.Our company sold this building to our partners.

8.The BBC broadcast the match live from Paris.

9.Jimmy flew to Amsterdam on business.

10.Luckily, my friend lent me some money.

11.The students of my group flew to California.

12.His assistant came at 12 o’clock.

13.They started this company.

14.Mary and Jane bought absolutely similar cars.

15.His HR manager taught him how to behave at the interview.


Ex.10. Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Look at the example provided.

1.My brother found his watch. – My brotherdidn’t find his watch.

2.You jumped high. – ______________________.

3.Albert played squash. – ______________________.

4.The teacher tested our English. – ______________________.

5.Fiona visited her grandma. – ______________________.

6.He washed the car. – ______________________.

7.You were thirsty. – ________________________.

8.She forgave her husband. - __________________.

9.He had a computer. – ______________________.

10.I bought bread. – __________________________.

11.You saw the house. – ______________________.

Ex.11. Write questions in the Past Simple.


you / walk / the dog –Did you walk the dog?

1.she / home / get – ____________________________?

2.Anna / the window / open

3.you / in the garden / work – ______________________?

4.you / a song / sing – ____________________________?

5.she / on a chair / sit – ___________________________?

6.you / the castle / visit – __________________________?

7.Jenny / the door / lock – _________________________?

8.she / happy / be – _______________________________?

9.Greg / the ball / kick – ___________________________?

10.the car / at the corner / stop – ______________________?

Ex.12. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form (affirmative, negative or interrogative). Make other necessary changes.

1.The construction of the business centre ________ (start) a month ago.

2.It ________ (be) bitterly cold yesterday. I ________ (not put) on my warm coat and I ________ (catch) a cold.

3.The postman ________ (bring) the morning mail only at 12 o’clock.

4.I ______(see) you the other day coming out of the library with a stack of books.

5.We ________ (have) a picnic yesterday, but the rain ________ (spoil) the whole pleasure.

6.You ________ (go) to the Crimea when you ________ (be) a child?

7.As soon as I came up, they _______ (get) into the taxi and _______ (go) away.

8.What places of interest you ________ (see) when you ________ (be) in Italy?

9.Every winter Nick ________ (go) to the Swiss Alps to ski.

10.He ________ (come) in, ________ (take) off his hat, ________ (move) a chair to the table and ________ (join) the conversation.


11.When he ________ (arrive)? The plane was delayed and he ________ (come) two hours later.

12.How much your bag ________ (cost)? – I ________ (pay) $200 for it. 13. When Valerie worked late, Carl always _________ (walk) her home.

Ex.13. These statements may have inaccurate information. If you don’t agree with them, respond in the negative and give accurate information.


Agatha Christie was a very popular Australian writer.

No, she wasn’t. She was a very popular English writer.

1.You started learning English last year.

2.Michelangelo painted the Mona Lisa.

3.You worked part-time in a bank last year.

4.Shakespeare wrote detective stories.

5.Abraham Lincoln was the first president of the USA.

6.Michael Jackson died at the age of 60.

7.Merriam and you studied at the library together yesterday.

8.You went on holiday to the Canary Islands last summer.

9.You saw “The Titanic” at the weekend.

10.Uma Thurman starred in the film “Pretty Woman”.

Ex.14. Make up questions to the phrases below, using most suitable time references from the box. Give short and full answers. Your sentences must be in the Past Simple.

two hours ago, a few years ago, yesterday, last afternoon, last night, last Saturday, in your/my childhood, after breakfast/dinner, for her birthday


Meet a friend at the theatre.

-Did you meet your friend at the theatre yesterday?

-No, I didn’t. I met him in the café.

1.Hear it on the news.

2.Live in the house around the corner.

3.Go to London on business.

4.Take a long walk after lectures.

5.Negotiate the contract with your partners.

6.Borrow some money from your friend.

7.Find a new friend at University.

8.Have a cup of coffee before work.

9.Take the book back to the store.

10.Get a very tempting offer.

11.See a person who is very generous.

12.Send your Mother a dozen roses.

Ex.15. Make up 10 tag questions, using phrases in Ex. 12. Give short answers.



You lived in the house around the corner.

-A few years ago you lived in the house around the corner, didn’t you?

-Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t.

Ex.16. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with proper auxiliary verbs to complete the questions following the text.

People used to get water mostly from streams, lakes and rivers. Then cities started growing. This brought many people to one place. They needed more water for their homes and factories.

Sometimes it didn’t rain for a long time. Then the rivers had very little water left. People learned to save water for these dry times. They built places in which they stored water. They called these places reservoirs.

Reservoirs hold water until people in cities need it. Large pipes carry water from reservoirs to the city. People also get water from wells.

Years ago, people lifted water out of wells in buckets. This was hard work and took a long time. Now they pump the water up. The pump makes it easier for people to get water where they want it.

1.Where _______ people use to get water from?

2.What _______ started growing?

3.Why _______ the rivers have very little water left?

4.What _______ people learn to do for the dry times?

5.What _______ people build to store water?

6.How long _______ reservoirs hold water?

7.How ______ people lift water out of wells years ago?

8.How long ______ it take them to lift water out of wells?

9.What ______ the way to get water now?

10._______ the pump make it easier to get water they want?

used to / would + infinitive

Ex.17. Stella has found a new job and her life has changed. Look at the chart below and write what she used to or didn’t use to / never used to do in the past.

Some time ago


She worked as a school teacher.

She works at the university.

She lived in a small town.

She lives in the capital.

She lived in a small house.

She lives in a big flat.

She didn’t get up early.

She gets up very early.

She didn’t earn much money.

She earns a lot of money.

She walked to get to work.

She drives her car to work.

She had a dog.

She has a dog and two cats.

She didn’t have good neighbours.

She has very nice neighbours.

She didn’t have a family.

She has a husband and two daughters.

She never travelled.

She travels with her family a lot.


Ex.18. Think of suitable verbs to complete the sentences. Look at the example provided.

1.There used to be a very good public library here. Now there isn’t any. We have to go either to the University library or to the National Library in the city centre.

2.Customers didn’t use to ______ shopping from home.

3.I used to ______ in that house over there.

4.The Moody Blues used to ______ very popular when I was young.

5.We used to _______ a piano, but we sold it.

6.I used to _______ to the cinema a lot, but I never get the time now.

7.I used to ______ that he was really intelligent but I've changed my mind.

8.He used to ______ a lot of money but he lost it all investing in Web sites.

9.In the 1950's English people used to ______ to the radio much more than they do now.

10.My sister didn’t use to ______ out much, but now she’s never at home!

11.Did she use to _______ in Australia when she was a child?

12.What time did you use to ______ to bed when you were a student? 13. Did you use to _______ long hair?

14.Did you use to _______ much money on clothes, when you were young?

Ex.19.Say what you used to do but now you don’t. Use but now…, but not any more, but not any longer to make a contrast between the past and the present.Two sentences are given to you as an example.


I used to like eating hamburgers, but I can’t stand them now.

I used to dislike Colin but I often see him now, and we are good friends.

You may use the following prompts: watch the BBC news, be very punctual, study at school, go skating every winter, have a dog, play the piano, drink coffee, spend a lot of money on clothes.

Ex.20. Complete these sentences with used to or would.

Notice that would is not used with state verbs (be, have, dislike, etc.)

I ______ live in a small house in the country when I was a little girl. I ______ get up every day at 7.30 because I lived not far from school. My grandmother ______

get our breakfast ready because my parents ______ start their work very early. Then my father ______ drive me to school. The lessons ______ start at 9.00. We stayed at school till 4 p.m. because I ______ participate in a lot of after-school activities. In the afternoon I ______ walk home alone because father didn’t pick me up. He ______ work late in the office. My parents ______ work a lot but now they are pensioners and spend a lot of time with their grandchildren.

Ex.21. Translate into English using used to or would to express repeated actions or states in the past.

1.Я раніше користувалась комп’ютерним центром. Зараз я маю свій ноутбук.


2.Ви поїдете на роботу на машині? – Навіть не знаю. Раніше я їздила на машині, а зараз вона часто ламається.

3.Раніше ми були добрими друзями, але зараз ми бачимось дуже рідко.

4.Вона раніше дуже рідко носила окуляри, бо вважала, що вони їй не пасують.

5.Мої сусіди раніше жили в маленькому містечку.

6.Ми , бувало, зустрічали свято з нашою великою сім’єю. Зараз багато з нас живуть в різних містах.

7.Коли мені було 14 років, ми жили у Львові. Зараз ми живемо в Полтаві.

8.Я прибирав свою квартиру сам, коли жив один. Зараз це робить моя дружина.

Ex.22. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

1.I lay the papers on your table.

2.In 1994, Christian Rucker aged 24, got out of magazines and started her own business – she found The White Company.

3.Ron worryed that he might lose his job.

4.How much they paid you last month?

5.He used to lay awake worrying about work.

6.For some reason, they canceled their tour to New Zealand.

7.Did you used to eat a lot of sweets when you were a child?

8.She hanged a picture on the wall.

9.Do you feel that he chose the wrong career?

10.She lied on the sofa because of a severe migraine headache.

11.As the summer was very dry, the apples felt down from the trees.

12.There was a party on Friday at your house, wasn’t it?

Ex.23. Translate into English.

1.Мій брат вивчав менеджмент в університеті.

2.Я раніше часто грав у теніс, а тепер я не маю часу.

3.Коли ти переїхав до Києва? – Близько п’яти років тому.

4.Прибутки компанії різко впали в 2012 році.

5.Директор провів нараду з керівниками відділів, а потім поїхав у відрядження до Вени.

6.Нам не сподобалась п’єса, тому ми пішли раніше.

7.Ми часто, бувало, писали листи один одному, зараз же, в основному, надсилаємо текстові та електронні повідомлення.

8.Секретарка поклала листа на стіл та вийшла з кабінету.

9.Де ти був учораввечері? Я дзвонив тобі десять разів.

10.Я не працював у четвер, у мене був вихідний.

11.Рік тому назад ціни на цю продукцію виросли вдвічі.

12. Ви добре провели вихідний у Львові? – Так, ми оглянули майже всі визначні місця цього чудового міста.

13.Самий старий ресторан в світі відкрився в Китаї в 1153 році.


14.Вчора по телебаченню була дуже цікава передача про економічну ситуацію в світі. Ти дивився її?

15.Уряд підвищив податки минулого року.


Ex 24. Match the beginning of each sentence in column A(1-11) with its ending in column B (a-k) and add when (suddenly) to complete the phrase. Look at the example provided (11-k).

I was going to bed when suddenly I heard a strange noise.


1.Jane was walking home

2.John was painting a picture

3.Mr Drill was driving to the airport

4.She was chopping potatoes

5.Dan was climbing the tree

6.We were having a picnic

7.Jill was sleeping

8.The children were playing football

9.He was painting the bedroom

10.The students were talking

11.I was going to bed


a.he fell off the ladder. b. she cut her finger.

c. their ball broke a window.

d.the teacher entered the room.

e.a branch broke.

f. he spilled the paint.

g.the wind blew her hat off.

h.his car broke down.

i.the telephone woke her up.

j. it started raining.

k. I heard a strange noise.

Ex.25. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous.

1.Yesterday at six, John _______ (drive) to the airport.

2.While Clara _______ (have) lunch in the canteen, Jane and Vicky

_______(talk) to a customer.

3.I _______ (prepare) the invoice, when my computer crashed.

4.When we _______ (sit) in the meeting, Joseph suddenly got an idea.

5.The secretary _______ (correct) the document, they _______ (discuss) the solution to the problem.

6.Tracy and her colleague _______(walk) to the office, when it suddenly started to rain.

7.During the week of the conference I _______ (stay) at a nice B&B.

8.Where you _______(stay) at during your business trip in London?

9.Who _______ (do) my job while I was in hospital?

10.I ________ (just leave) the office when they arrived.

Ex.26. Ask questions to the words in bold, as in the example below. The first one is given to you as an example.

1.At half past seven, we were signinga contract. What were you doing at half past seven?

2.When Charlie was driving home he saw a motorcycle accident.


3.Robert looked out of the window. Ricky was still waiting for Holly.

4.Everything happened so unexpectedly. Mrs. Rich was speaking on the phone, I was sortingout the papers, and he was standing over there by the window.

5.I saw Grace in the garden. She was watering flowers singing softly to herself.

6.He turned on the TV; the match hadn’t started yet. Players from both teams were signing autographs.

7.They resigned when we were launching a new product.

8.Yesterday afternoon while I was shopping, I lost my wallet.

9.While she was cooking you were all watching television. (tag question)

Ex.27. Ask questions of all possible types (general, who/what/why-questions, tag questions, etc.) to the following sentence:

We were developing a new market campaign, when we heard news of a takeover bid.


Ex.28.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form: the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. Compare and analyse the sentences, and elicit the difference.

1.She __________ (to cook) dinner yesterday.

2.She __________ (to cook) at three o'clock yesterday.

3.She __________ (to cook) from two till four yesterday.

4.I __________ (to read) a very good book last month.

5.I __________ (not to read) at five o'clock.

6.I __________ (not to read) when you came in.

7.Susan __________ (to pass) her exam two days ago.

8.Susan __________ (to pass) her exam at this time yesterday.

10.Pete __________ (to work) in the garden yesterday.

11.Pete __________ (to work) in the garden at five o'clock yesterday.

12.Where Pete __________ (to work) when I came to see him?

13.My sister __________ (to wash) the dishes after dinner yesterday.

15.My sister __________ (to wash) the dishes at eight o’clock yesterday.

Ex.29. Choose the correct tense form to complete the sentences.

1.I saw a light in your window as I passed/was passing by.

2.Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I met/ was meeting Frank, an old friend of mine.

3.Lucy’s elder sister said that she went/was going to enter Leeds University.

4.While my daughter waited/was waiting for my call, somebody knocked at the door.

5.We just talked/were talking about her when she suddenly came in/was coming in.

6.Yesterday while Dad shaved/was shaving, he cut/ was cutting himself slightly.

7.They quarreled/were quarrelling while they washed /were washing the car.


8.I sat/was sitting by the window when I heard/was hearing astrange noise from the street.

9.At six o’clock I waited/was waiting for Jenifer at the station.

10.It rained/was raining heavily as I walked/was walking towards their house.

Ex.30. Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, either the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. Look at the example provided.

1.When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor was writing (write) on the blackboard.

2.Helen ________ (live) in Athens when she ______ (meet) the man who was to become her husband.

3.We suddenly ________ (realize) that we ______ (walk) the wrong direction.

4.While you _______ (lie) on the beach, we ________ (work) in the office.

5.The phone _______ (ring) again and again. Mary nervously _______ (pick) it up and ______ (put) it down again.

6.The BBC_______ (broadcast) the talk of our President last night.

7.He ________ (sell) his shares last week because their value _______ (fall down) very quickly.

8.Arnold ______ (look) out of the window. It ______ (be) another dreary day. The wind ______ (blow) hard and big black clouds ________ (gather) on the horizon.

9.The burglar _______ (open) the safe when he ______ (hear) footsteps.

10.I ______ (not listen), so I missed what you said.

11.When I _______ (see) him he ______ (paint) the roof of his house.

12.Tracy _______ (eat) dinner when someone _______ (knock) on the door.

13.Yesterday, Steve ________ (work) on his report all day long.

Ex.31. Choose an appropriate phrase from the box below and complete each sentence (1-6).

I was just leaving the office, he was thinking about resigning, she was just discussing something with her friend, he was visiting his business partners, the company’s funds were running out, the deadline was coming soon.

1.We decided to bring the project to a close because ______________________ .

2.Our financial manager cut down on bonuses because ____________________ .

3.My partner sold his shares in business because ______________________ ___.

4.He didn’t come to the office all week because __________________________ .

5.I didn’t see when the president of the company arrived because ____________ .

6.She didn’t answer the telephone because ______________________________ .

Ex.32. Read the sentences (1-12) and identify the tenses. Then match them to the correct descriptions (a – f).

a.an action which happened at a definite time in the past

b.past habits

c.actions which happened immediately one after another


d.two or more simultaneous actions

e.an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it

f.to describe the atmosphere in the introduction to the story before we describe the main events

1.We were walking in silence when suddenly she asked me to help her.

2.They used to wake up at 6 a.m. when they lived in a suburb.

3.The day was marvelous. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. So we decided to go for a walk.

4.We visited Paris last year.

5.Miss Brown’s telephone was ringing while she was typing the report.

6.I lit the candle, opened a window and nodded to him.

7.Mary dropped two cups when she was washing up last night, but neither of the cups broke.

8.She got on the train, entered the compartment and showed her ticket to the guard.

9.I was walking along the street watching what was going around me. Fast cars were going in both directions and it was impossible to cross the road.

10.I bought this dress at our nearest shopping mall two weeks ago. 11.When I was at school, I used to wear a uniform.

12.Why weren’t you listening to me when I was speaking?

Ex.33. Choose the best option.



While I ________ for him to call up, he ________ a good time at the party.



b. was waiting

c. have waited



b. had



c. was having


She ________ this exercise yesterday at 5 o’clock.

a. has written

b. wrote

c. was writing


He ________ me to the party yesterday.

a. has invited

b. was inviting

c. invited


I ________ my exam on economics an hour ago.

a. passed

b. have passed


c. was passing


He ________ a book two days ago.

a. read

b. has read

c. was reading


They ________ this film on Sunday.

a. have seen

b. saw

c. were seeing


She ________ the picture when I came.

a. painted


b. has painted

c. was painting


I ________ my report when the General Manager entered the meeting room.

a. made

b. have made


c. was making


They ________ the new words yesterday from three till seven.

a. learnt

b. were learning


c. have learnt

10. It ________ this week.



a. rained

b. has rained


c. was raining


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